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Fight for Valhalla 1.3.4 BETA

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Reactions: UndeadImmortal
----------Vorthos proudly presents:----------

Fight for Valhalla
Created by Vorthos/ICC

Map Info:

This Map is based on bone's Income Wars from SC II:
Move your Ghost of War on fields to spawn units, which are going to fight for you indepently.
The most important thing is to spawn counter units to get the final adavantage to kill your opponents fortress.

Every unit costs a specific amount of ressources, which can be looked up be the white numbers in each spawn-field:

50/2 This means, that this unit costs 50 gold and 2 wood.

Every spawned unit increases your income, which means that you have more gold in the next round to spend!

In addition, your Ghost of War is able to cast some special abilities, like summoning heros or calling Loki to burn down entire armies to support your



Hero System with 2 Game Modes:

At the beginning of the game, Player 1 can choose the settings of the game:

A: In this Mode, the players are able to control the heroes themselves and can decide his faith, but they have to pay, if he should die!

B: If chosen, the heroes will be controlled by an AI like the other units and the players don't have to care about anything.
This Mode should be chosen, if this is your first game with this map!

Some else stuff about map:

If someone leaves, the rest of the leavers gold, wood and income is given to his team mates.
If he has not used his Loki's Fury ability yet, it will be given to another allied player.


Image Description:
Thor's Quest:


Image Description:
Ancient Sanctum:


Image Description:


Image Description:
Clash of Titans:


Image Description:


Image Description:
Loki's Fury:


Change Log:

Initial Release

  • Missing Localization
  • Ingame Helplog

  • Some balance "improvements"
  • MAC OS compatibility
  • Periodic Income decreasement

  • Some balancing
  • Item-Shop added
  • Fixed some issues concerning not moving units or permanent stunned ones, especially Feary Dragons

  • Added Dominance-Mode: The team which rules the field will gain additional income
  • Total Demise: The Gods of War may force the war to end
  • A new Income System increases the fairness at the beginning of each match


Special Thanks:
  • Zigana the Imaginative
  • Thorn the Patient
  • Warmann the Brave



And all the ones I got the resources from:

Pyramidhe@d (Amethyst-Tower)
Suselishe (Cyclon Explosion - Mage Attack)
Mephestrial (Gilneas-Gunship - Gunship)
Tranquil (Great Lightning - Obsidian Statue Attack)
WILL THE ALMIGHTY (Nuclear Explosion - Loki's Fury)
communist_orc (Tent)
olofmoleman (Thor the Thundergod - Thor)
Blaxor (Thor's Hammer - Cinematic)
-Grendel (Tormentor - Environment)
Sellenisko (Worgen Cage - Environment)
sPy (IceShards Projectile - Wyrm Attack)

Paladon (Unexpected Charge Spell - Ghoul Charge)

Without you, this map would not have been possible!

Author's notes:

I wish you a lot of fun playing my map together with your friends!

Please send me your feedback and bug reports:

[email protected]

Or write a comment!

Help me to improve this map to make it as good as possible!

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

fight, for, valhalla, thor, loki, fury, odin, battle, mass, best, map, ever, epic, power, clash, titan, war, god, gods, humans, orcs, human, orc, o

Fight for Valhalla 1.3.4 BETA (Map)

20:57, 21st Dec 2011 -Kobas-: Just fixed some broken BB Code Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Jan/04 20:32:53 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development...
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
Map Score Description

Review Description:
Map Description:
-Tells the map description, whether it is good or not. If it lacking with some screenshots or videos, features and many other things that describes the map description.
-Total of 15/15 points
-Describes if the map is Original and not taken by other authors or players. If it is taken from the other map maker, be sure that you have the permission to upload the map from the author.
-Total of 10/10 points
-Tells the gameplay of the map, whether it is smooth to play and not buggy, or rough to play and too many bugs to found. If there is many bugs, the map maker must fix it in order to make the map approve.
-Total of 15/15 points
-Tells the terrain of the map, if it is not flat nor there a no doodads in the wrong places, or if it is flat and the doodads are in the wrong places. If it is flat and the doodads are all in the wrong places, the map maker must re-work with the terrain and make it not flat, or too ugly when the players look about it.
-Total of 15/15 points
-Describes how the story starts and when it ends, the storyline must not be too short or need to end without any reason. If there are no Storyline given in the map, the points will be perfect 20.
-Total of 20/20 points
Custom Abilities, Units, Items, Doodads:
-Tells if there are any custom abilities or spells, if there are, then it should be base on GUI or Triggers not on the Object Editor. Custom Units are the most important role in Map Making, every map maker must have Custom Units in order to Approve his/her map, if the map base on Melee Game, then the score will be perfect 25. The Custom Items, The most enjoyable extra abilities that the hero can carried, every Custom Maps (Not Melee Maps) must have Custom Items in order to polish his/her game. Custom Doodads, basically, the Custom Doodads is useful when polishing your game and in creating extra doodads in your map. Custom Doodads as well is okay if you don't have this in your map. If your map is an Melee Game Type, then the score of it should be perfect 25.
-Total of 25/25 points

