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Level 5
Aug 1, 2008
How ... can ... this ... not ... work?
  • Gate Open
    • Events
    • Unit - A Unit enters City 1 Enter <gen>
      • Conditions
    • (Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
      • Actions
    • Destructible - Open Elven Gate (Vertical) 0012 <gen>
    • Wait 2.50 seconds
    • Destructible - Close Elven Gate (Vertical) 0012 <gen>
And I have a placed gate. here is the screen shot of gate :\
Help would be apprec , +rep if you help.


  • Gate.jpg
    118.9 KB · Views: 143
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Check if the region in your trigger matches the region the unit enters.

Check if entering unit is owned by player1red.

Check if doodad that opens actualy is that doodad you want to open.

You could also remove that wait action, if somebody enters in 2.5 seconds again it might bug, I don't know.
Level 5
May 27, 2007
donno why is not working! My solution : When a trigger doesnt work and it looks fine make new one. I would do sth like this

  • Events -
    • every e.g. .5 sec
  • Conditions
    • or
    • Unit - unit (owned by player1) is in city 1 enter equal to true
    • Unit - unit (owned by player1) is in city 1 enter equal to false
  • Actions:
    • If - Condition
      • Unit - Unit is in city 1 enter equal to true
    • Then - Action
      • Open Elven gate
    • Else - Action
      • Close Elven gate
Level 6
Aug 13, 2008
hmm, a suggestion would be deleting the region and recreating a new one since your trigger looks fine.
or u might one to change the trigger
event - unit enters region
action - if (triggering unit) belongs to (player 1)
than - open gate
wait for (region contains 0 units owned by player 1) checking every 2 sec
close (gate)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
PurplePoot, its called an illogical conditional statement. Basically it always is true so only wastes time.

The simplest way to go about this is to find which part of the trigger is causing the error (logic error I believe they are called or something).
Debug messages will help you do this.
Firstly you check the trigger is even firing when the unit enters the region by having a message at the start of the actions.
If that message does not appear when it should, you know its caused by the event or conditions which narrows it down to be more easilly fixed.

If the mesage appears fine it must be the opening gat actions that cause the errors. Check if messages can appear when the gate should have opened and closed, if they appear fine its some bug with the gate's object data. If they do not appear, the actions for opening the game must cause a minature runtime error and abort the thread.
Level 3
Jun 2, 2008
If you have not figured it out yet try the following, Make a region on both side of the gate DON'T LET THEM TOUCH THE GATE. In the trigger I just made a random gate so just exchange them.:gg:
  • gate
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit enters side 1 <gen>
      • Unit - A unit enters side 2 <gen>
    • Conditions
      • (Owner of (Entering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
    • Actions
      • Destructible - Open Demonic Gate (Diagonal 1) 0000 <gen>
      • Wait 5.00 seconds
      • Destructible - Close Demonic Gate (Diagonal 1) 0000 <gen>
I hope this was helpful.
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