[HD/Modeling] Faction Requests for Ujimasa Hojo's Attack of the Multiverse Projects

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Level 8
Oct 25, 2015
Now, I should move the lists into a resource discussion thread for the new factions of Attack of the Multiverse by @Ujimasa Hojo . I should started a new thread than posting them on it because I don't want to be rude.

The new Paladin factions which only for the Undead and Night Elves skins. Undead race is Holy Scourge of the Light, Night Elf race is Holy Sentinel of the Light. The Holy Scourge of the Light is the left wing of the main Holy Empire Army, while the Holy Sentinel of the Light is the right wing of the main Holy Empire Army. For the buildings and ancient for Light version of the Night Elves, the main building (Moon Well, Altar of Elders, Hunter's Hall, Chimaera Roost) are Human textured while the Ancients and Treants were in their Human Paladin armors. For the premise of Holy Scourge army, Arthas Menethil had took the Frostmourne and instead to be a death knight, he was slain by Uther instead, with his powers transferred to Lothraxion. The forces of Scourge led by Lothraxion alongside Nerubians and Nathrezim also take part of Arthas' Holy Light culture, making the Scourge embraced in the Holy Light. Instead being resurrected as a lich, Kel'Thuzad was instantly revived from the power of Silver Hand, making him as the Mage of Kirin Tor again, calling its the undead Kul Tiran army upon ressurection with the power of light and darkness. The Nerubians wear the mix of the Blood Elven and Stromgardian armor to make it became the diversity of the Holy Scourge after the Nerubians were taken as the hostage at the Stromgarde by the Blood Elves, joining with the forces of the Holy Undead.

Holy Scourge of the Light
(Mage versions of)
Mage (Initiate), based on Acolyte: <insert suggested images here>
Archmage (No Mount), based on Necromancer: <insert suggested images here>
Eternal Archmage, based on Lich: <insert suggested images here>
Arcane Wyrm, based on Frost Wyrm: <insert suggested images here>
Skeletal Mage: <insert suggested images here>
(Silver Hand versions of)
Ghoul: <insert suggested images here>
Abomination: <insert suggested images here>
Lantern Wagon, based on Meat Wagon: <insert suggested images here>
Paladin (Tol'Vir, Statue Mode/Flight Mode), based on Obsidian Statue/Destroyer: <insert suggested images here>
Skeleton Warrior: <insert suggested images here>
(Kul Tiran versions of)
Daelin Proudmoore (Horse Mount), based on Death Knight: <insert suggested images here>
Meredith Waycrest (Undead), based on Banshee: <insert suggested images here>
Arakkoa Sea Lord (Statue Morph), based on Harpy w/ Gargoyle animations: <insert suggested images here>
(Red Armor Nerubian versions of)
Webspinner (Burrowable), based on Crypt Fiend: <insert suggested images here>
Beetle Lord, based on Crypt Lord: <insert suggested images here>
Beetle, based on Carrion Beetle: <insert suggested images here>
(Paladin versions of)
Paladin (Nathrezim), based on Dread Lord: <insert suggested images here>
(Sun versions of)
Shade: <insert suggested images here>
(Human versions of)
Metropolis/Halls of the Angels/White Citadel, based on Necropolis/Halls of the Dead/Black Citadel: <insert suggested images here>
Temple/Angel Tower/Diamond Tower, based on Ziggurat/Spirit Tower/Nerubian Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Storage Den, based on Graveyard: <insert suggested images here>
Academy, based on Crypt: <insert suggested images here>
Treasury, based on Temple of the Damned: <insert suggested images here>
Workhouse, based on Slaughterhouse: <insert suggested images here>
Sacred Pit, based on Sacrificial Pit: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Lights, based on Altar of Darkness: <insert suggested images here>
Arcane Circle, based on Bone Yard: <insert suggested images here>
Church of Relics, based on Tomb of Relics: <insert suggested images here>
Enlightened Gold Mine: <insert suggested images here>

