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Helms Deep v5.1D final (protected)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is Helms deep TFT 5.1C protected, probably the most balanced and fun version of helms deep.
The only default i would say on the map is that it isnt really roleplay based, as it doesnt fit the book really well. But anyway, for those who read the book : there are no elves in helms deep (but legolas) so there are NO helms deep map which are really roleplayed at this moment.

Contents :
In more than classical helms deep :
-Heroes haven't same power and some are triggered.
-All "defenders" heroes but legolas and haldir could be really fun to play (legolas and haldir are "classicals").
-The "sword" or "bow" is really a main fact in the map (you can switch weapon for most units and heroes).
-There are events which happens during the battle (a knight charge, a nazgul attack, some renforts for orcs, a saramune buff for every orcs, an elwyn and some villager help, help from an eagle of gandalf).
-There are an "outside" fortification
-Huruk hai have "flag" which allow them to really easily control all their army, which allow them to concentrate more or their heroes
-Added some voices in the beginning cinematic :p
-Added models
-Every defender player have a (or some) specifical special units in more than his hero and normal units (as the old man, hala, elwyn...). Sometime they get it latter in game.
-All the rest are bug fixes, balance, some units and terran lands and so on.

The original map seems to be from "Yourdaddy612" being edited by "Ca_s_the_c" then by me.
The "ranger" and "aragorn" models are from "hueter".

There shouldnt be any major bug, played it like 40 times without important bugs.

Please, signal me any bug, imbalance or so on you would see, thanks.

News 5.1B :

Balance :
-The huruk hai building which create ladders had too less hp. 1000--->10000 and towers
are now invulnerable and does 3 more time damages. No change on "huruk hai spawn" building
-Defender's tower damages was nerves (240--->220) less health point (1200--->750),
but they take 3Xless damages from ranged attacks.
A lot of towers have been removed/added/displaced.
-Nazgul now pop in a different way, it's most of the time faster,
it should help begginers a lot. In more, he now does 4Xmore damages on outside building.
-Experience "range" for heroes is now 6000 (instead of 1200),
and orcs heroes gain 100% more experience
-There is now a circle of power under the bridge to easily see where drop the bomb.
Now, you just need to send a bomb on the circle and it will explode 20 seconds later
(you don't need two bombs and one lighter).
Moreover, it will explode after a defined time if huruk hai didnt blow it before.
-The new disposition of towers, some terran changement, doors and so on
should really change the way huruk hai advance into the fortress (more progresive)
-Berserkers are now way stronger, but cost a little more.
Some will be given to each orcs players during the battle,
but huruk will have a little less gold to compensate.
-Some more (or differents) units for some players
-Did various nerves on the eagle of gandalf (5 last minutes)

New :
-Added a teleporter in the armory, so heroes could take down orcs
from there easily without being locked as usual
-If orcs take down the left part of the city,
they will get a portal to easily attack from there (may remove it if player do not like)

MIsc :
-Changed the model of elite archer to elves archer. Don't know if it's a good idea,
but at least it's easier to see which archer to keep :p
-Removed the "no food" alert sound...
-Some works to reduce download/loading time
-Change on the outside wall, it should look more prety and less chaotic.

5.1C fixes (minor changes) :

-Corrected a bug that decreased player 9 and 10 heroes's armor, so they will have around 7 more armors.
-Added around 35 seconds to timer (it began during the cinematic (that was intented)).
As the last seconds are the more importants (mass gold, the 12% bonus, the hall is hard to defend), it should help :p
-Decreased the life of most melee defenders (not heroes).
-Damage of berserkers are now less random. Because sometime, they may just instakill your hero -_-*.
-Changed the mana cost of the ultimate of Hama/Gimli.
-Removed two towers from the right side (near the armory)
-Added info for the "rage" system for gimli and hama (because of leavers...)
-Added a ladder emplacement in the armory, because if defenders really played well, you just cannot break the hall.
So there are some changes in the hall too.
-Decreased some doors life.

Games should really begin to be tied, even when orcs aren't great (you still have chance against good orcs if you'r good).

5.1D :
-Preview screen
-High nerf on the ultimate of the player 12 heroes, up on frostshield
-Some changes about the armory ladder/the fountain
-Some other minor balance fixes
-Some minor bugs fixes

Lord of the ring, legolas, gimli, aragorn, helms deep, LOTR, defenders, castle

Helms Deep v5.1D final (protected) (Map)

21:55, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
lol "For those who read the book : there are no elves in helms deep (but legolas) so there are NO helms deep map which are really roleplayed"
THERE ARE FREAKIN ELVES TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 3
Jan 21, 2009
My rating


+ Working terrain
+ Nice models
+ Mass control system (for evil)


~ No new game idea
~ Unrealistic game :fp: Galadriel in Helms Deep


- Very unbalanced game (good is overpowered)
- Terrain looks unprofessional and chaotic ( Not very exact work)
- No own loading screen

Solution to improve the game:

Make evil heroes stronger, decrease atk damage of towers, make evil buildings immortal ( at least the towers)
Fix terrain because it looks bad and confusing
To create a loading screen you need the warcraft 3 model editor here is a link where you can download it: http://home.magosx.com/index.php?topic=6.0. Read the tutorial about how to create a loading screen in the model editor.


Most Helms Deep Games are unbalanced (Good is most time stronger) in this one it is the same and for me this is a big minus point. Fix it and the game could be good.
So it´s just 0815 Helms Deep. The game at all looks unprofessional, especially the little walls in the middle of the side of Helms Deep.


