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Great Battles of Warcraft: DreadLord's Fall v 1.4

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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At that same moment, back in the Plaguelands, Sylvanas and her loyal minions plan their next surgical strike against the dreadlords' power.


Did you want when the thread during the campaign to take the place of your enemy? Did you want to play for unavailable factions? Now its possible.

It is an attempt to create new experience of the Warcraft 3 campaigns. Play with your friends against each other.

This map for 4 players. Every player have a unique units and heroes.


Sylvanas and Varimathras Army ( 1 team)

Detheroc and Garithos Army ( 2 team)

  • New Armies
  • New Units
  • New Triggers
  • Improved Terrain
  • A New Quest
  • Playable Army of Garithos and Detheroc








GBoW:Dreadlord's Fall 1.4 (Map)

MAJOR The Scream is bugged at the moment, causing the annoying Garithos voice line from the Misconceptions Inconsistency in Human Tech Tree access through possession. Varimathras can build Arcane Sanctum but Sylvanas can't. Sylvanas dialogue after...
MAJOR: Demon Gates do not follow terrain restrictions Demon Gates and Altar of Darkness hotkey are the same Shadowfall and Shadow Walk shares hotkey Sylvanas cannot see bases when enemy still asleep but Varimathras can Vampire Bat model is bugged...
Edited the tag, Campaign is used for w3n projects. This suits Co-op tag. Also applies to the other work of yours.

Anyway, for this particular map, I find the amount of new content is not refreshing, especially the undead mostly having the same units except Wight (or was it Wright?). Might want to look into that. Will do a detailed feedback soon.
  1. The Scream is bugged at the moment, causing the annoying Garithos voice line from the Misconceptions
  2. Inconsistency in Human Tech Tree access through possession. Varimathras can build Arcane Sanctum but Sylvanas can't.
  3. Sylvanas dialogue after Garithos base wiped only consist of symbols, despite saying the actual speech.
  4. Poison Arrow is bugged, it requires - instead of Poison Arrows upgrade
  5. Train Royal Guard DISBTN is broken
  6. While in the sleeping phase, Footman who switches weapon will fall back to sleep. Sometimes soft-locked into sleep.
  1. From what I discern, Plating suppose to need an upgrade before it's usable, but the ability is already available from the start
  2. There are lags during the opening cinematic
  3. The opening cinematic is unskippable (?)
  4. Rifleman disabled icon looks like Passive icon
  5. Mountaineer and Flying Machine both use F hotkey
  6. Armored is bugged, it requires to have a Keep instead of Plating upgrade
  7. Slow Poison looks like an active upgrade
  8. Icon position of Demoralizing Scout and Warcry are inconsistent
  9. The Quest log for Detheroc side provides information for Sylvanas' side's quests.
  1. Why remove Obsidian Statue? Wouldn't it be better if both the statue and Wight available?
  2. Spear -> Pierce, Arrow -> Normal? Wouldn't be better if Arrow -> Pierce and Spear goes for Siege or something?
Level 8
Dec 13, 2015
Upload new Version (1.1)

- Changed model Rifleman
- Changed model Footman and Knight
- Fixed bug with Poison Arrow
- Fixed Icons bugs
- Changed Garithos model
- Changed icons Demoralizing Scout and Warcry
- Return to Sylvanas Obsidian Statue
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Did a test of this map, and found a huge issue right off the bat and that is The Lack of Trees! where are the trees? i can tell there are some shades/weird spaces where the trees were supposed to be
, but there is nothing there(this happens all over the map not only in Sylvanas's base), there are only a few trees at first but thats not enough to play the map(no wood = no gameplay).
Level 8
Dec 13, 2015
Did a test of this map, and found a huge issue right off the bat and that is The Lack of Trees! where are the trees? i can tell there are some shades/weird spaces where the trees were supposed to be , but there is nothing there(this happens all over the map not only in Sylvanas's base), there are only a few trees at first but thats not enough to play the map(no wood = no gameplay).
Yes, I found this bug myself. Today I will pour the corrected version
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Ok, this seems pretty playable now, didn't find any other game breaking bugs, i like the new addition of those dread guards(green color) to even the scales, i see they can micro as well, it was pretty cute seeing them attacking the enemy base and microing the low hp ones back :D
Level 8
Dec 13, 2015

What's new?

