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Give Hero 2 morph abilities

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Level 8
Feb 17, 2007
No I'm using a custom druid cat model from this site: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...at-form-124678/?prev=search=druid&d=list&r=20

Ok so I tried those 2 different base spells you just posted, but the problem is very strange. They both have 0.25 cooldown, and the duration of both is set to 0. If I set the cooldown of 1 higher than the other, then when I try to switch while the other spell is on cd, it transforms me into the spell thats on cd, so it's like in reverse. Oh. and it plays there death animations to for some reason.
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Avatar and Methamorphosis spell allows the unit to transform to another alternate unit (Temporary)
Bear Form or Crow Form allows the unit to transform to another alternate unit (Permanent, or until it is switched (re-activates) back)

What way do you want.. ?
Temporary or Permanent, or until switched back ?
Avatar and Methamorphosis spell allows the unit to transform to another alternate unit (Temporary)
Bear Form or Crow Form allows the unit to transform to another alternate unit (Permanent, or until it is switched (re-activates) back)

What way do you want.. ?
Temporary or Permanent, or until switched back ?

metamorphosis can be permanent by setting duration to 0.00(not sure if this can apply to avatar too)... and avatar dont use alternate units, it just activates the alternate animation of the current model...
I said, IF the solution of the recent posts doesn't helped, please use in a trigger way
That particular trigger I created was just a basic idea, not the MAIN idea of itself dude..

and I'm just adding some more idea to that idea in case his unit is a hero... to avoid some unnecessary questions...
Still, is there a solution yet ?
And I'm already lost WHAT actually we're talking about... (well, unit I accidentally pressed on number "1" on "Page 2 of 2" table)

OH NO... I think I got confused (I thought it was already done) with the thread because of a similar one that also asks about morph... sorry...:goblin_jawdrop: :goblin_cry:
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