Frontier of Defense v1.3

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Frontier of Defense


Defend the castle as the creeps will come to attack it and destroy it!You will need team work to do it!Buy items as you get money by killing creep waves!defeat bosses after you encounter creeps and survived for a set of time that is set by the red player at the beginning of the game.

You can buy tomes by typing "-stat1/2/3"
1 will take 1000 gold and give you 10 stats to all attributes
2 will take 22500 gold and give you 50 stats to all attributes
3 will take 47500 gold and give you 100 stats to all attributes

You will have a general!
When the general kills, it will sure get some spice after counts of kills.
It's Generality will level up and for sure it is almost like a hero!
you can have mercenaries in this survival game, making it more interesting, not much helping though
Player 1 may set the time for survival!The shortest duration of survival is 5 minutes, and 5 minutes for training and defending is very hard so , the longer the duration, the easier the game will be!

The items are quite useful because a 1000 can buy 15 charges of potions , and the offensive and defensive items are very useful, not cheap though.

Level 1 Boss:The Enraged Gladiator
Level 2 Boss:The Legendary Drakzrthor
Level 3 Boss:The Legendary Fire
Level END Boss:The Leader of The Assault Forces


6 Heroes made, SetaSouji made the sixth hero , very powerful and it is very cool (The model)

Improved Persona User's Model
Reanimated Persona user's model
Added 1 more level (Naga levels)

Added more troops for allies
Added 1 victory condition and 2 defeat condition
(If the Assault Leader Killed you'll win, if your leader dies, you'll lose, or if the castle is destroyed you'll lose)
1 more item, Amulet of Assistance

-Troops balanced
-Troops Reduced
-gameplay improved!

-Leaks fixed
-Triggers reduced(Should make the game more smoothing :])
-Instead of Making more leaks, at initialization created 9 points for use from the start of the game until the end of the game.

-Fixed some terrain parts as requested
-Moved some parts of the game
-Squished the size of the map(the playable area)
-Added a War3mapMap.blp

-Fixed the Boss vision :(
-Enchanced the triggers and terrains
-Added 1 Persona user- Wind line
->>Wind Spells
->>Physicals Spells
->>Healing Spells
->>Almighty Spells

-Changed the name of the Author because the Author(me) changed my username :)
-Nerfed unit counts on the frontier
-Model fixed (added a persona card to the model and re animated some of the models)
PS: sorry animation requesters i've been busy making my map , bcoz of that, i'm late at making yours :(!!

-Added Generals, for players!
-See the Features point for more information (although only a little information)
-Added 1 more item (Works like an Ankh)
-Added one more screenshot for the description
-Rebalanced stuffs and moved some towers
-Global Distribution is off(EXP)
-EXP rate increased

-General Revival Fixed

-Changed preview

-Fixed the Crash error

-Generality Should work fine now
-Added a new system that allows the general to increase it's health and damage(base damage & health)
-Boots of speed given when hero picked(Credits to Zealon)
-Boss issues balanced
-Balancing issues fixed
-Creeps are stronger from now on
(that means don't play alone except cheating like "whosyourdaddy")

-Added a tome system!!!!Look at the features to know 'how to"
-changed the preview and loading screen
-re-animate the walking animation of the lightbringer and the UV-map of it.
-Defeat condition removed( the frontier leader one )
-Frontier leader can revive now
-Added a Training Grounds for hiring units!

-Fixed the level issues
-Fixed some level times and set it right perfectly~!

-Added a new hero " Gunner "
->>Burst Bullet
->>Assault Rifle
->>Frag Rain

-Re Terrained some parts
-Added the Rakunda main Fortress, so the main mission is to survive and then defeat the main fortress ruler!
-Changed the game roleplay!

-Added a new hero " Inochigami Knight "(God of Life knight)
->>Force of Light

-Re-model the swat force
-Changed the game roleplay!

-Added a new hero " Inochigami "(God of Life)
->>Sword impact
->>Twin Crusher
->>Great Aura
->>Force of Life

-Re-model the inochigami knight
-Fixed some tooltips
-Improved some buffs and effects
-fixed the gates :(

-Fixed the anims of the Inochigami
-Fixed the selection of the Inochigami Knight- Inochigami
-Fixed some triggers
-Changed preview and loadingscreen (by peper)

-Fixed the -stat3 stated by ap0
-Fixed the leaks stated by ap0
-Improved some spells
-Description (some little) are improved

Thanks to AP0 for these..