Holy Sentinel of the Light
(Silver Hand Night Elven versions of)
Archer v1: <insert suggested images here>
Archer v2 (Armored Hippogryph Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Knight (Female Night Elf), based on Huntress: <insert suggested images here>
Chimaera: <insert suggested images here>
Paladin (Night Elf), based on Malfurion Stormrage: <insert suggested images here>
Priestess of the Light, based on Priestess of the Moon: <insert suggested images here>
Inquisitor (Night Elf), based on Warden: <insert suggested images here>
(Sun versions of)
Wisp: <insert suggested images here>
Faerie Dragon: <insert suggested images here>
Avatar of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
(Dalaran Night Elven versions of)
Arcane Dryad: <insert suggested images here>
Mage of the Claw, based on Druid of the Claw: <insert suggested images here>
Mage of the Talon, based on Druid of the Talon: <insert suggested images here>
Battle Mage (Night Elf), based on Demon Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
(Arcane versions of)
Faerie Dragon: <insert suggested images here>
Mountain Giant: <insert suggested images here>
(Human Armored versions of)
Hippogryph: <insert suggested images here>
Owl: <insert suggested images here>
(Human Masonry versions of)
Treant: <insert suggested images here>
Tree of Life/Ages/Eternity: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of War: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Lore: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wind: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wonders: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient Protector: <insert suggested images here>
Entangled Gold Mine: <insert suggested images here>
Glaive Thrower: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Elders: <insert suggested images here>
Hunter's Hall: <insert suggested images here>
Moon Well: <insert suggested images here>
Chimaera Roost: <insert suggested images here>

A new Druidic factions which only for the Humans, Orcs and Night Elves skins. Human race is Cenarion Crusade, Orc race is Cenarion Horde and the Night Elf race is Cenarion Circle. Cenarion Crusade is the Alliance between the Sentinel and the Druidic Night Elves as well as the Humans who turned into the Night Elves. Cenarion Horde is the term for the Orcs who turned into the Night Elves. Cenarion Circle is the main classes of the Night Elves. Humans and Orcs are turned into the Night Elves as they broke Cenarius' rule. Cenarion Circle also did not forget to the Earthen Ancients, the Ancients and Treants which made from the Titanforged Stone during Cenarius' guide. The Titanforged Ancient is made from the stones of the Mountain Giant, Ancient of Wonders' precious rock, the Stone Titan, Altar of Elders' stone, Moon Well's stones.

Cenarion Crusade
(Night Elf versions of)
Elf Worker: <insert suggested images here>
Militia (Night Elf), based on Worker (Elf): <insert suggested images here>
Swordsman: <insert suggested images here>
Rifleman: <insert suggested images here>
Knight (Elk Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Apprentice Druid, based on Priest: <insert suggested images here>
Druidess, based on Sorceress: <insert suggested images here>
Battle Druid, based on Spell Breaker: <insert suggested images here>
Druidcopter, based on Gyrocopter: <insert suggested images here>
Druid Team, based on Mortar Team: <insert suggested images here>
Siege Engine: <insert suggested images here>
Hammer Thrower (Hippogryph Mount), based on Gryphon Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Lancer (Chimaera Mount), based on Dragonhawk Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Jarod Shadowsong of the Watchers, based on Arthas Menethil: <insert suggested images here>
Keeper of the Lore, based on Archmage (Horse Hybrid): <insert suggested images here>
Thane (Night Elf), based on Mountain King: <insert suggested images here>
Illidan Stormrage (Druid), based on Blood Mage: <insert suggested images here>
Town Hall/Keep/Castle: <insert suggested images here>
Farm (Night Elf): <insert suggested images here>
Human Barracks: <insert suggested images here>
Lumber Mill: <insert suggested images here>
Blacksmith: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Wilderness, based on Altar of Kings: <insert suggested images here>
Scout/Guard/Cannon/Wilderness Tower, based on Scout/Guard/Cannon/Arcane Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Wilderness Sanctum, based on Arcane Sanctum: <insert suggested images here>
Workshop: <insert suggested images here>
Hippogryph Aviary, based on Gryphon Aviary: <insert suggested images here>
Wilderness Vault, based on Arcane Vault: <insert suggested images here>
(Poison versions of}
Water Elemental: <insert suggested images here>
(Moon versions of)
Phoenix: <insert suggested images here>

