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Upkeep Interface error.

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Level 4
Dec 15, 2007
Hey, I keep getting an error when moving mouse over the "Upkeep" in-game after I changed on some interface options there, however I want my change to be there, just without the error part.
This is the one I been editing on:

Text - General - |N%d-%d Food: %s|R (%d%% G, %d%% L)
Text - General - |N%d-%d Food: %s|R (%d%% income)

Here, is my verson of it:

Text - General - Disguise: %s|R
Text - General - Disguise: %s|R

My point in changing this, is that I want to remove the 0-50/ /51-80/ /81-300 parts in it and the % Income which is at the end. Wanting it to look something like this (In-game):

Disguise: No Disguise (as No Upkeep)
Disguise: Civilian (as Low Upkeep
Disguise: Footman's Armor (as High Upkeep)

Or only the No/Low/High Upkeep parts.

I think i'm looking for some sort of raw data for the upkeeps.. If anyone understand me; "HelpIs Equal to Appreciated";P
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Well change the No Upkeep to No disguise etc etc etc
Then modify game play constants to modify food levels for upkeep levels (at bottom)

You need to give/take food (with dummies or etc) for changing upkeep I guess

My Suggestion: Make info leaderboard and change upkeep text to game name :/
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
Asking for removing %100 ?
You need to make leaderboard black and make text black
otherwise you can just make it little visible like in DotA
Level 4
Dec 15, 2007
Not quite what I was after, but figured out how to live with the numbers. Why struggle with them, when I can just.. Use them. "Suspicious rate 100%" for example:)
Thanks anyways. Good to see you're always here for me O2, I appreciate that x)
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