(PS: yes apo, i do not know dices and such, coz i don't even know how they work :)0|)

The Persona User - Wind

-Wind Abilities
-Physical Powers
-Healing Abilities
-Almighty Spell

Very strong, his powerful force spell is the thing that boosts the power of this hero, and his almighty powerful spell, probably the best spell in the game you'll see, because of it's supportive skills and powerful wind attacks.


The Persona User

-Lightning Abilities
-Physical Powers
-Status Booster
-Almighty Spell

Very strong, his powerful lightning spell is the thing that boosts the power of this hero, and his almighty powerful spell, probably the best spell in the game you'll see, because of it's powerful damage and area effect.


The Royal Knight
-Powerful Smash
-Combo attack
-Royal Guard

Very defensive, it is good for augmenting troops and supporting allies, and it's very powerful swordwave attack allows it to strike enemies in a blow, and his combo attack doubles/triples his attacks


The Shadow Knight
-Venom Rain
-Shadow Walk
-Shadow Wave
-Shadow Speed

Very fast and agile fighter, its shadow wave and venom rain are the things that helps the shadow knight rule the battle field, and the Shadow Speed ability, is very supportive to him because he can move , attack , and do things faster than any hero.


The Lightbringer
Holy Bolt
Holy Sword
Second Chance

The Holy lightbringer, the leader and the rival of the shadow knight, both of them rule the kingdom as princes,the lightbringer is very powerful at supporting and destroying enemy forces in a blow, and it's special power called "second chance" allows him to revive after falling down on battle.
Very good for fronting enemies since his second chance is very useful.


The Imperial Swordsman
Circular Strike
Bloody Strikes

Very good at supporting fighters like the persona users and the royal knights, because of his circular strike.The circular strike is very good for escaping or even killing creeps in a blow.No one knows where he learned these abilities, perhaps from kendo + karate+ taekwondo+??? until he mastered it. [i don't even know :)]


The High Mage
Fire Spread
Demolishing Thunder
Ice Blast
Comet Strike

Trained to be a mage, very very intelligent, very young yet intelligent , his spells are very powerful, harmful but costful(of mana) the comet strike, its very powerful as it gains it's level, at max, it will deal damage heavily and at a quite long duration with a large area!


The SWAT Force
Assault Rifle
Burst Bullet
Frag Rain

Trained as a soldier in America, sent to the Rakunda frontier to assist in gaining back the main fortress as well as defending the last fortress!
It is very good, also it's gun fire speed is very fast!


The Inochigami Knight
Force of Light

The son of Izanagi, Raina, named by Peper, Izanagi's Right-hand knight.
His blade , Lightbearer is very powerful , given by Peper, he is sent by the Gods to assist one of the Ten Holy Frontiers, that is Rakunda Frontier from the assault of the Darkness Krakzthor, brother of Drakzthor, the Assault Leader.


The God, Inochigami - Izanagi No Okami
Twin Crusher
Sword Impact
Great Aura
Force of Life

An Inochigami samurai of japanese, known as the God of Creations alongside his son ( his knight (Raina, the Inochigami)).
Very powerful in combat by using his both swords, he is very fast even when wielding "Justice and Life" the twin swords of legend.


The Legendary Samurai, Yoshitsune
-Combo Attacks
-Wind Cutter
-Hassou Tobi

The legendary warrior known as yoshitsune , has been summoned to help the frontier of rakunda being re-captured again by the rebellions of the rakundas!
Very fast, strong , his known armor is very shiny and strong!


Sharpshooter Sharnid
-Sniper Rifle

Sharnid, a sharpshooter from another galaxy that looks a like with earth.
His sniper is made out by the best Ore and Metal ever made, and it's bullets are charged inside within the Sniper






-The Hiveworkshop[Tutorials]
-Warcraft Unlimited[Models]
-Warcraft Underground[Models]
-SetaSouji[The one that helped me]
-Izanagi(in the WC3 Unlimited not me!)
-Modelers(Hard to list them)

Map is not protected!
But please do not edit it without my concern except you asked me permission!

Wikipedia:Frontier of Defense

frontier defense persona battle system cool switch lightning wind royal loyal proyal soyal moyal doyal toyal LOL XD fun game boredom killer, of defens

Frontier of Defense v1.3 (Map)

17:28, 2nd Jan 2011 ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
But it's not "cool" ... You see, when player has gold then you take it away, but if he doesen't, you reduce to 0 and still revive. It's bad for gameplay ... I would suggest to try to make something that revives of players with and without gold be balanced and equal as much as equal they can be.

