This is the best campaiggggn evaaaar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW OK!!!!!
Map Submission Rules:
did not READ LOL!
Beautiful maps made in less than 5 minutes with pure Laziness,with only a trigger that if target hero dies it sets to victory.this is a historical supreme triggered campaign which contains 1337 jass codes and gui used in it and is a dream Nightmare to many coders.tho first ones didn't even have hero death event!.mostly just some name & model changes problem? LOL.Terrain is just Great:SPAM TREES + HAYCART PORTALS ECT + GATES OMFG OMFG OMFG. this should become a tutorial to all terrainers!!!!!!! units:SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM. AI:did not KNOW LOL!
The End:That beautiful city....spammed by trees and dalaran towers again made in LESS than 5 minutes...yes it supports spammed units....when i looked at it i couldn't keep my eyes great eyes...are burning....
RATING=6/5 Director's Cut 0/5 Not even a campaign :/
I Vote For:Approval Rejection
Notes:I am really amazed,the campaign is a total Fail...