Hmm, maybe this isn't exactly what you wanted, but here are some random brainstorms off of ingame icons. Maybe you could make better/unique icons:
View attachment 405890
Some kind of spyglass tool thing
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Some alternative kind of spyglass thing. Maybe it's a telescope
View attachment 405893
A lantern could be a useful tool, although I don't know if maybe it's too primitive for your purposes
View attachment 405892
You could use a model like this one to represent a specialized pair of goggles. Maybe you could make a custom icon that is only the goggles.
View attachment 405895
Maybe this could be an alternative pickaxe kind of tool
Maybe you could make a shovel as a joke tool that lets the player use some kind of digging power
View attachment 405898
If the player equips a key as their tool, does that let them open secret doors?
View attachment 405899
If the player equips an axe as their tool, does that give them the power to cut down trees?
View attachment 405900
If the player equips the flag as their tool, does that give them the power to gather up allies to their aide?
View attachment 405901
If the player equips the hammer as their tool, does that give them the power to hammer in nails and build wooden constructs?
View attachment 405902
If the player equips the Horn as their tool, does this allow them to make loud sounds?
View attachment 405903
If the player equips the cutting board as their tool, does it allow them to chop up meat for dinner?
View attachment 405904
If the player equips the venomous spear as their tool, does it give them the power to poison their enemies?
View attachment 405905
If the player equips this pointy syringe as their tool does it let them inject something into bodies?
These are all just random ideas. Trying to help brainstorm. Sorry if they're not super useful