Cheers :)
Honestly: I do not like this system, and I really hope that it does not get implemented.
Punishing those who are already weak is one of the worst things you can do in a game, and it happens way too often.

If someone can't even get the gold required to revive correctly, what would decreasing his stats do? It would only make him weaker, make him earn less gold (wihch, in turn, makes him even weaker than he was before) and it will ruin the game for that person.
Now that's something to think about :D

You should try to find some kind of auto-balance system which detects when a player is really in trouble trying to stay alive, something that gives a player a little breather while still maintaining the general difficulty.
Either that or keep it as it is :)
Level 7
Oct 10, 2009
Honestly: I do not like this system, and I really hope that it does not get implemented.
Punishing those who are already weak is one of the worst things you can do in a game, and it happens way too often.

If someone can't even get the gold required to revive correctly, what would decreasing his stats do? It would only make him weaker, make him earn less gold (wihch, in turn, makes him even weaker than he was before) and it will ruin the game for that person.
Now that's something to think about :D

You should try to find some kind of auto-balance system which detects when a player is really in trouble trying to stay alive, something that gives a player a little breather while still maintaining the general difficulty.
Either that or keep it as it is :)

Weakness was just a suggestion ... But still, it seems unfair a bit, don't you think ? I mean, he can make that guy who died and didn't have a gold to revive, still revive, but next time he died he pay 550+ gold he didn't have last time. But still, if someone sucks, and can't gain any gold (and those players exist) then he should just revive Heroes without taking gold ... But still, I think that 550 is too much ... About 200 would be fine :) (everyone could earn 200 gold ... I think ?!)
Level 2
Jul 6, 2009
Izanagi said:
You can buy tomes by typing "-stat1/2/3"
1 will take 1000 gold and give you 10 stats to all attributes
2 will take 22500 gold and give you 50 stats to all attributes
3 will take 47500 gold and give you 100 stats to all attributes

This looks wrong. You can get 50 stats by typing -stat2 once and paying 22500 gold or by typing -stat1 5 times and paying only 5000 gold.
You can get 100 stats by typing -stat1 10 times paying 10k gold, typing -stat2 2 times paying 45k gold or typing -stat3 once paying 47.5k gold.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Ok then, what about an area on the ground that gives you the tomes when you walk over them. And it subtracts your money when you do it, and if you don't have enough money it dosn't give you the tome. It'll be much easier then typing the codes.... :D
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Ok then, what about an area on the ground that gives you the tomes when you walk over them. And it subtracts your money when you do it, and if you don't have enough money it dosn't give you the tome. It'll be much easier then typing the codes.... :D
So basically, when you forgot to think about your money for a while you have to let your unit walk all the way back to the base, patrol the circles of power a few times to get the stats you want and then walk back to where the action is?

Sorry if it sounds like your ideas are being completely denied, but it just doesn't seem very plausible to me.

There could be shortcuts for the lazy ones, like:
  • -im/sm/am (int/str/agi max).
  • -allm (all max - gives you an equal amount of int, str and agi)
  • -iam/sam/sim (int-agi max / str-agi max / str-int max; same as above but with 2 stats).
These triggers are easy to create (only requires 1 trigger either way), are (imo) efficient, the codes are easy to remember and doesn't require you to do anything but type a very short sentence.
For the 2-stat-codes, "-iam" should do the same as "-aim" (idem for the other stats, so the code is even easier to remember).

And don't tell me you're too lazy to type one of these cods, but can handle walking all the way back to your base to patrol a few circles to get stats :D
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Yeah your idea is better, it might work well with Impossible Bosses; but I guess its not the best for this type of gameplay.
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
hmm, I don't really have any more ideas, maybe you should ask the master; ap0calypse. I'm sure he'll give you a decent review.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
swar force and samurai screenshits do not work.
Screenshots* (I think... unless... nevermind that).

The terrain is very simple.
You could greatly improve the terrain if you use the terrain raise/lower tool and didn't use that many blizzard cliffs.
There also are (nearly) no environmental doodads, and there are way too much cinematic doodads (the best number of cinematic doodads is none).
I find that the rock doesn't go very well with the white marble, but I dislike lordaeron summer tileset in general...

Some triggers leak, others could be made more efficient.
A great example of a set of triggers that could be made more efficient is the "Selection" category.
With a few extra variables, you can all combine them to one trigger, making it easier to edit and more efficient.
The triggers inside that category also leak (create unit at loc --> leaks location).