Cenarion Horde
(Night Elf versions of)
Grunt: <insert suggested images here>
Raider: <insert suggested images here>
Thunder Lizard Rider (Night Elf), based on Kodo Beast: <insert suggested images here>
Shaman: <insert suggested images here>
Chimaera Rider (Night Elf), based on Wind Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Blademaster: <insert suggested images here>
Druid of the Howl, based on Far Seer: <insert suggested images here>
Totem: <insert suggested images here>
(Druidic Dark Troll versions of)
Peon: <insert suggested images here>
Headhunter/Berserker: <insert suggested images here>
Druid Doctor, based on Witch Doctor: <insert suggested images here>
Owl Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Druid Hunter, based on Shadow Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
(Dark Troll versions of)
Demolisher: <insert suggested images here>
Great Hall/Stronghold/Fortress: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Burrow: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Barracks: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Earth, based on Altar of Storms: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Forge: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit Lodge: <insert suggested images here>
Beastiary: <insert suggested images here>
Watch Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Tauren Totem: <insert suggested images here>
Voodoo Lounge: <insert suggested images here>
(Druid versions of)
Nature Walker (Tauren), based on Spirit Walker: <insert suggested images here>
Nature Warrior (Tauren), based on Tauren Totem Warrior: <insert suggested images here>
Tauren Chieftain: <insert suggested images here>
(Riderless version of)
Frostsaber Panthers, based on Huntress (Riderless): <insert suggested images here>

Cenarion Circle
(Nature versions of)
Wisp: <insert suggested images here>
Avatar of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
(Druidic Night Elven versions of)
Archer v1: <insert suggested images here>
Archer v2 (Ancient Hippogryph Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Huntress (Ancient Panther Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Malfurion Stormrage (Ancient Elk Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Priestess of the Moon (Ancient Tiger Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Warden: <insert suggested images here>
(Ancient Hybrid Druidic Night Elven versions of)
Dryad: <insert suggested images here>
(Ancient Morph Druidic Night Elven versions of)
Druid of the Claw: <insert suggested images here>
Druid of the Talon: <insert suggested images here>
Demon Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
(Ancient versions of)
Glaive Thrower: <insert suggested images here>
Faerie Dragon: <insert suggested images here>
Hippogryph: <insert suggested images here>
Mountain Giant: <insert suggested images here>
Chimaera: <insert suggested images here>
Owl: <insert suggested images here>
(Titanforged Stone versions of)
Treant: <insert suggested images here>
Tree of Life/Ages/Eternity: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of War: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Cenarius, based on Altar of Elders: <insert suggested images here>
Hunter's Hall: <insert suggested images here>
Moon Well: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Lore: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wind: <insert suggested images here>
Chimaera Roost: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wonders: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient Protector: <insert suggested images here>
Entangled Gold Mine: <insert suggested images here>

The new Shamanic factions which only for the Orcs, Undead and Night Elves skins. It consists the Goblins, Shamanistic Orcs, Ogres, Harpies, Scorpids, Spiders, Trolls, Tauren, and Centaurs. Orc race is the Earthen Ring, Undead race is Earthen Scourge and the Night Elf race is Earthen Sentinel. Earthen Sentinel is the race of the Night Elves who turned into the Orcs. Earthen Ring is the term for the Horde in their Shaman organizations. As with Earthen Scourge introduced, the orcs also learned the way both of the shamanism and the necromancy. After Shaman Ner'zhul had claimed victory, Kil'jaeden prizes Ner'zhul the Book of Necromancy. As Shaman Thrall came with the Book of Shamans, they began to cooperate to make a complete scroll of Orcs' Way of Shamanism & Necromancy. Later, they gave it to Kil'jaeden. As the Night Elves broke the rules of Shaman Ner'zhul or Shaman Thrall, they became the Orcs and cannot return to normal state. The Earthen Scourge has made the Nerubians are captive, forcing them to be fused with Forest Troll to make Troll Spider Centaur as the part of Ner'zhul's regiment. Many Trolls were turned into the Banshees and the Liches because of Ner'zhul's contigency. Alongside the Earthen Ring, the Forest Trolls were added to their Earthen Ring organization. To make the face for the female Orc or Goblin, just use the Naga Summoner mesh. Dragonmaw versions of Hippogryph also included and textured red (composed from Chaos Warlord, Harpy Queen, Furbolg Ursa Warrior, Red Dragon, and Phoenix's Head texture).


