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Free map reviews

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Hello members of the HiveWork Shop. I will be doing free map reviews to anyone.

*I will be doing only 1 map for 2 days. I hope the line wont be long :)

1.Tell me something first about the map.
2.What do you want me to review most.
3.Send me the map by e-mail.
4.It will be reviewed in a day or two.

Thank you.



ArenXis-3/3 Finished.
Aeroblyctos-on wait.
kewlthis-on wait.
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Level 4
Jul 15, 2007
Wow another "helpfull" review thread ;)

I've allready posted such an reply into another thread but Dark.Revenant is to busy i think :/

Well Maybe u can review my map I would be glad ;)

It's a ball game like speedball but with heroes spells items arenas and different kind of balls (The Holyhandgrenade for example ;))

Link to forum => http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f202/unmercy-balls-111702/(with some screenies)

Link to map => Unmercy Balls v2a - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

2.What do you want me to review most.

Well I don't know.. :/
Just replay in the forum (see link above)

Thanks in advance

Yours sincerely

Nerv ;)
That map looks very interesting, i will test it. You will have to wait, the line is big. :)

ArenXis-Just Started.
VeljkoM-On Wait.
Nerv91.Slayer-on wait

Edit: I have finished the Chapter 1 "World Spire"

------------------------------------------------WORLD SPIRE--------------------------------------------------------

Description: ArneXis, you made quite a good map, even doe it has some bugs.

Terrain: The terrain looks basic, like any other single map or campaigning.The terrain needs more work, remove blizzard cliffs at ununneccecery places.The Mountains look better then the outside terrain. 3/5

Cinematic: The cinematic is done basic, talk and talk and talk and yaapa,yappa... You need to make it more interesting for people. Lack of Voice, but that doesn't count much. 3/5

Quests:Kill the humans, get to the mountains. Very cheese, i saw no side quest in your map. That's the sad part...You should make something like, help those humans stole my baby, even doe that's cheese, i only gave you an example how it needs to be done. 2/5

Object Editor: Some of the spells are triggered, and some not(Could use more work). The icons were nice, and the items were custom. Needs better upgrades for units and buildings. The main character looks good and everything is fine with her. 4/5

Triggers: There aren't any high skilled triggers, the map has only low skilled triggers, makes it no fun for people. The spiders in the mountains are low triggered(I mean the Traps). 2/5

Hostile Creeps: At the start you cant find creeps anywhere, but when you kill the humans then they appear. That's a bummer, you need to make creeps at start, so that you can level up your hero.. 4/5

Bugs and Suggestions:

First bug: The gate cant be destroyed, is that the end? do i need to download the other 2 chapters?If it's the end, then , make a note when you come there: Go to the hivework shop and download the chapter 2 and 3, thank you.

Second bug: That black rock or boulder is blocking the heroes path. Even the units cant pass trow.

Third suggestion: The yellow solider has to give you a side quest.

Fourth suggestion: Remove that ugly cliffs.

Overall: 3/5 -OK
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Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Thanks for reviewing map 1.
a Quick reply
1.That's not a bug the key drops from a crate that can be found inside the mountain near the destructible wall.
2.That's a bug.Fixed
3.The yellow soldier says you need to go to the south from his location or "down" .There you can find a side quest :)
If you dont want to repeat map 1 just whosyourdaddy through it.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Okay, I would like you to "review" The Chosen Ones chapters 1-6. Those are the remade chapters. Please do not go over chapter 6, or the quality will drop suddenly too much. Remember that you can't cheat, but you can turn cheats off if you open the campaign with world editor, you can take away anti-cheats.

Take your time, and more criticsm you will give, the better.

Before you start; known bugs.
- Ground Zero bugs, it's always same damage.
- When you skip in first chapter 4th main cinematic, boss will not appear.

The Chosen Ones 3.1a - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Sure Aeroblyctos i will review your map in 5 days.

ArneXis, i have reviewed the second chapter.

----------------------------------NightFall Duengeons--------------------------------

Description: I was surprised when i saw the chapter.

