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Goblin UI

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
This was designed by me. Using bits and pieces, CNP in a word. The pictures of my choice was made by these fancy little fellas.

Glowei from Sonsofthestorm.com
Red Knuckle from Sonsofthestorm.com
Samwise from Sonsofthestorm.com
WOW Card Game, owned by Blizzard
WOW Card Game, owned by Blizzard
[color=#00BF0]Orc Interface, which is owned by Blizzard.[/color]

Once the UI was given a form and shape, I requested CRAZYRUSSIAN to help me by adding the final touches. I'm not really sure why you guys assume I am not grateful for his help.
But the thing that confuses me even more is that you claim that he did everything. He buffed the quality, tinted it, and fixed errors. In a word, final touches.

There, now the credits is over and done with. I do not want any flaming. If you consider CRAZYRUSSIAN to have too little of a role in this, that I take too much credit, I do not need a lecture.
Talk to CRAZYRUSSIAN, if he disagrees with me, then he can talk to me, like a rational human being and that'll be that.

Moderator Edit: All textures merged into single bundle.

Goblins, UI, Stuff, Hopefully Flame Proof, Rockets, Crude Mines, Mechanical Steampunk,

Goblin UI Inventory Cover (Texture)

Goblin UI Tile 01 (Texture)

Goblin UI Tile 03 (Texture)

Goblin UI Tile 04 (Texture)

Goblin UI Tile02 (Texture)

Goblin UI TimeIndicatorFrame (Texture)

12:41, 25th May 2011 shiiK: Took me a month to find time, but I've finally got around to testing it in-game, and it performs well. As you already know, I'm not a fan of the food on top of the inventory, nor the sign that overlaps the minimap...




12:41, 25th May 2011
shiiK: Took me a month to find time, but I've finally got around to testing it in-game, and it performs well. As you already know, I'm not a fan of the food on top of the inventory, nor the sign that overlaps the minimap slightly, but putting that aside, this is a good-looking, wholesome UI that probably will be useful for some. Good work, to the both of you.

The paths are as follows:

I'm adding these because I have yet to find a thread anywhere that states the correct paths. You can replace Orc with Human, not certain about Undead and Night Elf.

shiiK: Moved back to pending, edited the description to link the post with the download(s). Will test in-game ASAP.
shiiK: Read my PM. When you have uploaded the files, let me know. Until then, I'm permanently rejecting this resource. If you make a new upload again, I will give you an infraction. I hope that's clear enough.
I told you not to upload it in your forum, it wont be accepted, CnP is not allowed >_>

Eh, it already got accepted here before. >_>

By the way, shiik, is that a typo in your admin comment?
20:15, 29th Apr 2011
shiiK: Moved back to pending, edited the description to link the post with the download(s). Will test in-game ASAP.
There is Mozilla Firefox UI that is CnP and is approved, so this will be approved too i think.

im pretty sure that UI was only approved because it was funny. and it was around the time THE_END moderated most of the stuff. so its to be expected. Honestly, its useful, but i dont think it should be approved. I think it could stick around in the forums for download, but other than that. no.

also, if im correct, you told us you wouldnt put this in the resource section. So much for that eh?
this, truely means....

goblins are there own race.

lol seriously tho this is so fucking awesome i cant even describe/find eny thing wrong with it. its well defined and i freaking love the rocket that says *YESSs!!!! LOCK AND LOAD! LOCK AND LOAD BRING ON THE PAAIN!!!!!!!!!* well it dosent say it quite like joe from family guy but essentially yes this is pretty uber.

i almost wish there was more bombs and more rockets on it, not too meny to over power it but maybe more then 1 rocket/2 bombs, perhaps some dynamite around the day time/night time indicator, like the time indicators a count down or somtin idk, cuz im not exactly sure i know what that thing around the time indicator even is.

this is a 8.7/10 foe sho

*just somthing funny incase peopel dont get my refrence and begin to think im loony*

Level 8
Dec 22, 2008
this, truely means....

goblins are there own race.

lol seriously tho this is so fucking awesome i cant even describe/find eny thing wrong with it. its well defined and i freaking love the rocket that says *YESSs!!!! LOCK AND LOAD! LOCK AND LOAD BRING ON THE PAAIN!!!!!!!!!* well it dosent say it quite like joe from family guy but essentially yes this is pretty uber.

i almost wish there was more bombs and more rockets on it, not too meny to over power it but maybe more then 1 rocket/2 bombs, perhaps some dynamite around the day time/night time indicator, like the time indicators a count down or somtin idk, cuz im not exactly sure i know what that thing around the time indicator even is.

this is a 8.7/10 foe sho

*just somthing funny incase peopel dont get my refrence and begin to think im loony*


Please refrain from using vulgarity :goblin_good_job:
And... It makes it a lot easier for people to read, if you use the right grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Just a suggestion.

But besides that, awesome.
This deserves +rep and a 5/5.
Though, the only problem is that the quality of this UI compared to the quality of the actual models in-game and available on the hive.... It is huge...

Anyways, keep up the good work!
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008

Please refrain from using vulgarity :goblin_good_job:
And... It makes it a lot easier for people to read, if you use the right grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Just a suggestion.

But besides that, awesome.
This deserves +rep and a 5/5.
Though, the only problem is that the quality of this UI compared to the quality of the actual models in-game and available on the hive.... It is huge...

Anyways, keep up the good work!

Huge? 500~ kb isn't that much for an UI. :O
Level 18
Jan 12, 2011
shik im not sure who u think u are or who u are but its dumb to reject resources even if its not freehand if it atleast got 1 fcking better thing than the original resource then it should be approved this UI is amazing so why rejecting it? o_O
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
i have everything, i only cant find the UI\Console\Human\HumanUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp", i need to change it to "UI\Console\Orc\OrcUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp"

Just go into import section of the world edit and change the path of "war3imported\GoblinUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp" to "UI\Console\Orc\OrcUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp" Not only is it faster, it works just the same.
Level 3
May 5, 2013
I will use it in my map.
Nice work, I only had prolbems with the Time indicator, so i changed the data path to UI\Console\Human\HumanUITile-TimeIndicatorFrame.blp (it now replaces the human).

Anyway, 5/5 :)
Level 1
Jul 28, 2012
Menu and Cinematic border

Any chance you're gonna add a UI for cinematic and menu borders? If so, I'd really appreciate it as I'm planning to use your Goblin UI for a map I'm currently making.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I probably could, the problem is, I need time and I need to prioritize life over this hobby of mine.

So, when I have less threads pulling me in all manner of directions, I'll see if I can do something about a cinematic border and a menu.
If you know any artsy person in the mood to supply us with what you request, I wouldn't mind.

If they turn out well, I'll even add the add-ons to the batch and add the creator of them to the credits.
But as of now, you'll have to make do with what is here. Sorry.