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bounty calculation formula?

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Level 11
Jul 12, 2005
Does someone know how to calculate bounty from those three values that we have to give in the OE?

I mean:

Bounty Awarded - Base
-Number of dice
-Sides per die

Anyone knows a formula?

I'm making a custom bounty system, in which we can make units have a chance to give bounty, or we can manipulate bounty in-game.
But in this state, i can only set the min and max value of the bounty...
Im not sure but i think this could be right :

    local Integer Bounty = ´Bounty Awarded - Base´
    local Integer Dice  = 1
    local Integer DicesNumber = ´Number of dice´
        exitwhen Dice > DicesNumber
        set Bounty = ( Bounty + GetRandomInt(1, ´Sides per die´) )
        set Dice = Dice + 1

Number of Dices*Random(Sides)
Jacek , i dont think that u are going to dice each time the same number
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Level 5
May 5, 2007
1 Dice = a random value
# of sides = maximum random value

So, 2 dice with 6 sides, is the same thing as rolling for monopoly.
1 dice with 2 sides is the same thing as flipping a coin.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Well, pask.

Johnn'ys way loops through every die and adds a random number between 1 and its sides.

My way just takes that into account, and multiplies the min and the max random by the number of dice, so you don't need a loop. Why?

-If you have n dice, and you roll a 1 on each die (the lowest possible number), you will roll n in total, thus NumDie
-If you have n dice, and you roll the max amount on each die (the highest possible number), you will roll n * sides per die in total, thus NumDie * SidesDie
-Anywhere in the middle will be also taken into account in the GetRandomInt
-BountyBase being added on is obvious

Using that, we start off with

Bounty = BountyBase

then, we add a random amount

Bounty = BountyBase + GetRandomInt( min, max )

take into account the minimum roll

Bounty = BountyBase + GetRandomInt( NumDice, max )

take into account the maximum roll

Bounty = BountyBase + GetRandomInt( NumDice, NumDice*SidesDie )
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Bounty is calculated in the same way as damage, like so:
Mysterious Tutorial of Doom (Part One) said:
(Integer Value) Stats - Bounty Awarded - Base:
Sets the unit’s base bounty (gold given to the killing unit) (NOTE: Total bounty given is determined like so: The amount of dice set in “Stats - Bounty Awarded - Number of Dice” is rolled, each with the amount of sides set in “Stats - Bounty Awarded - Sides per Die”, the number produced is then added to the base bounty set in “Stats - Bounty Awarded - Base” to determine how much damage the unit’s attack deals)

Level 11
Jul 12, 2005
Yeah Doc, yours and Purple's are the same, but with some arrangements:
Bounty = GetRandomInt( BountyBase+NumDice, BountyBase+(NumDice*SidesDie))
Bounty = BountyBase + GetRandomInt( NumDice, NumDice*SidesDie )

And i said it's ok, i got it working, thanks to all of you ;)
Gonna upload the CreepSystems map soon.
Bounty = GetRandomInt( BountyBase+NumDice, BountyBase+(NumDice*SidesDie))
Bounty = BountyBase + GetRandomInt( NumDice, NumDice*SidesDie )

Will work too but its not exacly the same as rolling dices because every number has the same chance .

The thing i mean is :
BountyBase = 10
NumDice = 2
SidesDie = 2

-> Your formula : 33% for 12 , 33% for 13 and 33% for 14
-> My would be : 25% for 12 , 50% for 13 ( 10 + 1 +2 AND 10 +2 +1 ) , 25% for 14

I dont know how blizzard made it but i guess if they need 3 different values they wont make it your way because 2 numbers would be enought ( i this case 12 and 14 ) . Anyway , its not a big difference and not really important :grin:
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