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[Development] Fifth Aeon - Web Based Collectable Card Game

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Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
Hello. It’s been a quite a bit of time since I did any wc3 mapping but since this community is part of what got me into programing/game dev I would like to post my project here.

It’s called Fifth Aeon and it is a browser based collectable card game. It draws inspiration from several games like Eternal, Faeria, MTG and Hearthstone.

You can play it online at fifthaeon.com in Chrome or Firefox (other browsers are untested but may work).

The game is also open source and can be found on github.

  • Full CCG engine with ~130 cards.
  • Deckbuilder and pack collection system.
  • A.I for single player and online multiplayer PvP.
  • Limited Mode (alpha).
  • Card Editor to make custom card (alpha).

I would love to get your feedback, especially on the card editor, the existence of which draws a lot of inspiration form my wc3 mapping years.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2013
I found one bug in the card editor:Every single iteration of my custom card appears in the draft mode and summon list of the card editor's effect.

Also, is there any recommendation about the size of the pictures uploaded?

Overall I think it's a fun card game.
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
okay i just started and i got really annoyed by the music and the AI voice...
You can disable them both in the setting menu if you don't like them.

I found one bug in the card editor:Every single iteration of my custom card appears in the draft mode and summon list of the card editor's effect.

Also, is there any recommendation about the size of the pictures uploaded?

Overall I think it's a fun card game.
Images are recommended to be 1000x560. The ones in the game by default are all from 3347 free SVG and PNG icons for your games or apps | Game-icons.net which has a big library of free images to use (I download them as svg, then resize and color them).

I will look into the bug.

Thanks for the feedback.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2013
It's quite a intriguing website, thank you.

I found two bugs in the gameplay.
1:The triggering effect of "Blacksmith" isn't working.
2:I can't block flying creature with reach or flying, damage just calculated instantly.
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
It's quite a intriguing website, thank you.

I found two bugs in the gameplay.
1:The triggering effect of "Blacksmith" isn't working.
2:I can't block flying creature with reach or flying, damage just calculated instantly.

Thanks for the additional bug reports.

The blacksmith is definitely broken. As for flying, calculating damage without user input is usually the behavior when their are no valid blocks. Are you sure your blockers were not exhausted or had a cannot block ability (such as imprison) placed upon them? Regardless, I will try to replicate this bug.

Also if you use github feel free to report bugs directly to the issue tracker there.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2013
I'm sure my 3/3 airship played on turn 4 is not tapped or pacified( I'm pretty sure it's NOT a 3/1 recon glider).
My opponet decided to attack with his prototype interceptor played on turn 3.
And I don't have the option to block his interceptor with my pristine airship.
Damage just calculated instantly.

Also, I purposed a good trade by attacking with the aforementioned 3/3 airship with the prensence of ANOTHER prototype interceptor he played on turn 4(not tapped), My opponent decide not to accept that freetrade due to the possibility of the bug I mentioned before or becasue AI can't take the pesudo-first-attack effect of PI into account.

Or because I have untapped land and possible presence of trick in my hand....If it's true, it's quite an awesome display of shrewdness for an AI....and Wizs of the Coast should hire you for AI programming because their AI in Magic Duel kinda suck(possible for MTGA too)

jokes aside.......next turn he declared attack with his two interceptor and a golem, I can block the golem but can't block those two interceptors with the hint "Airship cannot block prototype interceptor due to a special effect"

My browser is Firefox

hope this help.
And I don't have Github account, sorry but you are on your own.
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
I'm sure my 3/3 airship played on turn 4 is not tapped or pacified( I'm pretty sure it's NOT a 3/1 recon glider).
My opponet decided to attack with his prototype interceptor played on turn 3.
And I don't have the option to block his interceptor with my pristine airship.
Damage just calculated instantly.

Also, I purposed a good trade by attacking with the aforementioned 3/3 airship with the prensence of ANOTHER prototype interceptor he played on turn 4(not tapped), My opponent decide not to accept that freetrade due to the possibility of the bug I mentioned before or becasue AI can't take the pesudo-first-attack effect of PI into account.

Or because I have untapped land and possible presence of trick in my hand....If it's true, it's quite an awesome display of shrewdness for an AI....and Wizs of the Coast should hire you for AI programming because their AI in Magic Duel kinda suck(possible for MTGA too)

jokes aside.......next turn he declared attack with his two interceptor and a golem, I can block the golem but can't block those two interceptors with the hint "Airship cannot block prototype interceptor due to a special effect"

My browser is Firefox

hope this help.
And I don't have Github account, sorry but you are on your own.
Thanks for the detailed report. I will look into it shortly.

As for the A.I, its just stupid. It doesn't understand the interceptor's ability yet (although it does understand some abilities, like lethal). Instant's don't exist (at least not yet) so there is no need to play around them, although damage remains marked until the start of your next turn, so the enemy can potentially use a damage spell on their turn to finish off a unit (eg I could use a 3/3 to block a 5/5 then finish it off with a spell that deals 2 damage)
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
The AI really harass for starters :(
If I understand you properly, you think the A.I is too hard for new players?

That is definitely possible, I plan to add in a more dynamic difficulty curve system at some point. When you first start, the A.I will play with deliberately bad decks and as you play more they will be given increasingly strong ones.

But for now the A.I is the same for everyone, potentially difficult for newcomers but with some obvious failures as far as high level play is concerned.
Level 3
Mar 17, 2013
The repeating iteration bug seems fixed, just splendid!
your game is close to prefection!

also there are few trival bugs I think you can easily handle:
1.There is no effect text in Deadly Plague(but it does have effect to posion my pikemen)
2.A little performance issue when a full board of cards fading out(removed by a board clear)
3.Taking control of enemy unit can exceed maxium unit restriction

and a suggestion: a red faction!
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
The repeating iteration bug seems fixed, just splendid!
your game is close to prefection!

also there are few trival bugs I think you can easily handle:
1.There is no effect text in Deadly Plague(but it does have effect to posion my pikemen)
2.A little performance issue when a full board of cards fading out(removed by a board clear)
3.Taking control of enemy unit can exceed maxium unit restriction

and a suggestion: a red faction!
I added the bugs to the tracker. A fifth faction may or may come, I am still working on faction identity (what makes each one unique). I don't want it to just be a total rehash of the MTG factions though.

Thanks for the feedback.
Level 17
Sep 6, 2017
I cannot cancel the card to play after click the card in hand and result negative energy! (force to play card in hand)

The effect is permanent?
As guest, I have more than 100G but not afford to buy 100G pack?
Lethal effect is too OP, whatever it instant KO any unit...
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
I cannot cancel the card to play after click the card in hand and result negative energy! (force to play card in hand)
The effect is permanent?
As guest, I have more than 100G but not afford to buy 100G pack?
Lethal effect is too OP, whatever it instant KO any unit...
I will look into those bugs.

I don't think lethal is OP, its a common effect across many CCG (HS, MTG, Eternal, and more). Yes, it can kill any unit that it damages, but the enemy can simply not block your lethal units, which tend to be understated for their cost.

Thanks for the feedback.
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