native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean
scope FrozenOrb initializer Init
// Name: Frozen Orb; ©Blizzard Entertainment, Diablo II
// Version: 2.1
// Author: BPower
// Requirements: Missile, SpellEffectEvent
// Credits: Bribe for SpellEffectEvent
// Description:
// A pulsating orb that shreds an area with Ice Bolts.
// Each Bolt deals damage and has chance to burst dying enemies,
// leaving no corpse behind.
// User settings:
// ==============
private constant integer FROZEN_ORB_ABILITY = 'A001'
private constant attacktype ATTACK_TYPE = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
private constant damagetype DAMAGE_TYPE = DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC
private constant real MISSILE_FLY_HEIGHT = 50.00// Shared over all missiles of FrozenOrb.
private constant string ON_BURST_SFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\FrostNova\\FrostNovaTarget.mdl"
// Set the maximum fly distance for the main orb.
private constant function GetOrbMaxDistance takes integer level returns real
return 800. + level*0.
// Set the maximum fly distance for the ice bolts.
private constant function GetIceBoltMaxDistance takes integer level returns real
return 400. + level*0.
// Set the amount of ice bolts created when the main orb explodes.
private constant function GetIceBoltCountOnExplode takes integer level returns integer
return 12
// You have full access granted to all members and methods from library Missile.
// However, missile.source and missile.owner are reserved.
private function CustomizeFrozenOrb takes Missile orb, integer level returns nothing
set orb.speed = 13.
set orb.model = "Abilities\\Weapons\\FrostWyrmMissile\\FrostWyrmMissile.mdl"
set orb.scale = .75
// Same as CustomizeFrozenOrb, but for ice bolts.
private function CustomizeIceBolt takes Missile bolt, integer level returns nothing
set bolt.speed = 20.
set bolt.model = "Abilities\\Weapons\\LichMissile\\LichMissile.mdl"
set bolt.scale = .65
set bolt.damage = 10. + 20.*level
set bolt.collision = 48.
// Filter which units are hit by ice bolts.
private function TargetFilter takes unit target, player owner returns boolean
return not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE) and not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) and UnitAlive(target) and IsUnitEnemy(target, owner)
// Set the chance to burst an enemy to ice. Real comparison in range of 0 - 100.
// Return smaller or equal to 0 if you don't need this feature.
private constant function GetBurstChance takes integer level returns real
return 5. + 5.*level
// Filter out all units which shouldn't be removed from the game on burst. Heroes, .. etc
// Those units who pass the filter get removed from the game and are inevitably gone.
private function ExplodeFilter takes unit target returns boolean
return not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL) and not IsUnitType(target, UNIT_TYPE_HERO)
// The following struct "Buff" creates the buff- and frostnova effect of Frozen Orb.
// Adjust the constants to your needs.
private struct Buff extends array
// Buff type settings.
private static constant integer CASTER_UNIT_ID = 'n000'
private static constant integer BUFF_ORDER_ID = 852226// OrderId("frostnova")
private static constant integer BUFF_ABILITY = 'A002'
private static unit caster = null
static method castTarget takes player owner, unit target returns nothing
call SetUnitOwner(caster, owner, false)
call IssueTargetOrderById(caster, BUFF_ORDER_ID, target)
call SetUnitOwner(caster, Missile_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE, false)
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set caster = CreateUnit(Missile_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE, CASTER_UNIT_ID, 0., 0., 0.)
call SetUnitPosition(caster, 2147483647, 2147483647)
call UnitAddAbility(caster, BUFF_ABILITY)
call ShowUnit(caster, false)
// Frozen orb source code. Make changes carefully.
// You can extend struct IceBolt and / or struct FrozenOrb with
// available Missile API, such as onDestructable, onTerrain ...
private struct IceBolt extends array
static constant real OFFSET = 32.// That ice bolts don't emit
// directly from the center of the orb.
real chance
private static method onRemove takes Missile missile returns boolean
return true
// Runs when a missile collides with a unit.
private static method onCollide takes Missile missile, unit hit returns boolean
local thistype this = thistype(missile)
if TargetFilter(hit, missile.owner) then
call Buff.castTarget(missile.owner, hit)
call UnitDamageTarget(missile.source, hit, missile.damage, false, false, ATTACK_TYPE, DAMAGE_TYPE, null)
if GetUnitTypeId(hit) != 0 and GetRandomReal(0., 100.) < chance and ExplodeFilter(hit) then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(ON_BURST_SFX, missile.x, missile.y))
call RemoveUnit(hit)
return true// returning true will destroy the missile instance.
return false// returning false will keep the missile flying.
implement MissileStruct
private function CreateIceBolt takes Missile orb, real angle, integer level returns nothing
local real x = orb.x + IceBolt.OFFSET*Cos(angle)
local real y = orb.y + IceBolt.OFFSET*Sin(angle)
local Missile missile = Missile.create(x, y, MISSILE_FLY_HEIGHT, angle, GetIceBoltMaxDistance(level), MISSILE_FLY_HEIGHT)
set IceBolt(missile).chance = GetBurstChance(level)
call CustomizeIceBolt(missile, level)
set missile.source = orb.source
set missile.owner = orb.owner
call IceBolt.launch(missile)
private struct FrozenOrb extends array
static constant real SPACING_ON_PERIOD = bj_PI*3/5
static constant real SPACING_ON_REMOVE = bj_PI/4
integer level
// When the main orb gets deallocated.
static method onRemove takes Missile missile returns boolean
local thistype this = thistype(missile)
local integer index = 0
local integer count = GetIceBoltCountOnExplode(level)
local real space = 2*bj_PI/count
exitwhen index >= count
call CreateIceBolt(missile, index*space + thistype.SPACING_ON_REMOVE, level)
set index = index + 1
return true
// Every Missile_TIMER_TIMEOUT interval.
static method onPeriod takes Missile missile returns boolean
local thistype this = thistype(missile)
call CreateIceBolt(missile, thistype.SPACING_ON_PERIOD*, level)
set = + 1
return false
implement MissileStruct
private function OnEffect takes nothing returns nothing
local unit source = GetTriggerUnit()
local real x = GetUnitX(source)
local real y = GetUnitY(source)
local real angle = Atan2(GetSpellTargetY() - y, GetSpellTargetX() - x)
local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(source, FROZEN_ORB_ABILITY)
local Missile missile = Missile.create(x, y, MISSILE_FLY_HEIGHT, angle, GetOrbMaxDistance(level), MISSILE_FLY_HEIGHT)
set FrozenOrb(missile).level = level
call CustomizeFrozenOrb(missile, level)
set missile.source = source
set missile.owner = GetTriggerPlayer()
call FrozenOrb.launch(missile)
set source = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
call RegisterSpellEffectEvent(FROZEN_ORB_ABILITY, function OnEffect)