Gold Bounty Question

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Level 14
Jul 12, 2011
Hell! o everyone!!!!!
I got a problem about gold bounty.
I want a unit to give 1 gold when dying at the player who kills it.
In object editor we have this:
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Base= A number
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Number of Dice= A number
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Sides per Die= A number too.

What I need is someone to explain me how to give exactly 1 gold at the player who kills a unit but also to explain me what are the
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Number of Dice and
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Sides per Die

standing for.

Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Base is the base amount of gold awarded.
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Number of Dice is the first limit of awarded amount .
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Sides per Die is the second limit of awarded amount .

Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Base = 10
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Number of Dice = 2
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Sides per Die = 3
First limit of award: 12 (Base+Number of dice)
Second limit of award: 16 (Base + Number of dice*Sides per dice)

Second example:
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Base = 10
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Number of Dice = 1
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Sides per Die = 0
First limit of award = 11
Second limit of award = 10

If it works as damage if you set Number of dice to 0 it will give 0 award

Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Base = 10
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Number of Dice = 0
Stats-Gold Bounty Awarded-Sides per Die = 5
First limit of award = 0
Second limit of award = 0
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