-There's about 40 different playable heroes, and i will do my best at adding new ones.
-There are shops scattered around the map, where items can be bought.
-The creeps spawn after Player 1 (RED) types "Begingame"
-Junglecamps will spawn after 120 seconds, and will respawn every 120 seconds.
-When the game starts you get 1 Lumber which you can use to buy a hero.
-When your Hero dies, there's a 35 second respawn timer, and you will lose 150 gold.
-All costum icons, and models are from
- 100% experience shared.
-Agility: no longer gives armor
-Clock: added
-Gold income: increased to 30 per minute from 6 per minute
-Intelligence: No longer gives mana regeneration
-Multiboard: Titles added
-Multiboard: Death icon changed
-Multiboard: Current Gold added
-Multiboard: Hero level added
-Strength: No longer gives health regeneration
-All heroes: increased armor by 2
-All heroes: Increased health regeneration by 1,5
-All heroes: increased mana regeneration by 1,5
-Undead: now allways have heath regeneration
- Bor, the Mountain King: Base movement speed decreased to 250 from 270
- Kelen, the Fire Prince: Intelligance per level decreased to 2.7 from 3
-Beasts Howl: Decreased number of levels to 1 from 5
-Beasts Howl: Hotkey changed to "R" from "E"
-Beasts Howl: Damage reduction increased to 75% from 25%/35%/45%/55%/65%
-Beasts Howl: Added armor reduction 5
-Beasts Howl: Radius increased to 800 from 500
-Beasts Howl: Cooldown increased to 165 from 12
-Beasts Howl: Mana cost increased to 150 from 75
-Entangling roots: Duration decreased to 3 from 2/3/4/5/6
-Entangling roots: Cooldown increased to 10 from 8
-Entangling roots: Damage increased to 40/55/70/90/100 from 15/20/25/30/25
-Entangling roots: Cast range decreased to 350 from 500
-Faerie Fire: Duration decreased to 8 from 8/10/12/14/16
-Faerie Fire: Cast range decreased to 200 from 500
-Faerie Fire: Cooldown increased to 12 from 9
-Healing Wave: Added Healing caster by 150 (If health % of caster is less than 50%)
-Healing Wave: Added restore 50 mana (If health % of caster is greater than 50%)
-Healing Wave: Cooldown increased to 16 from 9
-Hex: Added 100 chaos damage(if the targets health % is lover, than the casters health %)
-Hex: Added: make the percentage health of caster to the percentage health of target (If the casters health percentage is greater, than the targets health percentage)
-Hoof Stomp: increased cooldown to 8/11/14/17/20 from 8
-Inner Flame: Mana cost decreased to 0 from 75
-Inner Flame: Cost 75 health
-Phoenix: Description fixed
-Phoenix: In-game ability fixed
-Slow: Added damage: Targets maximum health / Random:[6,7,8,9,10]
-Slow: Renamed "Blade Bond"
-Slow: Mana cost increased to 85 from 50
-Slow: Cooldown increased to 18 from 10/8/6/4/2
-Slow: Slow decreased to 10%/13%/16%/19%/22% from 60%
-Slow: Cast range increased to 550 from 400
-Stampede: Hotkey changed to "E" from "R"
-Stampede: Increased number of levels to 5 from 1
-Stampede: Beast per second increased to 32 from 10
-Stampede: Damage decreased to 10/15/20/25/30 from 50
-Stampede: Duration decreased to 1 from 15
-Stampede: Damage radius decreased to 150 from 350
-Stampede: Radius decreased to 300 from 500
-Stampede: Damage delay decreased to 0,01 from 0.2
-Stampede: Cooldown decreased to 21 from 200
-Stampede: Mana cost decreased to 95 from 200
-Tranquillity: Heal buildings
-Vampiric Aura: strength bonus added, Random-[1,2,3,4,5] + 1/2/3/4/5
-Items added in this patch, are not able to be purchased, but acquired when the requirements are met.
- Axe of Destruction: added
- Axe of Destruction: +5 to all stats, + 15 damage, passive bash (10% chance, 25 damage, 1 second duration)
- Axe of Destruction: requires "Claws of Attack", "Rusty Mining Pick", "Essence of Aszune"
- Valor Shield: Added
- Valor Shield: +150 health, + 4 armor, + 3 intelligence, + 3 health regeneration
- Valor Shield: requires "Ring of Regeneration", "Shield of defends", "Periapt of Vitality"
- Spectral Plate: added
- Spectral Plate: + 50 health, + 150 mana, + 2 armor, + 2 to all stats
- Spectral Plate: requires "Pendant of Energy", "Enchanted Shield", "Circlet of Nobility"
Warcraft, Moba