Frontier of Defense v1.3

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Frontier of Defense


Defend the castle as the creeps will come to attack it and destroy it!You will need team work to do it!Buy items as you get money by killing creep waves!defeat bosses after you encounter creeps and survived for a set of time that is set by the red player at the beginning of the game.

You can buy tomes by typing "-stat1/2/3"
1 will take 1000 gold and give you 10 stats to all attributes
2 will take 22500 gold and give you 50 stats to all attributes
3 will take 47500 gold and give you 100 stats to all attributes

You will have a general!
When the general kills, it will sure get some spice after counts of kills.
It's Generality will level up and for sure it is almost like a hero!
you can have mercenaries in this survival game, making it more interesting, not much helping though
Player 1 may set the time for survival!The shortest duration of survival is 5 minutes, and 5 minutes for training and defending is very hard so , the longer the duration, the easier the game will be!

The items are quite useful because a 1000 can buy 15 charges of potions , and the offensive and defensive items are very useful, not cheap though.

Level 1 Boss:The Enraged Gladiator
Level 2 Boss:The Legendary Drakzrthor
Level 3 Boss:The Legendary Fire
Level END Boss:The Leader of The Assault Forces


6 Heroes made, SetaSouji made the sixth hero , very powerful and it is very cool (The model)

Improved Persona User's Model
Reanimated Persona user's model
Added 1 more level (Naga levels)

Added more troops for allies
Added 1 victory condition and 2 defeat condition
(If the Assault Leader Killed you'll win, if your leader dies, you'll lose, or if the castle is destroyed you'll lose)
1 more item, Amulet of Assistance

-Troops balanced
-Troops Reduced
-gameplay improved!

-Leaks fixed
-Triggers reduced(Should make the game more smoothing :])
-Instead of Making more leaks, at initialization created 9 points for use from the start of the game until the end of the game.

-Fixed some terrain parts as requested
-Moved some parts of the game
-Squished the size of the map(the playable area)
-Added a War3mapMap.blp

-Fixed the Boss vision :(
-Enchanced the triggers and terrains
-Added 1 Persona user- Wind line
->>Wind Spells
->>Physicals Spells
->>Healing Spells
->>Almighty Spells

-Changed the name of the Author because the Author(me) changed my username :)
-Nerfed unit counts on the frontier
-Model fixed (added a persona card to the model and re animated some of the models)
PS: sorry animation requesters i've been busy making my map , bcoz of that, i'm late at making yours :(!!

-Added Generals, for players!
-See the Features point for more information (although only a little information)
-Added 1 more item (Works like an Ankh)
-Added one more screenshot for the description
-Rebalanced stuffs and moved some towers
-Global Distribution is off(EXP)
-EXP rate increased

-General Revival Fixed

-Changed preview

-Fixed the Crash error

-Generality Should work fine now
-Added a new system that allows the general to increase it's health and damage(base damage & health)
-Boots of speed given when hero picked(Credits to Zealon)
-Boss issues balanced
-Balancing issues fixed
-Creeps are stronger from now on
(that means don't play alone except cheating like "whosyourdaddy")

-Added a tome system!!!!Look at the features to know 'how to"
-changed the preview and loading screen
-re-animate the walking animation of the lightbringer and the UV-map of it.
-Defeat condition removed( the frontier leader one )
-Frontier leader can revive now
-Added a Training Grounds for hiring units!

-Fixed the level issues
-Fixed some level times and set it right perfectly~!

-Added a new hero " Gunner "
->>Burst Bullet
->>Assault Rifle
->>Frag Rain

-Re Terrained some parts
-Added the Rakunda main Fortress, so the main mission is to survive and then defeat the main fortress ruler!
-Changed the game roleplay!

-Added a new hero " Inochigami Knight "(God of Life knight)
->>Force of Light

-Re-model the swat force
-Changed the game roleplay!

-Added a new hero " Inochigami "(God of Life)
->>Sword impact
->>Twin Crusher
->>Great Aura
->>Force of Life

-Re-model the inochigami knight
-Fixed some tooltips
-Improved some buffs and effects
-fixed the gates :(

-Fixed the anims of the Inochigami
-Fixed the selection of the Inochigami Knight- Inochigami
-Fixed some triggers
-Changed preview and loadingscreen (by peper)

-Fixed the -stat3 stated by ap0
-Fixed the leaks stated by ap0
-Improved some spells
-Description (some little) are improved

Thanks to AP0 for these..

