My First Animation- Rhonin- Facial possibilities and preview.

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Level 9
Jul 11, 2006
I left Rhonin for a couple of weeks in order to expand my knowledge in Maya (and other few softwares). But today I decided that it is time to proceed with it. So, I fully constructed the skeleton (used IK only for the legs. I figured out that in this particular case the harms better remain simple FK), skinned it to the model and made the facial animation possibilities (using blend shape). I haven't started animating it yet, but I made a short preview of the capabilities of the blend shape node and the jaw joints.
So here is Rhonin exhibiting blinking, smiling, raising the eyebrows, shrinking the forehead, grinning and simple talking.
Comments and suggestions will be most welcomed.


  • Rhoninface.wmv
    379.1 KB · Views: 106

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Great rigging, that animates better than any of the portrait models I've done.

I'm going to have to learn maya soon, but at the moment I haven't really touched it.

I look forward to your work.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I animate portraits for my works all the time dude : /

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I'm saying for all those models I've animated in my signature, I have animated their portraits as well, including talking and such.

But anyway, as I said before your rigging seems good, and now that I've seen more of your modeling potential and skill I am more impressed than before; I hope to see some actual animation soon.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
you've done good with leaving the hands FK, but usually it's better to have both IK and FK. Usually mostly FK is used, but when you want your hand to stay fixed to something you'll need IK.
I don't like how the lips are separated somehow from the face. Why is that?
Also is this blend shape something like morpher in 3ds max? Or is it something different?
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