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Help with gameplay constant

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Level 2
Jul 30, 2015
Hi guys I'm new here. I'm creating a map (I've never done one before and I'm a complete noob at w3 map editor so I don't think I will upload it, it's just for fun) and I created a building that's something like a bank, and I want it to have an upgrade that changes the food upkeep only for your team (Sorry if I'm not explaining myself too well) for example that low upkeep moves to 61 food, and high upkeep moves to 91 food but just for that team.

I couldn't find a way to do it as part of the upgrade itself, so what I've done so far is to create an "empty" upgrade that does nothing, and what I'm trying to do is to create a trigger that checks if you started to upgrade that empty upgrade, so when it finish, the food upkeep will change.
Is there any way to change a gameplay constant in a trigger and just for one team?

I searched everywhere and I didn't find a solution to this as it's a very specific problem.

Sorry for my bad english again and thank you in advance!!
Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
AFAIK, there's no way to change those upkeep limits with triggers. However, you could trigger the whole upkeep system (it's quite easy actually). There's an action "Player - set property" which allows you to set gold upkeep rate.

Basically you need an event to detect when a player acquires or loses a unit, in actions you check the current food usage and research level of that upgrade, and set the upkeep accordingly.
Level 2
Jul 30, 2015
Thank you both for your responses. But can you explain me about the gold upkeep? Because when I try to change it, it just says "set property - gold upkeep rate to - 750 (Default)" Which number should I set to move the low and high upkeep?? I don't understand why 750 is default.
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Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
Don't worry about the default value, that's just some value without any logical meaning. Upkeep rates for medium and high upkeep are 30% and 60%. Because the value parameter is an integer, I believe 30 and 60 are the correct values. You could try it with different values.
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