Score System
1 - 10 Your map is very bad Rejected, No Rep
11 - 20 Fix your map, it is bad Rejected, No Rep
21 - 30 Not bad at all Approve, No rep
31 - 50 Good map Approve, + Rep
51 - 70 No bug and smooth game Approve, + Rep
71 - 90 Highly Recommended, Free at Bugs, Smooth Gameplay, The Terrain is not flat and the Grammar and the Spelling has no Type Errors. Approve, + Rep
91 - 100 Director's Cut, Super Free at Bugs, This map is the best map I ever seen in Warcraft! Approve, + Rep

-15 + 10 + 15 + 15 + 20 + 25 = 100

UndeadImmortal's Review
UndeadImmortal's Fight for Valhalla 1.0.71 BETA Map Review:

Map Description:
-Nice description you got there :D.
-Total of 14/15 points
-Hehe... this is very ORIGINAL.
-Total of 9/10 points
-WHOOOHOOO... This is very fun to play, smooth gameplay, looks like this is not boring when you're playing this too much.
-Total of 12/15 points
-Not odd and not flat, but you need to improve it a little bit.
-Total of 10/15 points
-There was no storyline given, perfect 20.
-Total of 20/20 points
Custom Abilities, Units, Items, Doodads:
-All of the units were custom, and the boomfirethroughtheunits ability (thats what I call it :D) that can almost kill all enemy units in the AoE is awesome! :D... There where no custom items driven in the map... Hehe Custom Doodads... I don't see anywhere xD.
-Total of 21/25 points

Score System
-14 + 9 + 12 + 10 + 20 + 21 =
(Hover your mouse over the black area to show your score)

71 - 90 Highly Recommended, Free at Bugs, Smooth Gameplay, The Terrain is not flat and the Grammar and the Spelling has no Type Errors. Approve, + Rep

That's all :D
Map Score Description is actually bigger than Review itself.
Please include suggestions and examples in your review. Explain why you think something about map.

-Hehe... this is very ORIGINAL.
-Total of 9/10 points
Means nothing to me, your review need to put notice to something, lure players and users to check map, help author improve it even more, not to increase your post count.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
-Not odd and not flat, but you need to improve it a little bit.

Then tell him what part of the terrain should be improve saying not odd and not flat doesn't help the maker at all.

Your review is one of the most boring review that I ever see on hive.

No offend just suggesting you to give more detail when giving a map review.

The only thing that is good on your review is the review template
Level 20
Jun 27, 2011
Then tell him what part of the terrain should be improve saying not odd and not flat doesn't help the maker at all.

Your review is one of the most boring review that I ever see on hive.

No offend just suggesting you to give more detail when giving a map review.

The only thing that is good on your review is the review template
As what as I said, I will make my review better If I have time...


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Oh, man.. Just lets we give reviews about this map.. Don't just keep doubting about the first comment (review).. Lols:D


I think you are right, is there any possibility to do this with BB-Code whatever directly on hive, or do I have to use a seperate Tool? ;)


Just upload your image using imageshack and you can resize your image there..
800x600 image size is better
Level 13
Jun 1, 2008
Alright, here's what I noticed:
- The intro should be shorter and the cam movement smoother (when you apply cam, make it take 1 sec longer than the wait before the next apply command)
- gargoyles shouldnt turn into stone form when there are allied units in front of them tanking..
- I would prefer small circles of power and all units standing close together in the spawning area
- add items/upgrades for heroes.. add some more expensive end-game units... our game was endless, no chance to win for either team

I like the idea and all but it still needs a lot of balancing (gunship and some other units are just worthless)