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Enter the Pit v1.22c

Enter The Pit
Pick one of 17 classes in a fight for your own life!
Enter The Pit is an arena game which focuses on fast killing, team-based play and simplicity.


You and a handful of others have fallen during the Great War. You have been consigned to Hell! It seems however that you are given a second chance... The Pit Lord has allowed the winner(s) of this arena battle to be granted a second chance!
Fight alongside your team, or by yourself in a MOBA-styled game that has either left out or altered your everyday creep-killing/denying, experience gain and focuses on a game of pure skill and raw teamwork.












Special thanks to:
Map Preview

Ion Turret


Knockback System (Modified)
DoT System (Modified)
Jump System (Modified)

Missile System (Modified)

Charge System (Modified)

Beta Testers:
Zedra <--- In depth testing & ability ideas
Mini Mage
CroMoX <--- In depth testing.

This game focuses mostly on testing your twitch reflexes
Competitive Gameplay
Team up against others for a competitive yet short and fun game.
Gaining fame allows players to 'buy' items and make players stronger. Be careful though, items have durability!
Play solely against other players, or turn on Random Events to add more chaos to the game.
Spice it up by adding computer players to the game!
AI is still under development, but is partially finished.
Pick between an ever-growing library of 1 of 17 classes to decimate your opponent!


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes the footman to attack dealing normal damage equal to 40% of this units' health.
Special: Charge (W)
Charge at a target location dealing 50 siege damage to any unit obstructing your path and knocking them back. Will additionally stun units for 3 seconds on collision.
Defensive: Defend (E)
Raising shield enables the use of 'Charge', but disables the use of your normal attacks and slows you by 50%. Projectiles can be deflected off the shield.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoot an arcane bolt at the target point. Deals 50 magic damage and an additional 30 magic damage for each enemy in a 600 unit range.
Special: Implode (W)
Deals 75 magic damage in a 300 unit area, and pulls any victims to the center.
Defensive: Polymorph (E)
Turns an enemy into a random critter for 2 seconds.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Throws a spear at the target point dealing 40 pierce damage.
Special: Headshot (W)
Throws a spear harder, passing through and dealing 90 pierce damage to enemy units.
Defensive: Hunt Down (E)
Gives the headhunter 50% bonus movement speed for 10 seconds.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Casts a holy missile at a target location. Deals 50 magic damage, and an additional 30 magic damage for every ally in a 400 unit area.
Special: Heal (W)
Heals a target friendly non-mechanical wounded unit for 50 hit points.
Defensive: Divine Shield (E)
An impenetrable shield protects the priest from all damage for 5 seconds.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes the demon to attack dealing 95 normal damage and healing himself for 35% of that.
Special: Unholy Beckoning (W)
Pulls a unit to the demon dealing 75 magic damage.
Defensive: Camouflage (E)
Blend in with the skeletons lying around the battlefield.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoots the gunman's long-range rifle dealing 75 piercing damage.
Special: Snipe (W)
Take a split second to aim after which the gunman shoots a high caliber bullet which deals 250 piercing damage to an enemy.
Defensive: Shock Trap (E)
Place a trap that activates when approached, electrocuting all enemies in a 300 unit area and stunning them for 4 seconds. Destroys other traps caught in the blast radius.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoot a firey missile at a target location. Deals 70 magic damage.
Special: Artillery (W)
Bombards a location with a molten rock. When it impacts, it deals 180 siege damage in a 200 unit area.
Defensive: Kindling Warmth (E)
Throws ray of soothing warmth at a target enemy unit, putting it to sleep for 5 seconds. Sleeping units will awaken once they take damage.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes the ghost to attack dealing 75 normal damage. Causes 300% siege damage on back attacks.
Special: Nightmare (W)
Puts a target enemy unit to sleep for 3.5 seconds. Sleeping units will awaken once they take damage.
Defensive: Stealth (E)
Turns the ghost invisible. Invisibility lasts for as long as the ghost has mana. Mana regenerates 33% slower than it degenerates.


Offensive: Attack / Bombard (Q)
Uprooted: Crush the enemy dealing 120 normal damage. / Rooted: Bombard the enemy with a boulder dealing 105 siege damage on impact.
Special: Shake Off / Launch (W)
Uprooted: The Fallen Protector shakes off some lose branches and summons 4 Fallen Treants to aid him in battle. / Rooted: Picks a random unit in a 200 area to throw at the target location dealing 50 siege damage. If this unit is a Fallen Treant, it explodes upon impact dealing 150 magic damage instead.
If an enemy is launched, he will deal damage to the Fallen Protector's allies instead of his enemies.

Defensive: Root / Uproot (E)
Roots and uproots the Fallen Protector. Rooted protectors can not move, but gain the fortified armor type.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes the stalker to attack dealing 80 piercing damage.
Special: Pounce (W)
Jump to a target location dealing 150 siege damage. The landing causes an implosion which pulls struck units to the stalker.
Defensive: Slam (E)
Slam the ground in a 250 range dealing 50 siege damage, knocking back and disorienting units struck for 8 seconds.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes the risen soldier to attack dealing 80 normal damage.
Special: Brothers in Death (W)
Calls three brothers in arms to join you in combat. These units attack automatically.
Lasts 20 seconds or until killed.

