I have a large campaign. During one of the maps, there is a side mission where the hero leaves his army and does a small dungeon. During this time, I've hidden the rest of the map, paused all the units, and so forth.
Problem: If the players saves the game during this side mission nothing bad happens. But when he loads that saved game, the game appears (you can see your hero for a split second) and then crashes.
The actual triggers are very complicated, so I don't expect people to comb through them (I've included some below just to be complete). What I'm hoping for is a list of what it possibly could be. I read somewhere that lightning effects can crash the game... and there are lightning effects that are used in the side dungeon, though when I remove them entirely it still doesn't work.
I understand there are some minor leaks here, so don't worry about those unless they could cause game crashes.
Does anyone have an idea about what could cause a crash after a load game? I'd be happy to hunt for it, but I have no idea what I'm looking for.
Problem: If the players saves the game during this side mission nothing bad happens. But when he loads that saved game, the game appears (you can see your hero for a split second) and then crashes.
The actual triggers are very complicated, so I don't expect people to comb through them (I've included some below just to be complete). What I'm hoping for is a list of what it possibly could be. I read somewhere that lightning effects can crash the game... and there are lightning effects that are used in the side dungeon, though when I remove them entirely it still doesn't work.
I understand there are some minor leaks here, so don't worry about those unless they could cause game crashes.
Begin Side Quest
- Player - Player 7 (Green) types a chat message containing side as An exact match
- Conditions
- Set SideBusy = True
- Game - Set time of day speed to 0.00% of the default speed
- Cinematic - Turn on letterbox mode (hide interface) for (All players): fade out over 2.00 seconds
- Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players)
- Cinematic - Fade out over 4.00 seconds using texture war3campImported\Gnomekin Crystalomancer Fadeout.BLP and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Destructible - Pick every destructible in path blocker entrance <gen> and do (Destructible - Kill (Picked destructible))
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Not equal to Visible Fire Tornado)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Pause (Picked unit)
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Move Crystalomancer instantly to (Center of SideEntranceEnter <gen>), facing 90.00 degrees
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Side Quest <gen>) and do (Unit - Unpause (Picked unit))
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units owned by Player 7 (Green) matching (((Matching unit) Not equal to Crystalomancer) and ((Matching unit) Not equal to Muse))) and do (Unit - Change ownership of (Picked unit) to Player 11 (Dark Green) and Retain color)
- Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 7 (Green) emitting Fog of war across Side Quest <gen>
- Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 7 (Green) emitting Black mask across VisionNotSide <gen>
- Set VisibilityNotSide = (Last created visibility modifier)
- -------- Set Traps --------
- Animation - Play the death animation for all doodads of type Trap Fire within Side Trap 3 Middle Flames <gen>
- Destructible - Make Dungeon Gate (Horizontal) 2255 <gen> Invulnerable
- Trigger - Turn on Trap 3 Middle 3 <gen>
- Set guardianPoint = (Center of Side Guardian Pole <gen>)
- Lightning - Create a Magic Leash lightning effect from source guardianPoint to target (Position of Guardian Devil 0086 <gen>)
- Set sideGuardianLightning = (Last created lightning effect)
- Trigger - Turn on Set Lightning <gen>
- Trigger - Turn on Trap 5 Lightning Turn Off <gen>
- Trigger - Turn on Side Lightning Repeat <gen>
- Trigger - Run Trap 5 Lightning Start <gen> (ignoring conditions)
- -------- Bring back vision --------
- Wait 4.00 game-time seconds
- Unit - Hide Circle of Power 0002 <gen>
- Unit - Hide Circle of Power 0005 <gen>
- Camera - Apply Side Entrance <gen> for Player 7 (Green) over 0.00 seconds
- Camera - Apply Side Entrance 2 <gen> for Player 7 (Green) over 20.00 seconds
- Cinematic - Fade in over 4.00 seconds using texture war3campImported\Gnomekin Crystalomancer Fadeout.BLP and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Wait 4.00 game-time seconds
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Crystalomancer named Tora Obedio: Play No sound and display I hope this is wort.... Modify duration: Set to 7.00 seconds and Wait
- Wait 1.00 game-time seconds
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from Muse named Lilyandra: Play No sound and display I will help as best.... Modify duration: Set to 6.00 seconds and Don't wait
- Wait 5.00 game-time seconds
- Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players)
- Cinematic - Turn off letterbox mode (show interface) for (All players): fade in over 2.00 seconds
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching ((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Not equal to Visible Fire Tornado)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Pause (Picked unit)
Loop - Actions
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Side Quest <gen>) and do (Unit - Unpause (Picked unit))
- Unit - Unpause Muse
- Camera - Reset camera for Player 7 (Green) to standard game-view over 0.00 seconds
- Selection - Select Crystalomancer for Player 7 (Green)
- Wait 3.00 game-time seconds
- Game - Display to (All players) the text: |cff32cd32WARNING|r...
Set Lightning
- Time - Every 0.20 seconds of game time
- Conditions
- Set tempPoint = (Position of Guardian Devil 0086 <gen>)
- Lightning - Destroy sideGuardianLightning
- Lightning - Create a Magic Leash lightning effect from source guardianPoint to target tempPoint
- Set sideGuardianLightning = (Last created lightning effect)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_tempPoint)
Restart Regular Triggers after side
- Events
- Conditions
- Game - Set time of day speed to 40.00% of the default speed
- Unit - Unpause all units
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Side Quest <gen>) and do (Unit - Pause (Picked unit))
- Special Effect - Destroy sideGuardianSpEffect
- Special Effect - Destroy sideLightningBurnSpEffect
- Special Effect - Destroy side1trapspeffect
- Camera - Reset camera for Player 7 (Green) to standard game-view over 0.00 seconds
- Camera - Pan camera as necessary for Player 7 (Green) to (Center of Crystalomancer Restore <gen>) over 1.00 seconds
- Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 7 (Green) emitting Black mask across Side Quest <gen>
- -------- hide lightning --------
For each (Integer LightningCounter) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Lightning - Change color of sideLightning[LightningCounter] to (0.00 0.00 0.00) with 1.00 alpha
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Order Shadow Wizard 0098 <gen> to Patrol To (Center of Wyrm Flight <gen>)
- AI - Start campaign AI script for Player 9 (Gray): war3mapImported\ChananRaider.ai
- AI - Start campaign AI script for Player 12 (Brown): war3mapImported\ch5DruhkChanan.ai
Does anyone have an idea about what could cause a crash after a load game? I'd be happy to hunt for it, but I have no idea what I'm looking for.