(PS: yes apo, i do not know dices and such, coz i don't even know how they work :)0|)

The Persona User - Wind

-Wind Abilities
-Physical Powers
-Healing Abilities
-Almighty Spell

Very strong, his powerful force spell is the thing that boosts the power of this hero, and his almighty powerful spell, probably the best spell in the game you'll see, because of it's supportive skills and powerful wind attacks.


The Persona User

-Lightning Abilities
-Physical Powers
-Status Booster
-Almighty Spell

Very strong, his powerful lightning spell is the thing that boosts the power of this hero, and his almighty powerful spell, probably the best spell in the game you'll see, because of it's powerful damage and area effect.


The Royal Knight
-Powerful Smash
-Combo attack
-Royal Guard

Very defensive, it is good for augmenting troops and supporting allies, and it's very powerful swordwave attack allows it to strike enemies in a blow, and his combo attack doubles/triples his attacks


The Shadow Knight
-Venom Rain
-Shadow Walk
-Shadow Wave
-Shadow Speed

Very fast and agile fighter, its shadow wave and venom rain are the things that helps the shadow knight rule the battle field, and the Shadow Speed ability, is very supportive to him because he can move , attack , and do things faster than any hero.


The Lightbringer
Holy Bolt
Holy Sword
Second Chance

The Holy lightbringer, the leader and the rival of the shadow knight, both of them rule the kingdom as princes,the lightbringer is very powerful at supporting and destroying enemy forces in a blow, and it's special power called "second chance" allows him to revive after falling down on battle.
Very good for fronting enemies since his second chance is very useful.


The Imperial Swordsman
Circular Strike
Bloody Strikes

Very good at supporting fighters like the persona users and the royal knights, because of his circular strike.The circular strike is very good for escaping or even killing creeps in a blow.No one knows where he learned these abilities, perhaps from kendo + karate+ taekwondo+??? until he mastered it. [i don't even know :)]


The High Mage
Fire Spread
Demolishing Thunder
Ice Blast
Comet Strike

Trained to be a mage, very very intelligent, very young yet intelligent , his spells are very powerful, harmful but costful(of mana) the comet strike, its very powerful as it gains it's level, at max, it will deal damage heavily and at a quite long duration with a large area!


The SWAT Force
Assault Rifle
Burst Bullet
Frag Rain

Trained as a soldier in America, sent to the Rakunda frontier to assist in gaining back the main fortress as well as defending the last fortress!
It is very good, also it's gun fire speed is very fast!


The Inochigami Knight
Force of Light

The son of Izanagi, Raina, named by Peper, Izanagi's Right-hand knight.
His blade , Lightbearer is very powerful , given by Peper, he is sent by the Gods to assist one of the Ten Holy Frontiers, that is Rakunda Frontier from the assault of the Darkness Krakzthor, brother of Drakzthor, the Assault Leader.


The God, Inochigami - Izanagi No Okami
Twin Crusher
Sword Impact
Great Aura
Force of Life

An Inochigami samurai of japanese, known as the God of Creations alongside his son ( his knight (Raina, the Inochigami)).
Very powerful in combat by using his both swords, he is very fast even when wielding "Justice and Life" the twin swords of legend.


The Legendary Samurai, Yoshitsune
-Combo Attacks
-Wind Cutter
-Hassou Tobi

The legendary warrior known as yoshitsune , has been summoned to help the frontier of rakunda being re-captured again by the rebellions of the rakundas!
Very fast, strong , his known armor is very shiny and strong!


Sharpshooter Sharnid
-Sniper Rifle

Sharnid, a sharpshooter from another galaxy that looks a like with earth.
His sniper is made out by the best Ore and Metal ever made, and it's bullets are charged inside within the Sniper






-The Hiveworkshop[Tutorials]
-Warcraft Unlimited[Models]
-Warcraft Underground[Models]
-SetaSouji[The one that helped me]
-Izanagi(in the WC3 Unlimited not me!)
-Modelers(Hard to list them)

Map is not protected!
But please do not edit it without my concern except you asked me permission!

Wikipedia:Frontier of Defense

frontier defense persona battle system cool switch lightning wind royal loyal proyal soyal moyal doyal toyal LOL XD fun game boredom killer, of defens

Frontier of Defense v1.3 (Map)

17:28, 2nd Jan 2011 ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
I rate this resource by 1/5 and I recomend it to be Rejected due to these problems.

