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Hero Brawl 1.09

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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-There's about 40 different playable heroes, and i will do my best at adding new ones.
-There are shops scattered around the map, where items can be bought.
-The creeps spawn after Player 1 (RED) types "Begingame"
-Junglecamps will spawn after 120 seconds, and will respawn every 120 seconds.
-When the game starts you get 1 Lumber which you can use to buy a hero.
-When your Hero dies, there's a 35 second respawn timer, and you will lose 150 gold.
-All costum icons, and models are from Hiveworkshop.com

- 100% experience shared.
-Agility: no longer gives armor
-Clock: added
-Gold income: increased to 30 per minute from 6 per minute
-Intelligence: No longer gives mana regeneration
-Multiboard: Titles added
-Multiboard: Death icon changed
-Multiboard: Current Gold added
-Multiboard: Hero level added
-Strength: No longer gives health regeneration

-All heroes: increased armor by 2
-All heroes: Increased health regeneration by 1,5
-All heroes: increased mana regeneration by 1,5
-Undead: now allways have heath regeneration
- Bor, the Mountain King: Base movement speed decreased to 250 from 270
- Kelen, the Fire Prince: Intelligance per level decreased to 2.7 from 3

-Beasts Howl: Decreased number of levels to 1 from 5
-Beasts Howl: Hotkey changed to "R" from "E"
-Beasts Howl: Damage reduction increased to 75% from 25%/35%/45%/55%/65%
-Beasts Howl: Added armor reduction 5
-Beasts Howl: Radius increased to 800 from 500
-Beasts Howl: Cooldown increased to 165 from 12
-Beasts Howl: Mana cost increased to 150 from 75
-Entangling roots: Duration decreased to 3 from 2/3/4/5/6
-Entangling roots: Cooldown increased to 10 from 8
-Entangling roots: Damage increased to 40/55/70/90/100 from 15/20/25/30/25
-Entangling roots: Cast range decreased to 350 from 500
-Faerie Fire: Duration decreased to 8 from 8/10/12/14/16
-Faerie Fire: Cast range decreased to 200 from 500
-Faerie Fire: Cooldown increased to 12 from 9
-Healing Wave: Added Healing caster by 150 (If health % of caster is less than 50%)
-Healing Wave: Added restore 50 mana (If health % of caster is greater than 50%)
-Healing Wave: Cooldown increased to 16 from 9
-Hex: Added 100 chaos damage(if the targets health % is lover, than the casters health %)
-Hex: Added: make the percentage health of caster to the percentage health of target (If the casters health percentage is greater, than the targets health percentage)
-Hoof Stomp: increased cooldown to 8/11/14/17/20 from 8
-Inner Flame: Mana cost decreased to 0 from 75
-Inner Flame: Cost 75 health
-Phoenix: Description fixed
-Phoenix: In-game ability fixed
-Slow: Added damage: Targets maximum health / Random:[6,7,8,9,10]
-Slow: Renamed "Blade Bond"
-Slow: Mana cost increased to 85 from 50
-Slow: Cooldown increased to 18 from 10/8/6/4/2
-Slow: Slow decreased to 10%/13%/16%/19%/22% from 60%
-Slow: Cast range increased to 550 from 400
-Stampede: Hotkey changed to "E" from "R"
-Stampede: Increased number of levels to 5 from 1
-Stampede: Beast per second increased to 32 from 10
-Stampede: Damage decreased to 10/15/20/25/30 from 50
-Stampede: Duration decreased to 1 from 15
-Stampede: Damage radius decreased to 150 from 350
-Stampede: Radius decreased to 300 from 500
-Stampede: Damage delay decreased to 0,01 from 0.2
-Stampede: Cooldown decreased to 21 from 200
-Stampede: Mana cost decreased to 95 from 200
-Tranquillity: Heal buildings
-Vampiric Aura: strength bonus added, Random-[1,2,3,4,5] + 1/2/3/4/5

-Items added in this patch, are not able to be purchased, but acquired when the requirements are met.
- Axe of Destruction: added
- Axe of Destruction: +5 to all stats, + 15 damage, passive bash (10% chance, 25 damage, 1 second duration)
- Axe of Destruction: requires "Claws of Attack", "Rusty Mining Pick", "Essence of Aszune"
- Valor Shield: Added
- Valor Shield: +150 health, + 4 armor, + 3 intelligence, + 3 health regeneration
- Valor Shield: requires "Ring of Regeneration", "Shield of defends", "Periapt of Vitality"
- Spectral Plate: added
- Spectral Plate: + 50 health, + 150 mana, + 2 armor, + 2 to all stats
- Spectral Plate: requires "Pendant of Energy", "Enchanted Shield", "Circlet of Nobility"

Warcraft, Moba

Hero Brawl 1.09 (Map)

19:57, 2nd Jan 2015 Orcnet: Please read my commentary below, it will help you well about your map's grade.




19:57, 2nd Jan 2015
Orcnet: Please read my commentary below, it will help you well about your map's grade.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
The Map feels a bit too quick for an upload right now, most of the heroes I've tested in the game are just copy pasta of the original heroes from the melee, the rest were just renames of the original abilities and sfx were changed.

There are no multiboards to explain how the teams are doing in the game whether they are losing or winning, getting points or not. The trigger where it drags the view of a player that got its hero killed into the main well is a bug eye, how about remove it, also there is a lot of trigger work to fully sustain the AoE genre for this one.

For now, its best if you can use this for practice or better more go to our site's Map Development forum and start a thread to get better feedback and backbone.
Level 2
Dec 22, 2014
I agree, some of the heroes I use in my map, is just heroes from the original game. But that is only like 2 or 3 of them, that have thier original kit. True 95% of the spells is just spells from the warcraft game, but i'm just not very good with triggers and I will try to stay as much away from them as I can. And about the multiboard-thing, I'm working on it, but i'm just not very good with triggers so i'm having a lot of trouble with it.