[Role Playing Game] Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

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Level 4
Feb 28, 2014
Hello, I have this project about creating a FFTA/FFTA2 map, totally RPG with missions, different classes, all abilities (and more) from FFTA, etc...

I started this project yesterday and this is how long I go:


Terrain - 80%
Doodads - 80%
Effects - 15%
Towns - 60%
Wild Area - 90%
Jags - 35% (You should've played FFTA or FFTA2 to know what jags are)

Total: 60%

Units (0%):

Monsters - 0%
Playable units - 0%
NPCs - 0%
Judges - 0% (You should've played FFTA or FFTA2 to know this)
Bosses - 0%

Items (0%):

Weapons - 0%
Armors - 0%
Shields - 0%
Accesories - 0%
Consumables - 0%
Elixirs - 0% (This is custom from me, to enhace equipable items)
Elements - 0% (For crafting)

Coding (0%):

Abilities - 0%
Law/Anti-Law System - 0% (You should've played FFTA or FFTA2 to know this)
Custom DDS - 0%
General Map System - 0%
Spawn System - 0%
Mission System - 0%
Jail System - 0% (You should've played FFTA or FFTA2 to know this)
Clan System - 0% (You should've played FFTA or FFTA2 to know this)
Seasons System - 0%

Desings (0%):

Units - 0%
Structures - 0%
Icons - 0%
General Desings (Leading Screen, Minimap, etc) - 0%
Environment - 0%

This is just what I'm planning to do, I'll update this thread daily giving information about my progress, I may upload a BETA map between 2 or 3 days. Meanwhile I'll try to do my best :D Any suggestion is welcome, like desings ideas (in the case you've played FFTA and know how those chars look, or any system idea to make a better playability or whatever!)
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