Terrain: I like the terrain, it cant be better then it is. You will only need to delete some spam doodads and the dungeon terrain cant look good like outdoor terrain. I will give you 4/5

Cinematic:The cinematic is basic as the first chapter. 3/5

Quests: The quests are simple, save sister and go back. Even doe you cant make it better then that. It's still dumb so i will give you 3/5

Object Editor:Like the first chapter, some custom some of them are not. You need more interesting sets and other things. 3/5

Triggers:I like the way you did the triggers.Especially the Arena, that made me play the game in a interesting way. I like the statue traps and the hidden items across the bridge. 4/5

Hostile Creeps: In some places there are to many of them, and they are quite weak. 4/5

Balance: This chapter is very easy as the first one. Make a dialog when the game starts:
4.Hard Core

Bugs and Suggestions:

No Bugs.No suggestions.

Overall 4/5
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Do you notice in the arena, this is an example. When the second round, sythers i think. They started talking, and the syther just talks, and i dont know what the hell is he talking. Look at this i started reviewing the third chapter and the same bugs appears
Fix it, it happens so many times. She just talks something and then she stops. It happened to the yellow solider that gave you a side quest and many more.
Naruto eh? Not a big fan, but my duty is to review every map so i will do it.


ArenXis-3/3 Finished
VeljkoM-On Wait.
Nerv91.Slayer-on wait
Aeroblyctos-on wait
kewlthis-on wait

Edit: I have finished reviewing chapter 3.

---------------------------------------------------------The Dead City-----------------------------------------------

Description: Could use more work on the bosses to make it more interesting, other is fine.

Terrain: I found a bug with the terrain, it's nothing big. The terrain looks plain and simple. Needs fog, and a better atmosphere.

Cinematic: I wasn't able to turn on the subtitles, but if you say it work for you then fine. 3./5

Quests: There were some side quests and they had no sense, but ok. The main quest is good. 4/5

Object Editor: I like the units that you put in the map. Else is fine 4/5

Triggers: The bosses aren't good. You only kill, attack,kill and attack....and it goes on and on. Why not make triggered bosses? that would improve your map a lot. Dont know how to make triggered bosses? you have tutorials around hive, just explore. 3/5

Hostile Creeps: The war between those ghosts and ghouls are cheese, make something better. 4/5

Balance: It's really easy and it only takes 36min to finish. It's shorter then dota? lol. 3/5

Bugs and Suggestions:

No bugs.
Suggestions, read tutorials, look at other projects, terrain a bit, experiment with the WE, Dont be afraid.

Story line of the game: I really like the story line, i diden't like the part with the undead doe. It hasn't got a good end :/

Overall: 4/5

Result of the campaining is 3.5/5.0 GOOD
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ArenXis-3/3 Finished.
Aeroblyctos-on wait.
kewlthis-on wait.

VeljkoM, i have finished reviewing the map. What i see there were some errors.

-----------------------------------Warcraft 4 Dark Age------------------------------

Description: When i first saw your map i said "A Male Map" it turned out that it's a good male map.

Terrain: Basic terrain, i think even blizzard did a better job with it 2/5

Cinematic: NONE

Quests: NONE

Object editor: I like the races, even doe they need more custom in them. 4.5/5

Hostile Creeps: I dont like the hostile creeps, they are lvl 9 at start and that is hard to kill. 3/5

Balance: Heroes are not Balanced in any way. You most make the int,str,agi same for every hero, Example: The hero is int, you give him 20int 15agi and 10str....etc. 3/5

Bugs and Suggestions:

Bugs: This isn't a big bug or anything it's just that computers dont use there second goldmine. They just go somewhere when they ran out of there original and use another goldmine that is at the others side of the map(not exactly but something like that).

Suggestions: Put in some custom models, of fel orcs etc...and make the terrain much better it's really poor at the moment .


I have a question to ask! did you change the units attack and defense? if you did better change back. It needs to be 100% balanced.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well thank you.I am planing to make new terrain form scratch.The reason of lack of models is because I didn't have internet then.
How can you blame for Hero balance?Stats are same as heroes from campaign or not changed at all.
Oh and I have been fighting attack/defense balance since this map is created.I think when you say that you think mostly undead and fel orc.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
1.Tell me something first about the map. /// it is called the demon hunt tournament so it's like a tag i guess you might say it's like sheep tag or vampirism or tree tag. but a huge difference is that i'm actually trying to make a high quality and fair tag map...or at least mostly fair...the quality of the current tag maps is VERY BAD so that's why i wanted to make one since i remember starcraft had a good tag map but warcraft doesn't have one yet so a year ago or so i started making this map.
2.What do you want me to review most. ///// my trigger editor!!!
3.Send me the map by e-mail. /// not necessary right? since my map has been hosted by myself online many times and link is available in my signature.
4.It will be reviewed in a day or two. //// ok i'll wait for however long it will take.

