<<--Forces of Rothborn Certinal Extreme-->>
This is my first ever map, with a help from DiFm it is ready to be played and all bugs to be sorted out (if any). I would greatly appreciate suggestions to make this game/map better, also please report all found bugs to me if possible:
[email protected]
Once this map gets a little bit more noticed (hopefully) I will create a website for it. I have not copied from any map to create this map, I played Dota for the first time after I had made version 0.2 Beta.
<-Main Testers of this map->
*Please email me your BattleNet name if you wish your name to be here*
DARK.LORD.WILL | Draugmyrn | DaMn_Its_JimmY | DeluXXe aka f4n4t1k | Crapper | MusicDemon | drunken.grunt | PoolsClosedAids | Curll | rhysfold | Jayso
This map is in Beta and I have allot more work to do on it before it is "complete", right now it is playable and hopefully fun
Main commands:
-kick (red only)
I really hope you like it :s and please specify any changes you think should be made.
FoRCE, force, Forces, of, Rothborn, Certinal, Extreme, Hero, Fight, Creeps, Boss, Bugs, Beta, 0.2, v0.2, Testers, Malli, malli, DiFm, Heroes, Team, Ga