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Hero Idea - The Snake Doctor

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Level 1
Dec 23, 2012
I have a (very rough) idea for a hero (possibly neutral or as part of a custom race) and I wanted to hear your thoughts on it.

The Snake Doctor

There is a folk belief about dragonflies, that they follow snakes around and stitch them back together if they are injured. Because of that they are called "snake doctors" by some people. I was fascinated by that and it made me imagine a hero.

The Snake Doctor is a humanoid that by magic, voodoo, alchemy or some kind of ritual has been partly transformed into an insectoid creature, possibly with compound eyes, a light insect armor and wings.

Which brings us to my heroes first special characteristic - it is a flying unit!
The Snake Doctor is mainly a supporting unit, it is rather fragile but fast. It hast a ranged attack and can attack land and air units.


It obviously needs some kind of healing ability - probably one that heals several units at once, like for example the Healing Wave of the Shadow Hunter.

Summoning Snakes
Summons two (land based) snakes, increasing in strength as the ability is improved.

As for the third ability, I am not sure yet. Either an attack ability, possibly some form of poisoning or some kind of reconnaissance ability, like Far Sight or Scout.

Ultimate: Aura
I always thought it was cool to have an aura as an ultimate ability. One idea of mine is an aura that makes you and nearby friendly units immune to magic. Would that be overpowered, considering it is an Ultimate ability? Maybe a Resistant Skin aura would be ok?
And either way, how could that fit into the lore of the Snake Doctor?

What do you think about my hero? Please keep in mind it is a very early draft.
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Level 1
Dec 23, 2012
I'd like to see more unique spell ideas.
Indeed. Unique spells are hard to balance so I tried to stay conventional but I probably exaggerated a bit.
I don't want to remove Healing and Summoning because they derive from the Snake Doctors lore, so I am thinking about an interesting third ability. And an Ultimate aura is at least something no Blizzard hero had.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Well, if you want some unique ones, just try mixing up the basic ideas or common abilities with each other.

I see him as a support hero, obviously. On his first skill, make it heal allied and damage enemies. A better version if you ask me. For his third skill, I would prefer a scouting one, or better, maybe a ward. Like that serpent ward. For his second one, maybe add a slow/stun for better effects. His last skill, if you plan on using Resistant Skin, maybe it could be renamed to Snake Skin/Scales. It makes all nearby allied units gain the toughness of the skin of a snake, blah blah blah. Immune to magic is too overpowered, especially that its an aura. It makes you practically invulnerable. Maybe Magic Resistance, Armor would do, and the effect increases the more nearby allied/owned heroes.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
For the third ability, I'd suggest a short-range stun, as that's how dragonflies hunt.

Alternately, make his healing ability average on units and extremely strong on his snakes (say it only heals units, while it heals the snake and gives it regeneration, etc.)

For the ultimate aura, make it a channelable one like Big Bad Voodoo, then every unit can be magic immune including the doctor.

And finally, that's a very interesting concept it's built on, but be sure to explain it in-game, as I thought it would be a snake that's also a doctor.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2012
Wow, thanks for all the cool suggestions.
I see him as a support hero, obviously. On his first skill, make it heal allied and damage enemies. A better version if you ask me.
You mean like Holy Light?

Alternately, make his healing ability average on units and extremely strong on his snakes (say it only heals units, while it heals the snake and gives it regeneration, etc.)
Hm...but then it would be useless unless you learned both abilitis. And if you are not in combat but still want to heal allied units you have to summon snakes for nothing. But I do like the idea that it works stronger on his snakes.

For his third skill, I would prefer a scouting one, or better, maybe a ward. Like that serpent ward.
I thought about wards, but I don't want him to be associated with the Witch Doctor. And the serpent ward would be kind of redundant since he also summons snakes. Also I feel like stationary wards do not fit within the concept of a highly mobile hero.

For his second one, maybe add a slow/stun for better effects.
For the third ability, I'd suggest a short-range stun, as that's how dragonflies hunt.
Yeah, stunning sounds very appropriate.

His last skill, if you plan on using Resistant Skin, maybe it could be renamed to Snake Skin/Scales. It makes all nearby allied units gain the toughness of the skin of a snake, blah blah blah. Immune to magic is too overpowered, especially that its an aura. It makes you practically invulnerable. Maybe Magic Resistance, Armor would do, and the effect increases the more nearby allied/owned heroes.
I like those ideas. Only, is it possible to make an effect increase depending on the number of nearby allied heroes? During the holidays I am staying with my parents so I don't have my own computer to try it out right now.

For the ultimate aura, make it a channelable one like Big Bad Voodoo, then every unit can be magic immune including the doctor.
That would prevent it from being overpowered if it is balanced correctly. Thanks, I will think about it.

