Footman Banner Corp

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I create new Corps name Footman Banner
he is the Rally of the Soldier that can make the Soldier Brezerk
and No Retreat from the Line

but now His body laying dead on the Ground

I have more Corps here that I make last Friday here's there list

Paladin Corp sitting
Arthas Corp sitting
Captain Hanging in Rope
Footman Impaled with Banner
Footman Head Arrow
Footman Tortured in wall

if you View this model in 3D his going Up and Down but if you test in Warcraft 3 Map editor
he is Always Steadying

Corps,Cinematic Actions,Props,doodads

Footman Banner Corp (Model)

14:55, 4th Jul 2015 MiniMage: That flag animation needs some work. Since that is essentially the core of the model, clearly that animation needs to be refined. Also, there is hovering arrows. Attach them to something or remove them. Also, add a death...




14:55, 4th Jul 2015
MiniMage: That flag animation needs some work. Since that is essentially the core of the model, clearly that animation needs to be refined. Also, there is hovering arrows. Attach them to something or remove them. Also, add a death animation.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2014
Seems useful, mate. It would be better if "he" was still alive and rallying.



Oh wait, so this is a corpse? And it's not really a soldier who holds the banners? Oh well, I'm sorry for my misjudgment. I thought it or something else.