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Glove of Reincanation v1.2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Revives a frienly unit in range but the unit have to restore his body and can't attack during restoring. the restoring rate is increased with each level. if the unit die befor the he reached max energy to attack he will deal the energy level as damage to all enemy units in range.

GUI - MUI (use indexing)

v1.2 fixed leaks added a small documentation

Revive; MUI; energy; restore

BioScan (Map)

19:01, 20th Sep 2009 Deuterium: 1. No "Learn Tooltip" and badly writting Normal Tooltip. 2. A point-targetable ability doesn't fit this spell; either make it Target Type: Instant (No Target), which I actually prefer, or check the option...




19:01, 20th Sep 2009

1. No "Learn Tooltip" and badly writting Normal Tooltip.

2. A point-targetable ability doesn't fit this spell; either make it Target Type: Instant (No Target), which I actually prefer, or check the option Targeting Image.

3. Don't use Casting unit, use Triggering unit instead:
  • Set GR_Speed[GR_LoopIndex[2]] = (2.00 x (Real((Level of (Ability being cast) for (Casting unit)))))
And even better, set Triggering unit into a variable and use it from there on. Same would apply for all other entities which you'd be using more then like twice or three times.

4. You leak a point by setting it twice:
  • Set GR_LeakPoint[1] = (Target point of ability being cast)

5. In my opinion, you should use some reviving dummy ability to "actually" revive the unit, rather then replacing the unit.

6. Instead of the current debugging message function, use SimError by Vexorian since it perfectly imitates Warcraft's debug message. Otherwise, you must include the present function in a separate trigger and adjust the color of the message.

7. Some trigger comments would be nice. Specially in order to define where the adjustable globals are and what each does.

8. Also, make the trigger more adjustable. Make the radius for picking and damaging modifiable for instance.

9. You've got tons of English-related mistakes here and there. Fix them up.

10. And the most important point: I see no documentation on how to import!

The idea is definetly nice and original. However, although coding is decent for a GUI spell, it could be improved. And most importantly, you need to include documentation on how to import. Work on the just mentioned issues, and you're good to go.

Fix the points Deuterium said and improve the indexing of your spell.
Level 11
Jul 2, 2008
Tooltip missing on learning? :D Unefficient tooltip in after learning either.

Anything? ;D

No comments in triggers, no documentation, are you Rmx's fun? ;D

Otherwise - good spell :)
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
Humm... DebugError is also a new function!? :s damn I should look at what the new functions are :p

Anyways, make it a instant-cast spell rather then targetable spell, and make the reviving unit's transparency decrease with time. Also, make a nice effect appear every random x seconds as the unit is reviving.

Other than that, spell is nice and could be useful =)
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009

Deuterium's Brief Review

1. No "Learn Tooltip" and badly writting Normal Tooltip.

2. A point-targetable ability doesn't fit this spell; either make it Target Type: Instant (No Target), which I actually prefer, or check the option Targeting Image.

3. Don't use Casting unit, use Triggering unit instead:
  • Set GR_Speed[GR_LoopIndex[2]] = (2.00 x (Real((Level of (Ability being cast) for (Casting unit)))))
And even better, set Triggering unit into a variable and use it from there on. Same would apply for all other entities which you'd be using more then like twice or three times.

4. You leak a point by setting it twice:
  • Set GR_LeakPoint[1] = (Target point of ability being cast)

5. In my opinion, you should use some reviving dummy ability to "actually" revive the unit, rather then replacing the unit.

6. Instead of the current debugging message function, use SimError by Vexorian since it perfectly imitates Warcraft's debug message. Otherwise, you must include the present function in a separate trigger and adjust the color of the message.

7. Some trigger comments would be nice. Specially in order to define where the adjustable globals are and what each does.

8. Also, make the trigger more adjustable. Make the radius for picking and damaging modifiable for instance.

9. You've got tons of English-related mistakes here and there. Fix them up.

10. And the most important point: I see no documentation on how to import!

The idea is definetly nice and original. However, although coding is decent for a GUI spell, it could be improved. And most importantly, you need to include documentation on how to import. Work on the just mentioned issues, and you're good to go.