You dont give DC to 'good' aos maps, 'good' td's,
When people say stuff like that, it means they they have something in mind. Lets hear it. If you don't, then you are simply not part of the solution, but part of the problem.
There are meny critiera I consider when issuing a DC. Here's what I go by:
-Terraining (how well the map looks in-game)
-Inginuity (How well did the author manipulated triggers to create unique effects?)
-Fun factor/gameplay (How fun the map is actually fun to play?)
-Replay Value (Is is worth coming back to after completing?)
-Use of imported matierial (Were imported models/skins implemented properly?)
-Rouph Edges (Green icons, spelling mistakes, ect. and other small things easy to look over were fixed? this typically shows how much time was put into a map, if there arent any)
-Single player compatabiliy (Can it be played by myself?)
-AI support (Was AI implemented so a full house of human players is not needed to create a worthwhile game?)
-Originality (is is a new/fresh idea that no one else has explored?)
-File size (Is the map B-net firendly?)
-Balancing (is the map fair and does not give certain players unfair advantages?)
-Optimization (not to be confused with optimizers...was the map optimized for online play, such as memory leaks plugged?)
-Finished/Play tested (Is the map complete and free of bugs?)
-Packaging (does the map look appealing to those browsing and/or gives an appealing description?
-Credits (Does the author give proper credits for imported meterial?)
-Theme (Did the map try to meet a specific theme? How well did it do that?)
-Compare/contrast (Does the map exceed the quality of others of the same genre?)
-Overall effort/Quality (Does it look like the map had a lot of time and effort put into it?)
It doesnt mean it has to excel in every single one of those catagoeies. This map surely did not meet all those, but it met enouh in my book. Some catagories do not apply, such as the multiplayer oriented ones (file size, ect) for when I test single player maps and the such.