Earthen Ring
(Shamanic Orcish versions of)
Peon: <insert suggested images here>
Grunt: <insert suggested images here>
Raider: <insert suggested images here>
Fire Salamander Rider (Orc), based on Kodo Beast: <insert suggested images here>
Battle Shaman, based on Orc Warlock: <insert suggested images here>
Wind Rider (Rylak Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Grommash Hellscream: <insert suggested images here>
Go'el, based on Thrall: <insert suggested images here>
(Shamanic Forest Troll versions of)
Headhunter/Berserker: <insert suggested images here>
Shaman Doctor, based on Witch Doctor: <insert suggested images here>
Bat Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Shaman Hunter, based on Shadow Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
(Shaman versions of)
Storm Walker (Tauren), based on Spirit Walker: <insert suggested images here>
Storm Warrior (Tauren), based on Totem Warrior: <insert suggested images here>
Tauren Chieftain: <insert suggested images here>
(Earthen Stone versions of)
Demolisher: <insert suggested images here>
Great Hall/Stronghold/Fortress: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Burrow: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Barracks: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of the Farseer, based on Altar of Storms: <insert suggested images here>
War Mill: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit Lodge: <insert suggested images here>
Beastiary: <insert suggested images here>
Watch Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Tauren Totem: <insert suggested images here>
Voodoo Lounge: <insert suggested images here>
(Storm versions of)
Spirit Wolf: <insert suggested images here>

Earthen Scourge
(Orcish versions of)
Acolyte (Stormreaver): <insert suggested images here>
Ghoul: <insert suggested images here>
Necromancer: <insert suggested images here>
Death Knight (Hero): <insert suggested images here>
Beastmaster (Alternate): <insert suggested images here>
Elite Catapult, based on Meat Wagon: <insert suggested images here>
Wyvern Statue/Wyvern Centaur, based on Obsidian Statue/Destroyer: <insert suggested images here>
Shamanopolis/Halls of the Earth/Warsong Citadel, based on Necropolis/Halls of the Dead/Black Citadel: <insert suggested images here>
Spire/Spirit Tower/Tower of Loa, based on Ziggurat/Spirit Tower/Nerubian Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Shamans, based on Altar of Darkness: <insert suggested images here>
Mansion, based on Crypt: <insert suggested images here>
Storage Den, based on Graveyard: <insert suggested images here>
Ritual Pit, based on Sacrificial Pit: <insert suggested images here>
Temple of the Damned: <insert suggested images here>
(Tauren versions of)
Workhouse, based on Slaughterhouse: <insert suggested images here>
Ritual Yard, based on Bone Yard: <insert suggested images here>
(Forest Troll versions of)
Banshee: <insert suggested images here>
Lich: <insert suggested images here>
Headhunter (Spider Centaur, Burrowable), a combination of Headhunter and Nerubian Spider: <insert suggested images here>
Shadow Hunter (Spider Centaur), a combination of Shadow Hunter and Nerubian Spider: <insert suggested images here>
(Harpy versions of)
Harpy (Stone Morph), based on Harpy/Gargoyle: <insert suggested images here>
(Scorpid versions of)
Arachnathid: <insert suggested images here>
(Ogre versions of)
Abomination: <insert suggested images here>
(Lightning versions of)
Shade: <insert suggested images here>
(Wyvern versions of)
Poison Wyrm, based on Frost Wyrm: <insert suggested images here>

