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Great new Real Life map idea, need help...

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Level 2
Oct 26, 2004
Hello, this is DarkFigure, GamerXII's brother acually. I'm planning on making a new Real Life map and set the city up kinda like Venice (Probably spelled name wrong but it's the one with rivers for roads). Anyways, first of all I need some of your opinions.

1. Should I make it so that the houses are on the map and you walk into them (Like you do in most real lifes) OR should I make it so that the buildings are models and you use waygates to enter them and have the interiors of the buildings in a separate part of the map?

2. Should I make it so...?
A. You buy one house and can keep adding rooms to it.
B. You buy a plot of land and customize a house on it by building walls and stuff.
C. You buy a house and the set up of the house doesn't change and to get a bigger home you must buy a new one.

3. Should I construct houses out of terrain or should I use doodads to form walls, ect?

4. Should I bother making it so that there are really a wide variety of jobs or since all the jobs are bound to be boring should I just make it so your job is to sit inside an office room for a certain period of time?

Secondly, I'm going to need TONS of custom models. I want to make it so the towns people look like modern people, not medieval peasents. I would also like to make the bikers on the street look like bikers and the speed boats to look like speed boats. Basically, I'm probably going to use all or close to all custom models if I can. I'd also like to add extra features like furniture that you can buy. Unfortunately, I don't know how to custom skin or make modles...

I intend to make it so you can save your job experience (You earn job experience for doing your job and lose it when you don't. Job experience will be what determines if you qualify for a job or not and how much they pay you.) and have it save your money that you have in the bank from game to game.

If anyone could post what they think about my ideas or their opinion of if my map is even worth making that would be awsome. Also, if anyone has any models already made that might help me or has a lot of free time and wants to make them feel free to post them in this thread.

I don't know any JASS code and I don't know how to do custom skins and modles but I a wizard with the Wc3 editor otherwise, so if anyone can help me out in these areas that would be appreciated.

Level 2
Oct 26, 2004
Wow, only posted this less than an hour ago and I have 7 views and a reply, i like this forum.

Anyways. For jobs I'm thinking I'm going to make most of them follow one of the 3 different formats I have laied out.

1. Retrieve item/unit/other and bring it to location and repeat this action (As in taxi driver, pick up passenger and drop him off at a location).

2. Prevent/cause event (As in a firefighter, a fire is started, you go there and put it out).

3. Office job (Boring job where you just sit there and earn cash, but usually pays well).

Also, i'm planning on having it so you do receive pay checks instead of just getting gold on the spot.

Once again, if anyone has questions/suggestions/comments, feel free to post here.
Level 3
May 26, 2004
Clan ARLC is mostly a mapmaking and roleplaying clan. We usually make projects like my map that I just showed the link to you that i'm working on. Simple clan isn't it?
Level 3
May 26, 2004
From what Eusira said, sure it could. That is one of our somewhat goal of ours. Just see the screenshots and you would understand. But anyway, if you want, take a visit at channel Clan ARLC at USWest.
Level 8
Jul 9, 2004
lol ARLC im in that clan and i cant remember the name... its like advanced real life something... i dunno i forgot and dont play wc3 much (no good maps ppl spend to much time in wc3 sites!!!)
Level 3
Jul 5, 2004
note to TS (=Topicstarter):

no one uses a bike in Venice, believe me i have been on a student exchange program to Italy. we went for one day to Venice and havent seen any bike.

We stayed at Udine, which is 150 Km from Venice but another class of our school stayed with Venecians in Venice. they never took bike or anything, always by foot or boat. so the bike thing would be.. dumb.

Venice is the English translation of Venezia, but their are alot of translations for the city:

Level 2
Oct 26, 2004
Thanks for info, I've never been to Venice before... or out of Wisconsin for that matter...

The bike thing wouldn't be totally retarded, I said it was a city with river roads like Venice, not is Vencie.

I'm working on colleting some useful models right now. If anyone bored and would like something to do I was hoping someone could make a Venice-Like tileset with brick cliffs going into water and stone pathways. I'd also like any models relating to household items (Desks, tables, chairs, ect.)

Also, if anyone knows how to make a bridge that ships can go under without using a waygate but still have people walk over it I would like very much to have one.

I wish I knew how to do custom models and skinning...
Level 4
Nov 22, 2004
i think i giot an idea, never tested...

hey man, i can help, ,maybe:

its about the house system, entering and exiting the houses can be like this:

create a new unit: house

this unit is walkable (or not, its up to ya)

nou put a medium region at the front door
and put a region that represents the entire house

then build walls(doodads) and stuff righ where the house is going to be.
now heres the magic:

u will put the doodas "INSIDE THE WALKABLE HOUSE", and the action is that when the unit enters the front door region, remove the house. when u remove the house, the doodads tha where hidden under the house will show up. while inside the house, the only things visible will be EVERYTHING u put inside the house, but the house itself, the unit, , will not be there.
when the unit leaves the house, another region that i forgot to mention will be there IN FRON OF THE "frontdoor" REGION, so that i doesnt happens BUGS. when the unit lleaves, hes goung to pass thru the region and this region will have a triger in it that activates an action that makes the house unit appear back. theres gonna be a bug (i think), cause, where will the house appear? in the ENTIRE HOUSE REGION, thats why its there. and the WALKABLE ability can be turned on in the stats of the unit, when creating it. the walkable ability makes the objects inside the house be able to stay right there when u come back., so, i think i might be like this:

trigger: entering house
Event> a unit enters region
conditions> entering unit equal to (whatever u want)
Action> Variable- set House unit= houseVariable
unit- remove <house unit> from the game

Trigger: leaving house
Event> a unit enters region
Conditions> entering unit equal to <someunit>
Action> create 1 houseVariable at the center of
HouseRegion blah blah blah...

thats it, any questions or bugs related to this,
[email protected]
Level 5
Sep 22, 2004
I have some ideas for jobs!

-constructor - you should be the one, who is creating boats, and you will need to go around and search for the traders, who will have a wood.

-merchant/trader - this two should selling the goods to other players. Wood for CONSTRUCTOR, stone for your house, Tools for blacksmiths and so on..

-doctor - this unit should walking around the city and looking for ill or hurted people, when you will heal them, they would give you gold

-policeman - you should walk around and stop bastard from doing bad. For each bastard you should have some gold

-carpenter - you should creating benches, drawers, tabels and other house equipment, but first you will have to bought some wood from merchant

-pet shop owner - you should create a unit, who will selling pets.
(if you will have pig, it will grow and growi, when it will be realy fat you should take this pig to butcher to create a sausages)

Here are some ideas, I hope it will help you, and sorry for my bad english! :wink:
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