Hello there.
I'm currently (still) working on my orpg http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/oakwood-forest-rpg-112624/ and I could use some help with triggers. Since I didn't find a new good triggerer (like Ciebron was) I gotta put up a request in here.
My request:
I currently got a Floating Combat text system (written in jass) but it needs a few changes. I want it to only show damage done by the player and damage done to the player. So with GetLocalPlayer() it should hide the texts for everyone except for the damage dealer or damage taker. It's a multiplayer map so this got to work for multiple heroes.
The second thing I'd like to change/add is that I want the crits to be double the size of the normal hits and become smaller after after a while.
So example:
Crit = size 200%
After 0.75 sec the size starts to get smaller and after another 0.50 sec the size = 100% and fades out in 0.25sec.
Is there anyone that would like to help me with this? I could send you the trigger then.
Thanks alot.
I'm currently (still) working on my orpg http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/oakwood-forest-rpg-112624/ and I could use some help with triggers. Since I didn't find a new good triggerer (like Ciebron was) I gotta put up a request in here.
My request:
I currently got a Floating Combat text system (written in jass) but it needs a few changes. I want it to only show damage done by the player and damage done to the player. So with GetLocalPlayer() it should hide the texts for everyone except for the damage dealer or damage taker. It's a multiplayer map so this got to work for multiple heroes.
The second thing I'd like to change/add is that I want the crits to be double the size of the normal hits and become smaller after after a while.
So example:
Crit = size 200%
After 0.75 sec the size starts to get smaller and after another 0.50 sec the size = 100% and fades out in 0.25sec.
Is there anyone that would like to help me with this? I could send you the trigger then.
Thanks alot.