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[Role Playing Game] Glaz'Dek Rebellion [oRPG]

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Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Glaz'Dek Rebellion


Introduction and Description:

Let me introduce Glaz'Dek Rebellion, a new RPG project that I have begun to work on. In this project, I hope to take the traditional formula for games of this genre and mix them up a bit. I intend to make questing more fun and break away from the clichéd and overused 'collect ten bear arses' (to quote TotalBiscuit), and insert both humour and serious plot to conjure up an interesting mix for the project's gameplay!

Basic Lore:
Glaz'Dek Rebellion is set, quite obviously, at the start of a Rebellion against the ruling Empire. Unconventionally, however, you are fighting for the Empire itself. The Rebellion sprang out of nowhere, striking confusion and turmoil into the occupied Imperial lands. No one seems to understand why this came to be, but the Empire wastes no time in rushing to crush it, drafting every able-bodied man into military service; including you.


Starting in the Capital, you are a stranger in the masses, merely walking into the city to collect that loaf of bread your wife was nagging you about... Little did you know, you would soon be taking part in a conflict larger than you would ever have imagined.

- A slightly less conventional take on questing: Your performance in some quests may later effect your progress and experiences, as well as the ease in which you may conquer the game; e.g. Did you not manage to save many men from drowning? Less will come to your aid in a later quest, and some may be less willing after the loss of their companions. When collecting apples for the Fruit Collector in the Capital, did you just pick up one and then wait until the timer expired? No rations for you when you need them!

- Dynamic Events: Throughout the course of the game, some events will randomly occur due to timing or proximity; think of Guild Wars 2 - you could be walking around slaughtering Rebellion forces with your companions, when suddenly, there's a dragon attacking the Capital?!?! Better get there quick and deal with it!

- Three Conventional and Yet Interesting Classes [and possibly more to come]: Their skills and mechanics are currently rather firmly set in my mind, though they are obviously subject to possible change and suggestions when I release their information. However, until they can be made I will be unsure of whether they fit in with the combat style I have in my mind! The class names are 'Flux Manipulator' - 'Legionnaire' - and 'Marksman'. At the beginning of the game, you are able to try out each class before choosing your preferred profession, including access to all of their skills to see how they work.

- Interesting Dungeons and Exciting Boss Fights: I have a plethora of ideas running around my mind for some good fun dungeons that not only fit into the plot of the game itself, but also introduce a lot more difficulty and rewarding experiences for the player... to take their mind off the 'Collect ten bear arses' quests that will inevitably be implemented to fill space!

- Items: Items will be found throughout the game; whether dropped from the Giga-Ultimate-Boss-Of-Doom, given from a grateful Fruit Collector, or stolen from an out-of-place looking chest! Items will change the appearance of your character, as well as their stats, and some will even have interesting custom abilities of their own!

- Much more to come! I always take down ideas on my phone when I'm being bored all day, ideas that can and will be implemented into this map. The only issue I can think of is the amount of time I have to spend on the map, which is still quite large, and the fact that balancing creeps, abilities, and heroes is a challenge for me. However, all challenges must be met and conquered!















All terrain is under constant construction and should not be considered as the final product! :)

Help Needed:

Currently, all I need is some very generous GUIers to make me some kick-arse spells! I have the ideas outlined in a thread in the requests forum, so if you are interested feel free to check it out:

My GUI Spell Requests

Feel free to comment or PM me if you feel like attempting any of the spells :)

That is all I have to say about this project currently, if you have any suggestions or criticisms then feel free to leave them below in a comment!
Hope you enjoyed the read and are interested in my project!




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Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Have updated the main post with a screenshot of the starting city!

- Added new quests to starting city
- Added new quest to next Island area (currently unnamed)
- Wrote about two pages of notes while I should have been studying... Got the entire Island's quests and dungeony stuff set out in my head and on paper; down to puzzles and boss fight mechanics! This should be fun :)
Level 7
Jun 19, 2011
This is pretty good. I can't help with triggering and terraining but I can sure help with stories and stuff. I can also write up hero and area backstories.

I'd give this a 3.5/5. The terrain could use a little bit more work from what I see of the city, but otherwise it looks promising!

Keep up the good work, hope this gets done! Oh, and if you want me to do any writing for this oRPG, then message me here, 'cause I come on daily :).

Good luck.
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012

- Have done the terrain and some of the questing for the start of the first island.

- Terrain screenshots in main post have been updated to show more of the City and parts of the first Island!

- In the process of adding a suitable amount of side-quests for that camp in the screenshots, got a few decent ideas :)

Please leave a comment if you have any feedback or criticisms on what you can see!


This is pretty good. I can't help with triggering and terraining but I can sure help with stories and stuff. I can also write up hero and area backstories.

I'd give this a 3.5/5. The terrain could use a little bit more work from what I see of the city, but otherwise it looks promising!

Keep up the good work, hope this gets done! Oh, and if you want me to do any writing for this oRPG, then message me here, 'cause I come on daily :).

Good luck.

Thanks! Yeah, the detailing for the city isn't really near done yet, I just needed to add a screenshot of something to show I was actually putting work into creating the map, and it didn't seem to be too ugly ;) The terrain of this map will constantly improve all the way up to final release!

I don't currently need any story for the map or heroes, but if I start to run out of ideas I will definitely message you!

If you have any more comments or feedback, feel free to leave them here :)
Level 7
Jun 19, 2011
Those screenies look awesome, especially the camp. But in the Warcraft ORP Screenshot 10 picture, the terrain there could do some more work. The custom models that you've chosen fit really well with the terrain, like the towers in the camp and the bridge. Keep up the good work!