1. Why heroes has same names as other ones?
2. Hero icons does not match the model and makes no sense.
3. Hero voice also does not match it's model and makes no sense aswell.
4. Some kind of powerful creatures are clearly noticeable in the other side of cliff, I can easily attack it with my abilities, at the spot where enemy units appears.
5. Terrain and entire environment was developed awfully.
6. Items, that are being sold, lacks of proper description and hotkeys.
7. Hero abilities are missing X; Y positions, it is just randomly set in the abilities window.
8. Hero abilities are missing proper description.
9. Hero attack sound does not match the model. Does it sound good if a sword makes sound like a hammer bashes into something hard?
10. I choosed 5 Min survival and I made it by single player, did it all with one hero and when 5 minutes expired, somewhy I didn't win. It is not only a massive disbalance but an error aswell. Then why seting a timer for survival, if after timer ends, game is still on?
11. Please set enemy units to patrol instead of making them walk somewhere by force, because of this I get an advantage, enemy units do not attack me, but they stack and dont move properly.

Afterall I am surprised, how a resource can lack of so many things and contains so many mistakes after this amount of updates?
i've said it in the description, if you play it ALONE, then you can NEVER win except you are very professional, and i'll make some sense in the sounds :)
thank you. it is NOT imbalance,

at Level 1
You will be granted a great handicap

at Level 2
even if your level is 20, it's hard to believe that you can LOSE

at level 3
even if your level is 40 , you can lose except if you play 3 people or more

at level 4
to hell if you play solo, (i mean the character will go to the hell of damage :])

i'm unhappy that you rate 1/5, almost every people rate it because of the Fun Factor and the Idea that i used basic abilities to make it look cooler than a basic ability.

stop being cocky ya know :( since i'm still an intermediate mapper, slow down on me :)
its only at version v0.5d , mind you! hhe
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
i've said it in the description, if you play it ALONE, then you can NEVER win except you are very professional, and i'll make some sense in the sounds :)
thank you. it is NOT imbalance,

at Level 1
You will be granted a great handicap

at Level 2
even if your level is 20, it's hard to believe that you can LOSE

at level 3
even if your level is 40 , you can lose except if you play 3 people or more

at level 4
to hell if you play solo, (i mean the character will go to the hell of damage :])

i'm unhappy that you rate 1/5, almost every people rate it because of the Fun Factor and the Idea that i used basic abilities to make it look cooler than a basic ability.

stop being cocky ya know :( since i'm still an intermediate mapper, slow down on me :)
its only at version v0.5d , mind you! hhe

You told me not to play alone? But I did and I successfully survived 5 minutes, timer was expired, but game didn't end. I survied it! Why game is still on? In description I see that all I have to do is to survive the timer, protect meself and castle. It contains a massive disbalance. Never play alone, unless I am very professional? Seems like I am way too professional according you. But I have named it already - disbalance. Afterall, I didn't ask you to tell me the system how your map works. People who rate 4 or 5 just for abilities that have changed special effects knows nothing about reviewing maps.
Being new at maps making, don't give you a right to upload low quality resources. Map had been updated dozen of times and I've seen much better resources without any update, just with first try. So please don't complain about my rating, because so far it don't deserve more than that.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
People who rate 4 or 5 just for abilities that have changed special effects knows nothing about reviewing maps.
Okay, i'm object!
The victory conditions won't work on singleplayer, so.....
And what? No disbalance in my problem, if you playing older version, the enemies WAY TO EASY. Then, WAY TO HARD.
And now, WAY TO WHAT?
Ok, so Izanagi, you must make the level of Enemies vary with player if you don't want any complaints.
Being new at maps making, don't give you a right to upload low quality resources. Map had been updated dozen of times and I've seen much better resources without any update, just with first try. So please don't complain about my rating, because so far it don't deserve more than that.
i totally object your words
you could say it with tones not harsh.
i'm not new at maps making, i'm just still a boy (in junior high schol)interested at english subject and warcraft III mapping also animating models
and that "don't give you a right to upload LOW quality resources."
is this map low quality... because my friends and some of the players that chatted with me says that this map rocks, just need improvements and more features.

"and this map had been updated DOZEN of times" :(
that is not true, and do not rate the map 1/5 because i've updated it only few times.

