(9 ratings)
It's a beautiful effect. It's a little heavy on filesize, but damn, I really love this.
I'm not sure why this reminds me of the alien movies tho.
Btw, Fingolfin. If you add a couple of textures for sea, then anything under the effect of the shield will darken slightly with a bluish tint. Donno which texture type that was dark though.
The original file is huge. The smaller one is much more practical. It looks really good when attached to the origin of buildings. I perfer overhead for units, but the origin looks alright too. A great addition to the sci-fi theme.
I didn't understand a single word of what you just wrote.....
Remember the chronosphere model?
Whaaat. That turned out amazingly well. I'm sure even more people would love you forever if you managed to do this effect on a flat plane for high quality water, because it looks similar to realistic water already.
Hmm, from starcraft? I still don't really know what you are going at. You will have to explain, i am really interested in knowing what it is you are suggesting.
Ah, cool... not sure what it is that creates the blueis tint though. Perhaps he uses a material with modulation filter, because it must be hard to get it that dark with additive since it translate darkness into alpha.
I can pastebin the file for you if you want to look at how it is done.