Basically, any ability based on item Health Bonus cannot level up.
For example.
Level 1 - 10 bonus health
Level 2 - 20 Bonus health
Upon increasing the level of the ability, the bonus health remains at 10. However when the ability is unlearned, 20 health is lost. Its as if the abiltiy was infact level 2.
I dont need a Bonus Mod system since there is a cap, a very low one infact.
For example.
Level 1 - 10 bonus health
Level 2 - 20 Bonus health
Upon increasing the level of the ability, the bonus health remains at 10. However when the ability is unlearned, 20 health is lost. Its as if the abiltiy was infact level 2.
I dont need a Bonus Mod system since there is a cap, a very low one infact.