Okay, i'm object!
The victory conditions won't work on singleplayer, so.....
And what? No disbalance in my problem, if you playing older version, the enemies WAY TO EASY. Then, WAY TO HARD.
And now, WAY TO WHAT?
Ok, so Izanagi, you must make the level of Enemies vary with player if you don't want any complaints.

Thankyou :) nice idea you have there
i'll make the first waves stronger so it i'll be tough!
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
I see you aren't willing to improve your work. Being young boy in not an excuse too.. And yes, it is low, comparing to others it is. You obviously shouldn't leave previewing maps just for your friends, if they say its awsome - it doesn't mean it is. Maybe it is cool for your friends, but giving 4 or 5 just for an effort you pour is not right.

Only because of my preview's fifth, tenth and eleventh points you get this rate. Fix all of these and I shall preview it again, I might take a deeper look into it, but not now, when in first minutes I see what's wrong with it.
i agree, i do not want this thread to be a war thread :grin::grin::grin:

my triggers are normal and works perfectly fine(but it is bad)
Terrain is bad but i didn't make the terrain, my friend Briegxal in the indonesian community made it

i'm going to release v0.6 with balance and general improvements

you are an indonesian right? (don't bother opening the site since it has been shutted down
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Ok sorry I took so long.

Firstly, thanks for crediting me *blush* +rep

*bugs and stuff*

-now I like the whole general idea, but it seems like somthings missing. There needs to be somthing else; more ideas about what he does.
-I forgot about those boots of speed, now to save people the trouble of picking them up and then selling the ones they don't need. You need to make it that every hero has boots of speed as a starting item already in their inventory. Or just give players starting money to buy it from a store.
-when I go to those two enemy heros, I can just kill them both in the begining with a shockwave ability or somthing.
-the currant items don't help that much, I recommend that you make another set of items that increase your total health and mana, and another set of items that increase your health regeneration and mana regeneration.
-when you pick your hero or respawn, its hard to tell where they are at first, or if they have respawed you don't know until you read the message. Make it that the camera takes you to the spot, and select the hero for you. It gives the game a better feeling of gameplay, and makes things easier :p
-some hero abilities are much more powerful then others, and some abilities are not set properly in X and Y positions.
-with some heros, when you learn an ability, it has an icon, but when you look at that ability once you've learned it. It has a different icon?

And thats all for now.

These bugs are just small problems that can be easily fixed, nothing major. But the mods can also be quite strict so fixing them could possibly be the difference between REJECTION and APPROVAL

You did a good job fixing those balencing issues with the units, exept at the begining, its just a little too easy :p
I'm not giving my vote just yet, I'll first wait for your next update ;D
i'll fix those immediately :)

and thanks +rep

the icon stuff is light bringer's right?

i'll do it now :)


okay then let's start...


thankyou for being patient and please test, the general should work fine, the icons should work fine, the sound effects will work fine, the boots of speed will be given after selecting a hero..


Zealon, can you tell me what does X and Y of the abilities icons means?
i can't make it, since i do not know how to set it properly..
Last edited:
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
Zealon, can you tell me what does X and Y of the abilities icons means?
i can't make it, since i do not know how to set it properly..

There are some very skilled people on THW. You should quickly make a thread on the World editor help section. And ask them to explain the method to you, I'm not too good with explaining.

and thanks +rep

Lulz, you forgot to :p

awesome I will test it.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Okay, chill down your guys. Don't make this to a thread war..... :D
First, He is right, he improved this since ver 2.0. Even he do daily updates.
Second, you're right. I agree the terrain is bad, trigger is bad, or the others.
Why? Because he work alone. Izanagi, i suggest get a team.
I said that he is not willing to improve only because all he did was complaining about my prieview. Working alone is not a major problem that might cause plenty of mistakes, working alone is the same, but slower, way to create your map. Of course if he needs help, go ahead, I have nothing against it. So far I don't care, he has someone in the team or not, I look straight to the map.
I see map is being updated, I raise my rating from 1/5 to 2/5.
For what?

for X Y icon places

and can someone make a loading screen.. i can't.. since i'm not an image maker o.o

"I said that he is not willing to improve only because all he did was complaining about my prieview. Working alone is not a major problem that might cause plenty of mistakes, working alone is the same, but slower, way to create your map. Of course if he needs help, go ahead, I have nothing against it. So far I don't care, he has someone in the team or not, I look straight to the map.
I see map is being updated, I raise my rating from 1/5 to 2/5."

