This is my first ever map, with a help from DiFm it is ready to be played and all bugs to be sorted out (if any). I would greatly appreciate suggestions to make this game/map better, also please report all found bugs to me if possible:
[email protected]
Once this map gets a little bit more noticed (hopefully) I will create a website for it. I have not copied from any map to create this map, I played Dota for the first time after I had made version 0.2 Beta.
<-Main Testers of this map->
*Please email me your BattleNet name if you wish your name to be here*
DARK.LORD.WILL | Draugmyrn | DaMn_Its_JimmY | DeluXXe aka f4n4t1k | Crapper | MusicDemon | drunken.grunt | PoolsClosedAids | Curll | rhysfold | Jayso
This map is in Beta and I have allot more work to do on it before it is "complete", right now it is playable and hopefully fun
Main commands:
-kick (red only)
Map/Game description
At the start of the game you pick a Hero, you can always type
-repick to pick a different one, but this command will be unavailable after 4 minutes of the game starting.
Depending on which side you are fighting for (East or West) you will end up on the corresponding side. Here there will be a few shops, your main goal is to get to the centre room before the other side through a series of rooms. Waves of creeps will be spawning just in front of the gate leading to the next room, these creeps vary in strength depending on how much your opponents (the other side) has upgraded them. To make it hard for them you also have to upgrade the creeps sent to them. You do this via your
Town Halls located to the north and south of your base. If the creeps get to much for you and make it to your base where the Generator is situated, they will attack it and if it is destroyed you will lose the game.
There is a PvP event which happens on a regular interval where 1 member from each team is selected randomly and teleported to the PvP Arena. A 45 second timer will start which you will see in the top right corner, when this timer runs out an Item of value will appear in the centre of the PvP Arena (so don't teleport out if you win).
Once you advance to the last room you can take a portal which will bring you to the Northern part of the map, this is where Rothborn Certinal is waiting along with his guards. Defeat his guards and him himself to be granted access to your opponents Generators Heart, destroying this will win you the game.
I really hope you like it and please specify any changes you think should be made. I still have many ideas I want to put into this map, but I was eager to get it out there now as I think it is fun already. As each new version comes out I hope to get my ideas in. Your suggestions are also very welcome .
force, FoRCE, Malli, War, Battle, Hero, Heroes, Rothborn, Certinal, Extreme, Forces, Testers, First, Hero, Defense, Big