goblin goggles

Some gnome goggles i did a while ago.
Should attatch nicely to any model with proper head reference.

goggles, gnome, goblin, dwarf, glasses

goblin goggles (Model)

19:11, 10th Aug 2009 Pyritie: ...lol
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
I hope not but...
A steal of those?


If I'm mistaken, please forgive me.

I like it anyway, good work!
Why do you name them "Goblin"? I've always thought the dwarf on the Helicopter wears them ;))

Actually, i just mixed up gnome and goblin when i did them, i wrote gnome in the description to clarify, but i think they fit to pretty much any unit. ;)

@Squidle, the model is not a rip. The texture is, as aspard said, from the dwarven helicopter, and i personally se quite some differences in the models aswell. The XGM ones are just wow rips.
Pretty nice indeed, althought looks like you just removed them from the dwarf on the Gyrocopter. Anyway, 4/5, but no +rape cuz I'm not sure that you made them.

I looked up the gyrocopter, and actually, it has the googles kind of merged together whith the face mesh. So there's practically nothing there to take.

Thanks to everyone who commented. :)
we all love xgm.ru dont we? :p this is a rip off

Not so fast now!
The models on xgm are all wow rips, and infact, none of them uses this texture. If you'd have even bothered looking at them you'd have noticed they look almost completely different, and the only thing even remotely similiar is the hexagonical shape of the "eyes". I can send the 3ds file if anyone has any further doubts.
You should think closer before making such serious accusations.

It wasn't blizzards idea to use goggles in the first place, and neither was it the guy who ripped them and uploaded them to xgm's. Those goggles use ingame textures, and they are not affected by any copyrights. This makes them better than the ones on xgm.
Level 1
Sep 24, 2008

Can someone help me in Attaching this? I also got a bunch of weapons i would need for my CS map, but i cant get to attach them :/
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Kizza, I can show ya something usefull, I'll edit my post and show it.
With a tigger ;3


  • Actions
    • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the head of (Your Unit) using war3Mapimported\YourAttachment.mdl
And for weapons, you could change the "head" part to "left, hand" or "right, hand".
Good luck with it!