- Sylvanas has her own faction and unique units
- New icons for Undead Buildings and Units
- Varimathras now can build Demon Gate
- Changed some units skins
- Added new skills for undead units
- Added to Necropolis skill - Summon geist
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Ok, just replayed the map again, here are my thoughts:


- Near the end of the cinematic when Sylvanas shouts "Now, etc." there is a werid male sound coming out, same happens after the cinematic when sylvanas has a small dialogue (arround Time 7:32).

- Even tho i like the fact that Garithos's forces can wake up their own units using mortar teams and cannon towers i feel like that's a bit too strong, especially at the beginning of the game, Sylvanas and Varimathras are supposed to have a great push while everyone is at "sleep".
I played as Garithos, after i woke up almost all my army i easily destroyed their first push, so my suggestion is: just give to Sylvanas and Varimathras a few extra units in that first push(like some doom guards for Vari and some abominations for Sylvanas) that way going with that first push will make more sense and they should atleast manage to destroy the first human base, otherwise they will just get crushed by Garithos like in my game.

- That yellow mercenary camp to be pretty useless, even after i paid them, they didn't do much, they only sent like 3 units out of their camp for the entire game and those units didn't even reach the enemy, they eventually went back to their camp(without attacking anything).
I suggest giving them the same type of A.I you gave to those dread guards that are allied with Sylvanas, to become as cool as them.

- The demon Gates seem to not have any tooltip

- Graveyards for both Sylv and Vari seem to spawn corpses, but they don't actually do it, only the visuals are there, those corpses cannot be reanimated or moved.


- I like the fact that even tho Garithos and Detheroc's armies wake up before the time they can't get out of the city and attack Sylvanas.

- I like all the shops that are on the map + that fountin.

- I like the fact that those demon gates can be build anywhere.
Level 8
Dec 13, 2015
Ok, just replayed the map again, here are my thoughts:


- Near the end of the cinematic when Sylvanas shouts "Now, etc." there is a werid male sound coming out, same happens after the cinematic when sylvanas has a small dialogue (arround Time 7:32).

- Even tho i like the fact that Garithos's forces can wake up their own units using mortar teams and cannon towers i feel like that's a bit too strong, especially at the beginning of the game, Sylvanas and Varimathras are supposed to have a great push while everyone is at "sleep".
I played as Garithos, after i woke up almost all my army i easily destroyed their first push, so my suggestion is: just give to Sylvanas and Varimathras a few extra units in that first push(like some doom guards for Vari and some abominations for Sylvanas) that way going with that first push will make more sense and they should atleast manage to destroy the first human base, otherwise they will just get crushed by Garithos like in my game.

- That yellow mercenary camp to be pretty useless, even after i paid them, they didn't do much, they only sent like 3 units out of their camp for the entire game and those units didn't even reach the enemy, they eventually went back to their camp(without attacking anything).
I suggest giving them the same type of A.I you gave to those dread guards that are allied with Sylvanas, to become as cool as them.

- The demon Gates seem to not have any tooltip

- Graveyards for both Sylv and Vari seem to spawn corpses, but they don't actually do it, only the visuals are there, those corpses cannot be reanimated or moved.


- I like the fact that even tho Garithos and Detheroc's armies wake up before the time they can't get out of the city and attack Sylvanas.

- I like all the shops that are on the map + that fountin.

- I like the fact that those demon gates can be build anywhere.

Thanks for feedback
Balance is one of the most important problems. I will take into account all the comments and try to fix it for the next version



Level 3
May 30, 2018

What's new?

- Sylvanas army have new hero - Dark Ranger
- Fixed bug with spiders and Dreadguards
- New abilities to Sylvanas
- Now Sylvanas have Banshee Form
Now this is a very high quality you had made, and i think you could have a talent to make re-edited campaign just like this.
But isnt Sylvanas's Banshee Form too "early" in this storyline? Also how Varimathras had power to summon demon while demon gate can only be constructed by Balnazzar? Im wondering about this, what do you made for?
  1. Demon Gates do not follow terrain restrictions
  2. Demon Gates and Altar of Darkness hotkey are the same
  3. Shadowfall and Shadow Walk shares hotkey
  4. Sylvanas cannot see bases when enemy still asleep but Varimathras can
  5. Vampire Bat model is bugged
  1. Destroyer Form moves from its position when something is done in Slaughterhouse
  2. One of Sylvanas dialogue is not translated properly (only show dots)
  3. Update spellcaster tooltip to reflect their extra abilities
  4. Gryphon's tooltip as well
  5. Rifleman's tooltip too
  6. Banshee for Sylvanas is not fully learned from the start, while Varimathras' does
  1. Nathanos can use the new green color or the dark green color