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General Tip : Dont ask for Hacked Dota ...

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Level 8
May 13, 2007
Hi. I am RedBlade.

This post is not linking any hacked maps, hacking programs or anything that could drive guests and members of the Hive to hacking. This post is to show WHY the very good admins of the hive (I dont say this to get rep. Although id be happy to :) ) stop talking about hacking maps. ESPECIALLY DOTA !

This is what happened to me :

I wanted to see how some spells work in dota, not for any stealing or something, but to learn how some triggers worked. FINALLY i found a hacked map. You know what I found ? 1 trigger. Yes, im not joking you. 1 trigger in Jass. And belive me, not even IceFrog (the DotA creator for who doesnt know it) would ever find himself in that !! Its totally huge the custom scripts and etc.


Thank you for reading.
To admins/moderators : please, wait before putting this into the recicle bin. I want to see what members say about it... Thank you.
Getting the script is easy.

Reading optimised JASS is retarded. You can do it, but it is a harder and longer process than rebuilding it from scratch, better.

That is point of this thread. But I know (personally) DOtA programmer, and she is really fine jasser, most of GUI n00bs wouldnt be able to do it. So w/e
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
my "unlocked" DotA verison (which is for learning, if i test map it, it will just show up a game with 0 players and it will be unable to start) have all triggers that i thought there was, not all "unlockers" are as stupid as the one you took your from
Level 8
Sep 15, 2006
Netcriminal, don't worry, I think he was referring to bestpaladinman. I never actually thought you could have neg rep for almost every post you make, but I guess nobody knows everything...
Level 4
Jun 21, 2007
some people have unprotected dota, the ones who helped develop it in any way. and there is no unprotector that can give more than the OP gave. It's physically impossible.
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