Yeah, made in like 15 minutes after reading a certain thread.. Just kinda annoyed me how many people like to kiss so much ass to get on someone's good side. This isn't against the mods, it's against the guys who kiss the asses of mods.
now ass kissers, they really test my patience,
always agreein wit the same users every conversation,
cuz their forum rep bar is over inflatuated,
but i don reply cuz those sheeps are always tolerated,
by people who aint brain dead and are well educated,
and tho we hate it, we don't really say it,
cuz we're too polite to derail it and spark a debate,
hijack a thread, anger, frusterate,
aggravate the forum threads the moderators moderate.
it's kinda funny when a mod makes a thread one day,
headed with a post full of grammar and spelling mistakes.
but ends up on top of the 20 thread full topic page.
filled with nothing with posts of "I agree with what u say!"
"oh wow, u n ur rhymes are so great n off the chain!"
while the other nice threads linger off without a trace..
well anyways,
that's all i've got for today,
and remember that ass kissing DOES NOT make u cooler okay?
Yea, it kinda sucks cuz it was done in 15 mins so bear with me!
Comments appreciated.
now ass kissers, they really test my patience,
always agreein wit the same users every conversation,
cuz their forum rep bar is over inflatuated,
but i don reply cuz those sheeps are always tolerated,
by people who aint brain dead and are well educated,
and tho we hate it, we don't really say it,
cuz we're too polite to derail it and spark a debate,
hijack a thread, anger, frusterate,
aggravate the forum threads the moderators moderate.
it's kinda funny when a mod makes a thread one day,
headed with a post full of grammar and spelling mistakes.
but ends up on top of the 20 thread full topic page.
filled with nothing with posts of "I agree with what u say!"
"oh wow, u n ur rhymes are so great n off the chain!"
while the other nice threads linger off without a trace..
well anyways,
that's all i've got for today,
and remember that ass kissing DOES NOT make u cooler okay?
Yea, it kinda sucks cuz it was done in 15 mins so bear with me!
Comments appreciated.