About the story, that's fine. When (or if) you run out of ideas, I'll be more then happy to give you creeps, storys, quests, items and heroes.

Keep this up and it'll turn out great!

P.S - Do you happen to play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Imperial City :) , but from what I hear of the story the name fits it good.
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Those screenies look awesome, especially the camp. But in the Warcraft ORP Screenshot 10 picture, the terrain there could do some more work. The custom models that you've chosen fit really well with the terrain, like the towers in the camp and the bridge. Keep up the good work!

About the story, that's fine. When (or if) you run out of ideas, I'll be more then happy to give you creeps, storys, quests, items and heroes.

Keep this up and it'll turn out great!

P.S - Do you happen to play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion? Imperial City :) , but from what I hear of the story the name fits it good.

By screenshot 10 do you mean with the boats in the cinematic? I agree that it looks plain, but being as it is in the open ocean I can't really think of much that could improve it while still fitting in the with the location :(

And yes, I did think about the TES name, so 'Imperial City' is likely not going to end up being the final name for it, but being as creating fake names comes as easily to me as balancing creeps, it may take a while to change it! ;)

Level 7
Jun 19, 2011
Lol, yes, open oceans are quite hard to terrain and I have to agree with you there.

Try Ararui City (ara-ru) or Belgaron City (bel-gar-on). Just names I thought from the top of my head (took me about two minutes, maybe)

Anyway, keep up the good work!
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Thank you! I will play those through my head a few times and see if they fit the location :) You are really good at ideas, are you a creative writing student or something?


- I got too excited about making my first proper bossfight with custom spells, so I have started triggering it before I have even made the dungeon itself! The mechanics seems alright, I just hope I don't overcomplicate the fight and make it too flashy :(

- Finished some more side-questy stuff for the Imperial Camp, still got a sizeable number to go for this area before I can get to the dungeon. Can't wait!

- Started to add creeps to the forest, though until my heroes have the spells they will have at release, it will be hard to balance them properly :(

- Laid out the plans for a dungeon on some paper, including traps, puzzles, all that luverly stuff. The first one won't be too large, being as the later ones are supposed to be much better and I only have limited space!
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
'Fraid not :( There won't be one for a while, at least until the first island/area is completely finished in my view. Releasing an unfinished RPG is an idea I'm not too keen on, but I suppose when I hit the half way point I will kinda need some feedback/bug finding :)

Stay tuned, and feel free to give any feedback or suggestions about what I have posted so far :)
Level 7
Jun 19, 2011
Thank you! I will play those through my head a few times and see if they fit the location :) You are really good at ideas, are you a creative writing student or something?

No, I'm not a creative writing student but I do like writing, and forming large ideas at once.

Also, I'm really looking forward to the demo, or BETA. You should finish that right now! :ogre_hurrhurr:

Good luck, again, and keep up the good work!

Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Hehehe, 'fraid it may be quite a while till the first beta or demo!


- Started work on the area leading up to the dungeon and the dungeon itself.
- Finished mechanics for the first boss fight in aforementioned dungeon... hopefully!
- Thanks to Meticulous is the Requests forum, I am beginning to acquire the spells for my heroes, so I can start playing and testing the combat parts of the map :)


Edit: Is it possible for any moderator to change the title of this thread to exclude the [oRPG] part? I have decided that my game is more of an RPG than an oRPG, but with some oPRG elements :)
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Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Hey, I like the sound of those updates! Too bad it's gonna be a while still :p.

Do you have any more screenshots? Would love to see some of the boss fight (in-game)

Have a few more screenshots of the area around the entrance to the first dungeon, but I am not too keen on screenshotting the boss fight itself... I'd rather keep it a surprise! ;)

This ORPG looks really good, and im glad to see someone using my favourite part of GW2 the events. Keep up the good work fellow rpg maker.

Will +rep for map after I sp

Thanks! Yeah, I'm hoping the dynamic events thing will turn out alright, just need some sort of fast travel or flight-path sorta system so the player can actually reach events without having to treck all the way across the map again! :)

Thanks for the support, it really helps :)
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Hey there!

Sorry for not updating in a while, it was my birthday recently and I also have quite a bit of work to do :( However, I did manage to get some stuff done this morning, and hopefully I shall be able to do quite a bit more this week!

- Did some more terraining around the first dungeon, still a ton of doodading that needs doing to make it look less barren, but that shouldn't be too difficult!

- Added more mechanics to the boss fight to make it more interesting, all that is left for his fight is to be able to test it, but for that I need my heroes to have all their spells made, so it may be quite a while :(

- Terraformed the map a wee bit; due to desire for more space, I have joined up the two large islands to make one big mainland, which means I shall be able to fit in a lot more areas, quests, and fun! As soon as I have finished work on the jungle dungeon, I am moving on to the desert/egyptian style area that comes after it!

- Added two screenshots to the main post, one of some of the terrain/unfinished detailing of the Jungle Dungeon's entrance, and one of part of a cinematic that features there shortly before a little surprise!

- While I was at school, I decided to stop being productive and start making notes/maps of future dungeons and quests for the desert area. Got quite a few interesting ones planned out, as well as a few new features for the map overall.

So check out the two new screenshots, tell me what you think, and if you have any suggestions or comments then feel free to post them to me or PM me :)

By the way, if anyone is semi-decent at GUI spell-making and wants to help me make this map, I have a thread open in the requests forum with the descriptions of some that I would love to be made :) I would be extremely grateful if anyone attempted one for me!

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