i complained because some of your comments are false :(
thankyou for raising but i think i'll make you raise more :)
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
and can someone make a loading screen.. i can't.. since i'm not an image maker o.o
sorry I can't do any of that stuff either :(

Anyway I tested the latest version, about this and the previous update, Its great how you've fixed alot of the problems with the heros, the global exp factor, and the enemy heros that were killable, so thats good ^^


-ok theres a big problem with the respawning, whenever you die or your general dies, the medical expences takes away all your money.
-another problem I forgot to mention last time, is that the enemies give you to much money, by the time I was lvl 50 and I've already had all the best items for some time, my total gold was somthing like 60000; with nothing left to buy D:
-a feature that might make the game a little more interesting, is either custom music, or music from the other warcraft 3 races, I just find the human music so boring :p
-the only way for me to lose is when the commander dies, which happens alot. Could I suggest that you change the victory conditions to make it that he can die without you losing. Make it that every few seconds a small force of your soldiers spawn and and attack move toward the enemies, and when your commander dies, the soldiers stop spawning. That way you will only lose when your fortress is destroyed. And when your commander dies you have pretty much lost, anyway. So that idea might work.
-another idea is that you could make a mercinary camp so that you can hire stuff to fight for you, just because there is nothing much to do with your money when you have all the items.
-a huge problem is that the enemies get stuck, they gather by the river and block the whole path. And when you finally kill all the units that are blocking the path, the other path starts to bock up, maybe just make the paths over the river bigger? coz thats where the blocking starts.

There is still alot of improvment though; I hope you continue work on this, and I look forward to the next upate, good job :)
thx.. peper and Zealon, and peper, the image is like heroes are striking a mass number of troops
make the heroes the same as in the map :) and the mass number of troops are all of the races in the map , if you can make it thankyou then :)

mercenary camp .. okay..

then 1 unit will give 10 gold!
medical expenses takes ALL gold??!?!

the commander dies and we lose
isn't that a must?

i'll update it..
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
the commander dies and we lose
isn't that a must?

Well, like I said, you'll pretty much lose anyway because you're survival will almost depend on your troops. And when your commander dies, troops stop coming ;)

then 1 unit will give 10 gold!

that will work nicely :)

medical expenses takes ALL gold??!?!

yeah its a strange bug....

mercenary camp .. okay..

Awesome :D

i'll update it..

I can't wait :)
Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
I've just finnished testing. I have to say, this map has gone through an amazing amout of improvments. There are still a couple of small suff you could improve, but seriously, exellent job with the fixes. I can't give you my full review yet, because I need to sleep now, But I'm giving this a rating of 3/5 ;)

Level 13
Mar 13, 2010
*Zealon's bug report*

-I just notised that the (forgot his name) dosn't have a texture. I thought that it was supposed to be like that until I saw your screenshot of him in the discription.
-the mercinary camp works really well with this type of gamplay, the only problem is that at the momment, soldiers cost too little and you can buy yourself an army in the first couple minutes of the game.
-the enemies are slightly too easy, they have very little health and can be killed in one hit.
-the bosses are killed in just a few seconds because some of the hero abilities are way too powerful. In that WH40k map I showed you, the bosses are really challenging because they kill you in 7 hits. They have sooo much health, yet since they have no HP regeneration so they are still killable. So basicly, the bosses just need some suping up.
-the discriptions needs fixing, in the icons and stuff.
-when you choose a hero, it dosn't bring your camera to the hero; which is kinda annoying. but it does move the camera when your hero respawns so thats good ;)
-the fountains heal you too fast.
-the timer at the top of the screen says: Level 4 reinforc... For people new to the game, it might sound like its a good thing, like reinforcments for your troops. So you could change it to somthing like this: Level 4 enemies... or this: Wave Level 4... But you don't have to change it, its not really essential.

Sorry for all the new bugs, I try to bring all the problems one at a time; so its not too overwhelming :razz:

And the amount of cash you get for every kill is perfect, nice fix ;)
I'll raise my vote, when some of the mentioned problems are fixed, sorry 3/5

Peper, can you make me a better one???

its very good indeed, but make the text some where ,where it could not annoy the image ^^
make those enemies spreaded around the heroes and the heroes are bashing them! , Yosuke summoning persona and light bringer bashing them! and the Shadow knight bursting poisonouse venoms, and the mage and elf warrior is using spells on them

it will be VERY cool if you can , its okay now, but make it more detail :)