Hello Hive,
I like to consider myself a fairly decent map editor in GUI, and I have worked with Game Caches extensively in the past, but for the life of me, I cannot get this one working and I'm starting to think its the new editor and not me. Hopefully, I'm wrong. Please look at my triggers and tell me I made a mistake somewhere though, cause I simply can't. I've checked the spelling on both maps 100 times. Both maps are in the same campaign and have buttons, transitioning from one to the other works perfectly fine, but the game cache data isn't loading. I added in the Store Integer Player 1's Gold and typed in "keysersoze" at the beginning of map 1 just to check to make sure it was the game cache, and it is DEFINITELY the game cache based on all the tests I've ran. Under the current triggers, I can have 500g and a hero in map 1, but nothing in map 2.
Oddly, and I'm not sure if this is related or not, but sometimes when I enter the campaign via custom campaigns (I only have a visible button for map 1) I will get immediately sent to map 2 for some reason.
I've tried playing on old campaigns where I used the EXACT same triggers for GUI (In fact I believe I copied them to this map and just changed the name of the game caches), and they work fine when I play them in campaign mode. Is this all the new editor's fault? And, if so, how can I fix it? Thanks!
Map 1 triggers
Map 2 Triggers
I like to consider myself a fairly decent map editor in GUI, and I have worked with Game Caches extensively in the past, but for the life of me, I cannot get this one working and I'm starting to think its the new editor and not me. Hopefully, I'm wrong. Please look at my triggers and tell me I made a mistake somewhere though, cause I simply can't. I've checked the spelling on both maps 100 times. Both maps are in the same campaign and have buttons, transitioning from one to the other works perfectly fine, but the game cache data isn't loading. I added in the Store Integer Player 1's Gold and typed in "keysersoze" at the beginning of map 1 just to check to make sure it was the game cache, and it is DEFINITELY the game cache based on all the tests I've ran. Under the current triggers, I can have 500g and a hero in map 1, but nothing in map 2.
Oddly, and I'm not sure if this is related or not, but sometimes when I enter the campaign via custom campaigns (I only have a visible button for map 1) I will get immediately sent to map 2 for some reason.
I've tried playing on old campaigns where I used the EXACT same triggers for GUI (In fact I believe I copied them to this map and just changed the name of the game caches), and they work fine when I play them in campaign mode. Is this all the new editor's fault? And, if so, how can I fix it? Thanks!
Map 1 triggers
GC Initialization
- Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
- Conditions
- Game - Set the time of day to 6.00
- Game - Turn the day/night cycle Off
- Game Cache - Create a game cache from MegCache.w3v
- Set GameCache = (Last created game cache)
- Game Cache - Clear GameCache
- Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Go to map 2
- Events
- Conditions
- Unit - Pause all units
- Sound - Play SoulPreservation <gen>
- Cinematic - Fade out over 2.00 seconds using texture White Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Set LeftFrom = 1
- Game Cache - Clear GameCache
- Game Cache - Store Hero as Hero of Units in GameCache
- Game Cache - Store LeftFrom as LeftFrom of Variables in GameCache
- Game Cache - Store (In-game time of day) as Time of Variables in GameCache
- Game Cache - Store (Life of Hero) as LifeHero of Units in GameCache
- Game Cache - Store (Mana of Hero) as ManaHero of Units in GameCache
- Game Cache - Store (Player 1 (Red) Current gold) as Gold of Variables in GameCache
- Game Cache - Save GameCache
- Unit - Unpause all units
- Unit - Remove Hero from the game
- Wait for SoulPreservation <gen> to be 0.00 seconds from finished playing
- Game - Save game as <Empty String> and change level to MMap2.w3x (Skip scores)
Map 2 Triggers
GC Initialization
- Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
- Conditions
- Visibility - Create an initially Enabled visibility modifier for Player 1 (Red) emitting Visibility across (Playable map area)
- Set LoadingFrom[1] = Load from Map1 <gen>
- Set LoadingFrom[3] = Load from Manor <gen>
- Set LoadingFrom[31] = Load from Map31 <gen>
- Game Cache - Create a game cache from MegCache.w3v
- Set GameCache = (Last created game cache)
- Trigger - Run It works <gen> (ignoring conditions)
- Trigger - Run Load <gen> (ignoring conditions)
- Events
- Conditions
- Cinematic - Fade in over 2.00 seconds using texture White Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Game Cache - Reload all game cache data from disk
- Set LeftFrom = (Load LeftFrom of Variables from GameCache)
- Set Explored2 = True
- Game - Set the time of day to (Load Time of Variables from GameCache)
- Set ManualLoad = True
- Player - Set Player 1 (Red) Current gold to (Load Gold of Variables from GameCache)
- Game Cache - Restore Hero of Units from GameCache for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of LoadingFrom[LeftFrom]) facing 0.00
- Hero - Set Name of (Last restored unit) to (Name of Player 1 (Red))
- Unit - Set life of (Last restored unit) to (Load LifeHero of Units from GameCache)
- Unit - Set mana of (Last restored unit) to (Load ManaHero of Units from GameCache)
- Set Hero = (Last restored unit)
- Camera - Pan camera for Player 1 (Red) to (Center of Load from Map1 <gen>) over 0.00 seconds
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