Earthen Sentinel
(Orcish versions of)
Wisp: <insert suggested images here>
Archer v1: <insert suggested images here>
Archer v2 (Dragonmaw Hippogryph Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Raider (Female, Lioness Mount), based on Huntress: <insert suggested images here>
Druid of the Claw: <insert suggested images here>
Druid of the Talon: <insert suggested images here>
Glaive Thrower: <insert suggested images here>
Far Seer (Female), based on Priestess of the Moon: <insert suggested images here>
Justicar, based on Warden: <insert suggested images here>
Avatar of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Warlords, based on Altar of Elders: <insert suggested images here>
Hunter's Hall: <insert suggested images here>
Moon Well: <insert suggested images here>
(Red Dragonmaw versions of)
Faerie Dragon: <insert suggested images here>
Hippogryph: <insert suggested images here>
(Ogre versions of)
Ogre (Weaponless), based on Ogre w/ Sea Giant/Mountain Giant animations: <insert suggested images here>
(Wyvern versions of)
Rylak, based on Chimaera: <insert suggested images here>
(Centaur versions of)
Dryad: <insert suggested images here>
Keeper of the Grove: <insert suggested images here>
(Forest Troll versions of)
Demon Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
(Riderless versions of)
Bat Rider (aka Bat Scout), based on Owl Scout: <insert suggested images here>
(Barrens versions of)
Tree of Life/Ages/Eternity: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of War: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Lore: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wind: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wonders: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient Protector: <insert suggested images here>
Treant: <insert suggested images here>
Entangled Gold Mine: <insert suggested images here>
(Tauren versions of)
Chimaera Roost: <insert suggested images here>

A new Death Knight faction which only for the Night Elves skins. Night Elf race is Ebon Sentinel. For the buildings and ancient for Death Knight version of the Night Elves, the main building (Moon Well, Altar of Elders, Hunter's Hall, Chimaera Roost) are Undead textured while the Ancients and Treants were in their Death Knight versions (a mix of Corrupted Trees and Death Knight uniforms).

Ebon Sentinel
(Undead versions of)
Wisp: <insert suggested images here>
Glaive Thrower: <insert suggested images here>
Faerie Dragon: <insert suggested images here>
Hippogryph: <insert suggested images here>
Mountain Giant: <insert suggested images here>
Avatar of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit of Vengeance: <insert suggested images here>
Owl: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Elders: <insert suggested images here>
Hunter's Hall: <insert suggested images here>
Moon Well: <insert suggested images here>
Chimaera Roost: <insert suggested images here>
Entangled Gold Mine: <insert suggested images here>
(Death Knight versions of)
Archer v1 (aka Death Archer): <insert suggested images here>
Archer v2 (Hippogryph Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Huntress of Death, based on Huntress: <insert suggested images here>
Undryead, based on Dryad: <insert suggested images here>
Druid of the Claw: <insert suggested images here>
Druid of the Talon: <insert suggested images here>
Keeper of the Grave, based on Keeper of the Grave: <insert suggested images here>
Priestess of Death, based on Priestess of the Moon: <insert suggested images here>
Soul Hunter, based on Demon Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
Death Knight (Elf), based on Warden: <insert suggested images here>
Treant: <insert suggested images here>
Tree of Life/Ages/Eternity: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of War: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Lore: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wind: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient of Wonders: <insert suggested images here>
Ancient Protector: <insert suggested images here>

Another those new factions which only for Humans and Undead skins. Human race is Alliance of Quel'thalas, and the Undead race is Cult of the Sin'dorei. Alliance of Quel'thalas consists the Blood Elves of Quel'thalas and some Bronzebeard clans joined the Alliance of Quel'thalas wearing their Thalassian Red Armors. Some Naga joined him for the Cult of the Sin'dorei as they are descended from the Highborne, wearing their Sin'dorei common armor.