The game is ridiculously easy, at least: that's what I think because the game crashed.
There is one thing which completely destroys the gameplay: the pathing.
Creeps get stuck everywhere you've got a tighter path (and you've got a lot of those).

With my hero (Zero), I could easily chain lightning all mobs to death, wait a while for them to stack up at the entrance again and do this again.
A few swords, an armor and a mask of death with 60 sec ress also helps out pretty well, and for the tight spots that fan of knives can get you safe.
At the end of the game, I noticed there were 'a few' (or so it seemed) creeps still stuck at the spawn.
Since I had nothing better to do (my general was levelled up pretty good, and with 4 max swords, 1 max armor and a mask - just like my actual hero - his equipment was also maxed), I went out to kill them.
To my surprise, I got instantly killed. Twice, because of my ress.
Why? Because there were not a few creeps there, all creeps of at least 2 levels (and in your game 2 levels is pretty long) gathered there and got stuck.
And not only that, there were so many creeps that the game flashed (an overload of models/effects can cause a game to go berserk) and crashed afterwards.

You have to fix this.

Other things which bothered me concerning the gameplay is the lack of good text.
The revive-text just doesn't look good, neither does the new level text or anything else.

The stat-command was also very bothersome: I do not want to raise ALL stats, I want to buy some stats myself.
You could easily create a single command to increase a certain attribute by the amount you want :|
And another command for maxing the attribute (spend all your gold on it).

Ohh, and increase the movement speed of the warrior (hero chooser) and make him flying - that should help the players a lot.

The general doesn't become much stronger with levelling.
Shadow Speed isn't a very good ulti (compared to Legendary Spirit, it sucks big times).
Venom Rain has a bugged tooltip ("A00D,DataA1>", you forgot a '<').
The Persona - Lightning Reign has a weird # targets/level.
The frag nade (sharpshooter) might be overpowered, just let the sharpshooter have tank-capabilities (instead of damage), lead him in the middle of a wave and use it, everyone in a large radius will be dead.

The tooltips lacked information (especially the learn tooltips).
There aren't enough items (no way to increase attack speed apart from tomes, only a few different attack/armor items).
Not a single triggered spell, although this isn't necessarily a bad point (it's a neutral point since the standard spells have been customized in a good way, but triggered spells are a positive point if they're well done).

Rejected until updated:
- Fix the crash (required)
- Fix the pathing (required)
- Improve the terrain (recommended)
- Improve the text (tooltips/game messages) (recommended)
- Rebalance some spells (recommended)
- Read my review and pick out the other flaws.
thanks ap0, ^^

err. i don't get what is pathing and i'm indonesian guys =,="

Oh , about the persona, i'm using his abilities levels in the PS2 game, so i won't change it.

i'll get some terrainer o.o

and why did it crash? can someone check the triggers?? crash?? where?? ?_?

oh, and the create unit loc, , the point will be removed after the game is set
Last edited:
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
thanks ap0, ^^

err. i don't get what is pathing and i'm indonesian guys =,="
The way the creeps walk.
All creeps get stuck at the choke points (small points where they have to go through).

Screeny of bad pathing:

and why did it crash? can someone check the triggers?? crash?? where?? ?_?
I already said why it crashed =____=
It crashes because a million of creeps get stuck at the same point, which causes an overload of models/animations to be shown at once --> crash.
Check the pathing and this will solve itself.


I'll very carefully explain this phenomenon:
1) Units keep spawning but there is no room (see first screeny, of the bad pathing).
2) Every game has a maximum number of poly's they can show (every model exists out of poly's).
3) If that number is exceeded, this happens.
And it can crash the game.

oh, and the create unit loc, , the point will be removed after the game is set
No it won't.
  • Unit - Create 1 Royal Knight for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (Center of Revival Location <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
That point leaks.

More bugs:
- Fix all hotkeys
- Fix the icon positions (Art - Button Position)
- Ability "Flash Steps": the auto-fill in backfired with the tooltip (<A017,DataB1,%> turned into <A027 / <A037 / ... so it doesn't work).
- Idem above for Eternity, Flash Meld and other abilities that have a '1' in their rawcode.
- Raina is also overpowered. Give that guy 5 +200 blades and a mask and he can chop through anything without losing HP.
Another cool trick is activating wind walk. walking right in the middle of a massive group of enemies and then using the light-ability: all units withing 700 range are dead (and believe me, that's a lot).
- After casting an ability, Morlune's (royal knight) animation will be stuck until he does something else.
- Make the shops invulnerable, one idiot is enough to be stuck without shops for the rest of the game :D