Help: iNfraNe's Water

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Level 2
Oct 10, 2007
I wasn't sure if I should post this here, in world editor help, or what, so...

I am having serious issues getting iNfraNe's water model( to work properly.

I set it up as a doodad, properly scale it and add pathing to it, but I when I try to place it on the terrain it only shows the first layer of water, and none of the lower ones. I know there's a way to increase the height of a doodad, but I can't find it. Is there some way to add fields in an object's list of fields(i.e. add: Elevation Sample Radius field(or whatever the proper field is))? Or if that isn't possible, how can I get the water doodad to ignore the terrain height, thus allowing me to place it, then raise the terrain to the proper level.

Barring both of those, how the hell can I fix the damn thing... I'm rather new to mapping.

Thank you for your time.
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