I've been making a map for a while and have recently decided that bounty from creeps and things needs to start increasing later on in the game as it ends up being impossible to get any money without killing enemy Heroes.
However, I have no idea how to make a fake bounty system! I have a few ideas but no real idea of how to make this work. The bounty given would have to depend on the units level and the level of 2 different upgrades (attack and armor). These upgrades cost 1000 each and go up to 50 each. However the upgrades are only given to set computer players so I'm guessing it'd have to detect the dying units' computer ally to get the upgrade levels? I'm honestly not sure!!!
So if anyone can help me that'd be great!!
I've been making a map for a while and have recently decided that bounty from creeps and things needs to start increasing later on in the game as it ends up being impossible to get any money without killing enemy Heroes.
However, I have no idea how to make a fake bounty system! I have a few ideas but no real idea of how to make this work. The bounty given would have to depend on the units level and the level of 2 different upgrades (attack and armor). These upgrades cost 1000 each and go up to 50 each. However the upgrades are only given to set computer players so I'm guessing it'd have to detect the dying units' computer ally to get the upgrade levels? I'm honestly not sure!!!
So if anyone can help me that'd be great!!
- Must work on all units except Heroes.
- Bounty dependant on Heroes.
- Bounty dependant on specific upgrade.
- Bounty dependant on Heroes.
- Bounty dependant on specific upgrade.