and by the way if you can find ways to improve my triggers please don't hold back any information.
Level 4
Jul 15, 2007
Oziris I know that there is a bug with my bouncing trigger..
A good friend (Anachron) is currently working on a good bouncing system for my map
(thanks to him ;) ) Well ...sometimes the balls fly out of the arena (if they are too close to the wall.. damn region bug.. I know regions are buggy but Anachron told me enough about the bouncing problem ^^so he decided to make me an awesome boucing system.
He is nice^^

Well just wanted to say that I know this bug :C

greets ;)
Level 4
Jul 15, 2007
I would prefer to test my map on bnet caus it's boring in singleplayer...
Also you will automatically win in "last man standing" mode caus you are the only player.
And in "killing mode" you can't win cause there are no other players to kill

Hints to those heroes, balls etc. are written in F9

greets ;)
The Choosen One

First Chapter:

Terrain: I like your terrain, it really makes the map interesting. I dont like some parts of the first chapter, like: The end of the map, at least make a river or some mountains or i dont know, you used at the starting house(your home) green grass, and it's all most winter? doesn't make sense 7/10

Sound: I like the game music, even doe it gets boring when you play the map more then an hour. 8/10

Story Line: I really dont understand how did he became the dragon slayer? and where did he get the armor. The rest looks fine. 8/10

Cinematic: I like the cinematic for the first time i watch it, but when i die i need to watch it again! That really sucks. You should make some dialog skip cinema or watch cinema, even doe i saw some dialog at chapter 2 skip the cinema, but i hardly even saw that. 6/10

Quests: I like the quests they make the map interesting, specially the side quests. 9/10

Object Editor: I like the way you did the spells and icons, they are not boring, like in most of the maps. The hero model is a fine choice. 8/10

Triggers:There aren't any special triggers that i found in the game, like some traps or something exept the boss fight. 4/10

Bugs and suggestions: There are bugs with the terrain, mostly with pathing blockers: 7/10

All In all-6/10 Ok


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    The choosen ones2.JPG
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Oziris said:
Terrain: I like your terrain, it really makes the map interesting. I dont like some parts of the first chapter, like: The end of the map, at least make a river or some mountains or i dont know, you used at the starting house(your home) green grass, and it's all most winter? doesn't make sense 7/10
Green things are field, but how should I make the "end of map" feeling go away?

Oziris said:
Sound: I like the game music, even doe it gets boring when you play the map more then an hour. 8/10
I understand. Perhaps I should find another music that is a little bit longer so player won't get boring. Currently chapter 1 main music is 1 min long looping music. :<

Oziris said:
Story Line: I really dont understand how did he became the dragon slayer? and where did he get the armor. The rest looks fine. 8/10
I know this is a bad thing, but it will be fixed as soon as I put the prologue to the campaign. It will tell thing or two from the past which is currently too unknown for the player.

Oziris said:
Cinematic: I like the cinematic for the first time i watch it, but when i die i need to watch it again! That really sucks. You should make some dialog skip cinema or watch cinema, even doe i saw some dialog at chapter 2 skip the cinema, but i hardly even saw that. 6/10
You can skip cinematic, but I guess you won't understand the system because I have not told anywhere in the campaign how it works. I guess I will put the prologue sooner than I would imagine. Perhaps alpha 3.3.

Oziris said:
Quests: I like the quests they make the map interesting, specially the side quests. 9/10
Okay, I think you didn't give me 10/10 because the quests are just about killing things. I'm thinking to add variation, hmm....

Oziris said:
Object Editor: I like the way you did the spells and icons, they are not boring, like in most of the maps. The hero model is a fine choice. 8/10
Nothing to say here.

Oziris said:
Triggers:There aren't any special triggers that i found in the game, like some traps or something exept the boss fight. 4/10
Hmm... Actually there are Elite and Epic Bosses. Hmm... You might have any suggestions?

Oziris said:
Bugs and suggestions: There are bugs with the terrain, mostly with pathing blockers: 7/10
That is possible, almost all is made with pathing blocker doodads.
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