1) Terrain - Excellent (5)
2) Ingenuity -
3) Minor Error -
4) Replay Value - Excellent (5)
5) Fun factor/gameplay - Excellent (5)
6) Use of imported material -
7) Single player -
8) AI support -
9) Camera -
10) Originality -
11) File Size - Excellent (5)
12) Balancing -
13) Packaging - Excellent (5)
14) Credits -
15) Storyline - Excellent (5)
16) Theme - Excellent (5)
17) Protection - Excellent (5)
18) Quality - Excellent (5)
19) Description/Information - Excellent (5)
20) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Excellent (5)
Total Accumulation Point : 55/55 + 45 (Review) = 100
[+] - Good detail provided
[+] - Good storyline
[+] - Fairly distribute resources
[+] - Well balance creep and item drop
[+] - Well develop terrain
[!] - Most of the destructible/doodad placed around the edge of it, try add some around the path as well.
[-] -
Review : Well, I am absolutely speechless as the terrain and storyline of this map are well develop. The storyline follow the theme of the map style, rendering it quality to a higher standard.
Infact, you provide every necessary information of this map down to the resources each gold mine have which is good as it could prove to be useful.
In addition, the drop seems to be fair and amount of creep seem to be balance.
I could said this map is flawless and great if you are trying to play melee map with your buddy as you could enjoy it.
Overall, this map could be consider as gold version and deserve a full score for it.
Another 45 point for this map.
Keep up the good work.