+ Game is more balanced. Although I would still add 5 min to time.
+ Better Nazkul-and Wall Break system
+ Outer Wall looks better now

Could still be improved:

Difficulties to choose (time)
Armor of Evil heroes could increase more with levels
Own Loading screen and preview screen still missing
AI for (leaving) evil players

Old rating: 2,82
Improves: +0,72

MyRating: 3,54
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Level 3
Jan 21, 2009
Well, i really do think evil are strong, so that's why "Very unbalanced game (good is overpowered)" make me speak so much.

You cannot think of evil as professional at least 1-2 of them are total noobs.
PS. The outer walls don´t fall if you just put all units outside evil has no chance to break through. :fp: Nazkul doesn´t appears. Evil heroes die too fast by archers to level up fast enough then. So it happened in the game i played..... We even killed evil camps by rushing them with all our units although all evil players played.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
I tell you this right now when I review maps I never put points. Before I start the review, he said from the book, so he follows the book and not the movie, apperently it's either there really was no elves or your just lazy to do them.

Here I'll give you a suggestion because people complain about how hard it is and stuff like that, put up a difficulty, so you place a handicap against the uruk-kai. Say easy mode (-10% HP, -5% damage) Normal, (normal da?), Hard (+10% HP and +5% damage.)

I've lost track of how many helm's deep imitations is there, but I do like this one.

The terrain is the same old same old. But well done, it almost looks like Helm's Deep

The triggers: Deeping wall blows up, main gate destroys, ladders sticks and climbs, victory and defeat works.

Gameplay: Well the gameplay is the same your either good or evil, your good you defend, your evil you attack, simple concept. Nazguls LOL WUT? The only thing Isenguard sent to them, was Uruk-kais (sword, berserker, pikemen, squad captain or something, crossbows, ladders, battering rams, Ballistas, Ballistas that armed with rope for heavy ladders.) The armored trolls (BOOK PEOPLE, movie hasn't had trolls but book if I remember right does.)

I suppose a twist is ok like Lurtz is back from the dead, or Saruman comes in and zaps people to death.... but that would be stupid.

Finally, towers... not sure how does towers get inside a fortress. Wierd suggestion, make a bomb blow up the gate to, cause it's not like it defies the physics.
Level 5
Mar 7, 2009
Could still be improved:

Difficulties to choose (time)
Armor of Evil heroes could increase more with levels
Own Loading screen and preview screen still missing
AI for (leaving) evil players
Difficulties to choose : I don't say the idea is bad, why not, but... Isn't that a bit special to give "difficulties" to PLAYERS ? I mean, that's not like if it was stupid AI or whatever. Maybe i could give a vote for each team to choose if they want the match to be hard or easy for them (of course 4 votes for hurukhai=7 votes for defender).

Armor of Evil heroes could increase more with levels : Well, in fact, i just discovered a bug about orcs armor. Player 9 and 10 armors was lower than suposed, so they will have the same armor than player 1. For player 12, i don't know exactly as he is ranged, maybe i will add a little armor.

AI for (leaving) evil players : Anyway, use the flag of a leaving player isn't very hard, but it's a good idea and i will do it one day.

Own Loading screen and preview screen still missing : I will do it too one day, but i don't find it to be very important, and second, it really increase the size of the map, (maybe nearly double the size), so it's really a huge default when players want to download. EDIT : Huh, i tried for the preview screen but i just didnt find where to change it ... lol

lol "For those who read the book : there are no elves in helms deep (but legolas) so there are NO helms deep map which are really roleplayed"
THERE ARE FREAKIN ELVES TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are elves in movies, but not in the book. The movie doesn't fit the book too.

Else, i read you Tau Empire, but i haven't nothing special to answer ^^
I would just say than the "towers" idea is because it really helps to balance the game, because they are really strong BUT cannot be back, so it's mainly the thing who decides if orcs will get the point or not.
For the nazgul, i agree that's quite a special idea, and i knew it, but well... I like the way it does in the game.
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My Review:
[-]It was ugly,cuz "captain of rohan","Witch elve" and "king of rohan",they just had the same voice?lol
[-]"Haldir of Lorien" has a male voice?
[-]The Heroes should have triggered spells,standard spells are boring.
[+]The terrain was actually good in my opinion.
[+]I liked the game beginning cinematic,it was well made.
Its not a bad map,but keep updating it and it'll get better^^
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Level 5
Mar 7, 2009
Should i die of laughter ? The game you linked REALLY need work. It has all but balance, and i find a lot of problems in.
There are really gameplay problems and balance in my opinon. (i agree models, terrans, animation, events and so on are great).

So, i won't spit on this game because the map maker probably passed a lot of time on and because the game has potiential, but i'm sure you shouldn't talk about this game as "the great one" and spit on my version.
Level 3
Jan 21, 2009
EDIT : Huh, i tried for the preview screen but i just didnt find where to change it ... lol

I tell you how to create a mappreview:
Take the picture you want. Size it to 128x128 and transform the file into a tga file. Now you just import it with the name war3mapPreview.tga and delete the war3mapimported. Ready is your preview screen.
Level 4
Jul 8, 2009
Erm.... heck, oyu don't even need the model editor s'far as i know.... couldn't you just use Paint or Photoshop?

Well, based on the opinions of other people.... i'm not sure i'm going to play this until the next update. Still, keep working and eventually make it good. No map is perfect, no matter what people say.

P.S Did that even make Sense?
Level 12
Oct 19, 2008
"This is Helms deep TFT 5.1C protected, probably the most balanced and fun version of helms deep." That made me to not want to play it. You really shouldn't and can't say things like that about your map. Well you could tell us you yourself think that is the best helms deep sure, but..