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FK foot constraint?

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Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
How to constraint foot without IK or... ?

I seen it in BlinkBoy's tutorial, while using stand animation child's foot isnt moving.

Also what's better using IK or FK for wc3 ? Coz its easier to animate with AK, and constraints... specially foot moving animations...
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Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
Yes I usually do that for non wc3 models xD
IK legs, constraint foot, FK hands... but as I did not learn how to export model that has animations with help of IK solvers and constraints with neosex. xD
Also I heard that you can remove IK solvers after animating right ? I mean so the software wont detect it. Anyway, just won't work or I'm doing something wrong. Will post my model on this site when I finish walk animation. With FK -.-' . If I finish it :p .
Yes I usually do that for non wc3 models xD
IK legs, constraint foot, FK hands... but as I did not learn how to export model that has animations with help of IK solvers and constraints with neosex. xD
Also I heard that you can remove IK solvers after animating right ? I mean so the software wont detect it. Anyway, just won't work or I'm doing something wrong. Will post my model on this site when I finish walk animation. With FK -.-' . If I finish it :p .

use the neodex IKSnapper which comes with the toolset.
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