And finally, that's a very interesting concept it's built on, but be sure to explain it in-game, as I thought it would be a snake that's also a doctor.
Thank you.
Yes, I knew the name causes confusion at first. I am also worried many people will think of the Witch Doctor.
I will need a good backstory to explain the whole Snake Doctor thing. Perhaps he was cursed to aid snakes, like an adam-and-eve-thing punishment? Or he is some ancient guardian that swore to watch over snakes for some reason?
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Kinda like Holy Light. But since you mentioned that he would be a mobile one, I have an idea:
Basically, he summons a serpent/ward on his shoulder/back, which can attack, but can't be attack. Lasts for a long duration.

On the increasing effect, basically you would have a base ability, then an "adding" ability. Every allied/owned hero nearby, you add the "adding" ability in a hidden spellbook. Thats what I think.

For his backstory, maybe he just loves snakes or is more attuned with snakes.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Here's a backstory:

He accidentally killed a Golden Dragonfly, which served as, well, snake doctor to all the local serpents. In retaliation, the dragonfly spirit mutated him into the half-man half-bug he is now, charged with protecting and guarding the snakes. In return, the snakes help and obey him.

Also, I suggest giving either the snake or the snake ward the stun ability (call it neurotoxin or something).
Level 5
Dec 20, 2012
I imagine him either of high elven ot troll origin.

When he was young, he was a very odd kid. A loner, he had no friends and not a caring family member to support him. He develop a slight schizophrenia or psychisis and an unnatural interest for snakes.

With each passing year, his mind grew crazier. At some point, after becoming a well-versed wizard, he escaped into the wilderness to progress with his study of snakes.

He did all sorts of things with snakes, he dissected them, ate them, and even tried to understand their language. He actually succeded in speaking with them and understand, through magic, the snakes' telepathic and body language. His actions more and more ressembled that of the crawling reptiles.

Indirectly, he was gradually mutated by all the magic spells he carelessly developed and overused on snakes. He first noticed transformed forked tongue and, slowly, he even stopped blinking. His back became extremely arched and his arms grew longer and thinner until, he began walking on his four extremities. At a much latter stage, he developped wings and his skin, peeled off an the course of one summer as scales grew beneath.

At the end of his transformation his mind was completly warped and had succesfully lost any trace of reason and fair judgement. He forgot the many languages he had learned replaced by small contractions in the body with wich he communicated with his followers, the snakes.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2012
Kinda like Holy Light.
Hm...but I also want it to heal several units at once. Making it able to hurt enemies as well would make it sort of overpowered, unless it is less efficient.

But since you mentioned that he would be a mobile one, I have an idea:
Basically, he summons a serpent/ward on his shoulder/back, which can attack, but can't be attack. Lasts for a long duration.
It would still be rather similar to the summoned snakes while a Reconnaissance or Stun would be something different.

On the increasing effect, basically you would have a base ability, then an "adding" ability. Every allied/owned hero nearby, you add the "adding" ability in a hidden spellbook. Thats what I think.
I will try it out, thanks.

I imagine him either of high elven ot troll origin.

When he was young, he was a very odd kid. A loner, he had no friends and not a caring family member to support him. He develop a slight schizophrenia or psychisis and an unnatural interest for snakes.

With each passing year, his mind grew crazier. At some point, after becoming a well-versed wizard, he escaped into the wilderness to progress with his study of snakes.

He did all sorts of things with snakes, he dissected them, ate them, and even tried to understand their language. He actually succeded in speaking with them and understand, through magic, the snakes' telepathic and body language. His actions more and more ressembled that of the crawling reptiles.

Indirectly, he was gradually mutated by all the magic spells he carelessly developed and overused on snakes. He first noticed transformed forked tongue and, slowly, he even stopped blinking. His back became extremely arched and his arms grew longer and thinner until, he began walking on his four extremities. At a much latter stage, he developped wings and his skin, peeled off an the course of one summer as scales grew beneath.

At the end of his transformation his mind was completly warped and had succesfully lost any trace of reason and fair judgement. He forgot the many languages he had learned replaced by small contractions in the body with wich he communicated with his followers, the snakes.
I never imagined him as being insane. An interesting idea.

Here's a backstory:

He accidentally killed a Golden Dragonfly, which served as, well, snake doctor to all the local serpents. In retaliation, the dragonfly spirit mutated him into the half-man half-bug he is now, charged with protecting and guarding the snakes. In return, the snakes help and obey him.
Hm, a harsh punishment for an accident. Maybe he did something on purpose. Let's say there was an enchanted pond that gave the dragonflies intelligence and magical powers. He destroyed that pond and so they partly transformed him into one of theirs.

Also, I suggest giving either the snake or the snake ward the stun ability (call it neurotoxin or something).
Yes, maybe on a higher level.

What model do you plan to use?
I haven't decided yet.
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