Alliance of Quel'thalas
(Blood Elven versions of)
Elf Worker: <insert suggested images here>
Elf Worker v2 (Militia): <insert suggested images here>
Lieutenant: <insert suggested images here>
Knight: <insert suggested images here>
Priest: <insert suggested images here>
Sorceress: <insert suggested images here>
Spell Breaker: <insert suggested images here>
Siege Engine: <insert suggested images here>
Spell Breaker (Hawk Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Dragonhawk Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Paladin (Blood Elf), based on Arthas Menethil: <insert suggested images here>
Warlock (Blood Elf, Horse Mount), based on Archmage: <insert suggested images here>
Blood Mage: <insert suggested images here>
Siege Engine: <insert suggested images here>
Town Hall/Keep/Castle: <insert suggested images here>
Elven Farm: <insert suggested images here>
Barracks: <insert suggested images here>
Lumber Mill: <insert suggested images here>
Blacksmith: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Sun, based on Altar of Kings: <insert suggested images here>
Scout/Guard/Earth/Sky Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Arcane Sanctum: <insert suggested images here>
Workshop: <insert suggested images here>
Dragonhawk Aviary, based on Gryphon Aviart: <insert suggested images here>
Arcane Vault: <insert suggested images here>
(Red Armor and Bronzebeard versions of)
Rifleman: <insert suggested images here>
Flying Machine: <insert suggested images here>
Mortar Team (Bronzebeard and Blood Elf): <insert suggested images here>
Mountain King: <insert suggested images here>

Cult of the Sin'dorei
(Blood Elven versions of)
Acolyte: <insert suggested images here>
Warlock (Blood Elf), based on Necromancer: <insert suggested images here>
Sorceress (Fel-Corrupted), based on Banshee: <insert suggested images here>
Lantern Wagon, based on Meat Wagon: <insert suggested images here>
Obsidian Statue/Destroyer: <insert suggested images here>
General (Blood Elf), based on Death Knight: <insert suggested images here>
Metropolis/Hall/Citadel, based on Necropolis/Halls of the Dead/Black Citadel: <insert suggested images here>
Ziggurat/Spirit Tower/Diamond Tower, based on Ziggurat/Spirit Tower/Nerubian Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Graveyard: <insert suggested images here>
Crypt: <insert suggested images here>
Temple of the Damned: <insert suggested images here>
Spire, based on Slaughterhouse: <insert suggested images here>
Sacrificial Pit: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Highness, based on Altar of Darkness: <insert suggested images here>
Shrine of Kael, based on Bone Yard: <insert suggested images here>
Tomb of Relics: <insert suggested images here>
Enchanted Gold Mine: <insert suggested images here>
(Wretched versions of)
Ghoul: <insert suggested images here>
Lich: <insert suggested images here>
Dread Lord: <insert suggested images here>
(Red Armor versions of)
Shade: <insert suggested images here>
Snap Dragon: <insert suggested images here>
Arakkoa Gargoyle: <insert suggested images here>
Naga Myrmidon: <insert suggested images here>
Fel Wyrm: <insert suggested images here>
Naga Royal Guard: <insert suggested images here>
Living Nerubian Spider: <insert suggested images here>

New factions for Orcs, named the Horde of the Seas. It consists the Stormreaver Orcs, Highmountain Tauren and Zandalari Trolls. The Stormreaver Orcs are the orcs wearing the Stormreaver Warlock uniforms. The Highmountain Tauren are the tauren with their prominent antler-like Horns of Eche'ro which lives on Broken Isles. The Zandalari Troll are the trolls living in the Zan'dalar Island which has a bluish green skins. They both joined the Horde as the Horde of the Seas. Their buildings were Sunken Ruins textured to make it suitable for Zandalari Trolls.

Horde of the Seas
(Stormreaver versions of)
Peon: <insert suggested images here>
Grunt: <insert suggested images here>
Raider: <insert suggested images here>
Warlock: <insert suggested images here>
Axe Thrower (Sea Lizard Mount), based on Kodo Beast: <insert suggested images here>
Couatl Rider, based on Wind Rider (Couatl Mount): <insert suggested images here>
Blademaster: <insert suggested images here>
Far Seer (Old, Horse Mount), based on Gul'dan (Horse Mount): <insert suggested images here>
(Zandalari Troll versions of)
Headhunter/Berserker: <insert suggested images here>
Witch Doctor: <insert suggested images here>
Demolisher: <insert suggested images here>
Bat Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Shadow Hunter: <insert suggested images here>
(Highmountain Tauren versions of)
Totem Warrior: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit Walker: <insert suggested images here>
Chieftain: <insert suggested images here>
(Sunken Ruins versions of)
Demolisher: <insert suggested images here>
Great Hall/Stronghold/Fortress: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Burrow: <insert suggested images here>
Orc Barracks: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of Storms: <insert suggested images here>
Forge: <insert suggested images here>
Spirit Lodge: <insert suggested images here>
Beastiary: <insert suggested images here>
Watch Tower: <insert suggested images here>
Shrine: <insert suggested images here>
Voodoo Lounge: <insert suggested images here>

