First RPG Map

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Level 2
Feb 26, 2010
I'm starting work on a new RPG it's a completely single player map.
I'm using a lot of Ideas from Zelda, Fable and Morrowind.
Large cities to explore and monsters to fight. Right now it's in a very early stage. If someone would like to check it out and give me feed back that would be GREAT!
This is my first map that I've really put any time into.
Also if someone would like to help me with it, or have any ideas, that's great too.


The map is titled simpley (for now) Garretts RPG it is about a peasant (named Garrett) who wakes up after having a violent encounter with a Mountain Giant. (that scene hasn't been made yet). After that scene takes place you wake up inside your home. You can explore or start doing quests/killing things. It's really a free to do what you want kind of map.


The map features enterable and exitable buildings a long with interactive dialog, quests, items, shops, large scaled cities.
These are just the ideas that i've put in the map, I have many more.

Most the actions in the game are done using a dummy ability called "interact". The player can use this to open/close doors and talk to NPC also to buy items and search for loot.

The map isn't a normal WC3 map because the whole thing is in First Person.

The player will move with the mouse like normal but use the arrows keys to control the users camera.

Also most weapons have attachment models which the player can view with a typed command (currently it's -char) this will allow you to see what your character looks like.

There is also a horse (named Bertha) whom you can ride, giving you a greatly boosted movement speed but disallowing your attack.


Working on adding a Equipment system, along with fixing a few minor Camera bugs.

The user has a "backpack" which is simply a small unit that follows the main char. that the player can use for extra inventory. I'm hoping to use a far more advanced Inventory.

The story line is going to be further developed along with characters.


The map uses many custom models (mostly for building the enterable structures).

PM me if you'd like a copy of the map.

Thank you :grin:
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Level 9
May 22, 2009
more detailed info about custom systems would be nice, things that seperate your map from the other ones. What I've wrote so far didn't really give me a view of what would make your map so special, but as it's a single rpg I'd still want to play it

If you're a good terrainer, be sure to post some screenshots once you have some nice finished terrain.
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