Finally, a new faction for Humans, called Fel Alliance. The Fel Alliance is the Alliance forces who had succumbed into Outland after they were banished by Kil'jaeden and the Burning Legion. They forced to be demons afterall. Since they drink Mannoroth's blood, the Humans, Dwarves, and High Elves were turned into red-skinned Fel Humans, Fel Dark Iron Dwarves, and the Felblood Elves. For the flying mounts, will be Fel Gryphon and Fel Hippogryph.


Fel Alliance
(Fel Human versions of)
Peasant: <insert suggested images here>
Militia: <insert suggested images here>
Footman: <insert suggested images here>
Knight: <insert suggested images here>
General, based on Paladin: <insert suggested images here>
Pyromancer, based on Archmage: <insert suggested images here>
Town Hall/Keep/Castle: <insert suggested images here>
Farm: <insert suggested images here>
Human Barracks: <insert suggested images here>
Lumber Mill: <insert suggested images here>
Blacksmith: <insert suggested images here>
Altar of the Fallen, based on Altar of Kings: <insert suggested images here>
Fel Sanctum, based on Arcane Sanctum: <insert suggested images here>
Workshop: <insert suggested images here>
Marketplace: <insert suggested images here>
Aviary: <insert suggested images here>
Scout/Guard/Cannon/Fel Tower, based on Scout/Guard/Cannon/Arcane Tower: <insert suggested images here>
(Fel Dark Iron Dwarf versions of)
Rifleman: <insert suggested images here>
Pyrocopter: <insert suggested images here>
Mortar Team: <insert suggested images here>
Siege Engine: <insert suggested images here>
Rider (Fel Gryphon Mount), based on Gryphon Rider: <insert suggested images here>
Mountain King: <insert suggested images here>
(Felblood Elves versions of)
Priest: <insert suggested images here>
Sorceress: <insert suggested images here>
Thief: <insert suggested images here>
Mage: <insert suggested images here>
Lancer (Fel Hippogryph Mount), based on Dragonhawk Rider: <insert suggested images here>
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I think this thread is a better place than his threads, so good on ya.

That being said, I really think you should consider placing all of those giant blocks of text into expandable 'hidden' blocks, or even a series of 'tabbed' blocks, for easier reading.

Also, I'm really not sure why you present the information the way you do; it's either an unholy amount of typing, or an insane amount of copy-pasting. And your over-use of the Bold font (which is there to provide emphasis) results in poor visual presentation. +Instead of:

Example said:
Kingdom of Quel'drassil sets including:
Wisp (Blood Elf): The Blood Elven version of the Wisp model.
Archer (Blood Elf): The Blood Elven version of the Archer model.
Huntress (Blood Elf): The Blood Elven version of the Huntress model.
Huntress (Blood Elf, Doe Mount): The Blood Elven version of the Huntress in Doe Mount model.
Glaive Thrower (Blood Elf): The Blood Elven version of the Glaive Thrower model.

You could be saving yourself loads of time/energy by simply doing:

Example said:
Kingdom of Quel'drassil
(Blood Elven versions of)
Wisp: <insert suggested textures here>
Huntress v1: <etc>
Huntress v2 (Doe Mount): <...>
Glaive Thrower: <...>
(Fall/Autumn versions of)
Tree of Life/Ages/Eternity: <insert suggested textures here>

See, by taking something you're typing over & over again & just putting it at the front (as well as strategic use of emphasis fonts), you can create a much easier to read & interpret presentation (which ultimately increases the chances that someone, like Ujimasa, will read it & understand it & want to do it).

This also gives you space to suggest textures to use (again, don't repeat yourself if there are similarities, just put it up front), which can be a big help to re-texturers.

Good luck.
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