Defensive: Haunt (E)
Throws a haunting missile that induces a struck unit with fear, rendering it immobile for 2 seconds.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoots an arrow at a target location dealing 75 pierce damage.
Special: Fight in the Shade (W)
Shower the target location with 50 arrows each dealing 50 piercing damage.
Defensive: Arise (E)
Attempts to dodge an attack by falling apart and arising elsewhere.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoots high-pressured water at an enemy dealing 80 pierce damage. Splits deal 25 pierce damage.
Special: Detonate (W)
Detonates any H20's dealing 50 magic damage in a 150 unit area.
Defensive: Split (E)
Splits into 3 confusing the enemy with sheer numbers. Attacking causes H20's split parts to attack the same location. They deal 31% damage and are detonatable for 50 magic damage.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoots an unholy missile at a target location. Deals 50 magic damage and extra magic damage equal to 25% of the target's missing health. Harvests souls upon killing blows.
Special: Special Spells (W)
1 soul - Grants Life Switch
2 souls - Grants Curse
3 souls - Grants Suffering Chill
4 souls - Grants Sacrilegious Summoning

Defensive: Defensive Spells (E)
1 soul - Grants Senescence Surge.
2 souls - Grants Breathless Slumber.
3 souls - Grants Constrict.
4 souls - Grants Life Siphon

Alternative: Necromancy (D)
Reap the souls you have harvested.
1 soul - Grants Life Switch and Senescence Surge.
2 souls - Grants Curse and Breathless Slumber.
3 souls - Grants Suffering Chill and Constrict.
4 souls - Grants Sacrilegious Summoning and Life Siphon.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes this unit to attack dealing 90 normal damage.
Special: Leg Sweep/Activate Enflamed Spears|Activate Poison Coating (W)
Sweeps the area in front of you dealing 25 normal damage and stunning any enemy caught for 2 seconds. Enflamed Spears will set a target on fire dealing 45 magic damage over 5 seconds. Poison Coating will induce the target with slowing poison, reducing it's move speed by 35 per stack. Both effects last 5 seconds.
Defensive: Wield Axe/Spears (E)
Wielding spears will slow you down slightly, but will make you a ranged attacker having the possibility of slowing units and setting them on fire. Wielding an axe will speed you up slightly, and give you the ability to plunder enemies upon using basic attacks.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Causes this unit to attack dealing 50 normal damage and receives an additional 0.25 damage for every point of health he is missing. The grunt also gains "War Veteran" experience whenever he kills a unit, giving him 50 max hp for every kill. When he reaches the maximum veteran status, the grunt becomes a War Veteran, mounting a horse which gives him another 50 max hp, increased movement speed, an improved artillery strike and 200% damage on normal attacks.
Special: Siege Attack / Barrage (W)
Order your battlements to fire a demolisher missile at a target location. The missile takes 2 seconds to arrive and deals 80 siege damage to units in a 200 area. (Direct hit +80 siege damage). Causes the Mounted Grunt to call an artillery barrage; 16 projectiles dealing 80 siege damage strike the area around the Mounted Grunt, and stuns struck units for 3 seconds after applying a knockback. (Direct hit +80 siege damage)
Defensive: Battle Rage / Mounted (E) / (Passive)
Turning this on makes the Grunt enraged, causing him to deal 150% damage, but making the grunt vulnerable to pierce and siege attacks. The War Veteran is mounted gaining upgrades and bonuses to aid him in battle.


Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoots the marine's assault rifle firing 5 rounds at the target location each dealing 25 pierce damage.
Special: N008 Tube (W)
Fire the Space Marine issued N008 Tube dealing 80 siege damage in a 200 unit area.
Defensive: Request P.S.D. (E)
Requests a Personal Safety Drone from Space Command that will follow the Marine around unless ordered not to. Will target and attack enemies within 500 units for 10 raw damage.
Drone detects invisible units.

Alternative: P.S.D. - FOLLOW / P.S.D. - DEFEND (D)
P.S.D. - FOLLOW: Orders your Personal Safety Drone to follow you. Fires once per second.
P.S.D. - DEFEND: Orders your Personal Safety Drone to hold its current position. Fires twice per second.

  1. A proper loadscreen
  2. A title page (forum title page)
  3. A proper map preview
If you are reading this and you would like to contribute to my map, please send me a PM with what you want to do and I'll add you to the credits accordingly.

You will like this game if you like
  1. MOBA games
  2. Super Smash Bros.
  3. Bloodline Champions
  4. Team-based play
  5. Short, yet fun and competitive gameplay.
- v.0.5
Closed beta
- v.0.9
Closed beta continued
Complete system overhaul, all combat systems are fully functional.
- v.1.0
All known bugs fixed, First release.
Fame System implemented
AI implemented, 5 classes complete so far.
Class added: Grunt
[Nerf] Footman damage dealt from 70% of hp to 40% of hp.
[Nerf] Risen Archer basic attack damage from 90 to 75.
[Buff] Split images basic attack damage from 0 to 25.
[Buff] Stalker Slam damage from 0 to 50.
[Buff] Ember Cannon Artillery from 150 siege damage to 180.
[Buff] Headhunter basic attack cooldown from .9s to .75s.
[Change] Headhunter has Headshot instead of Spreadshot: throws one fast spear, deals 90 pierce damage, passes through units, 10s cooldown.
[Change] Necromancer's Life Switch return projectile will now follow him for up to 1.8 seconds.
Items Added: Cheese, Big Cheese, Various Armor and Weapons (all basic and class specific), Movement Speed Boots.
Fame is no longer preserved throughout rounds.
[Bug] Fallen Archer's "Fight in the Shade" ability bugged shooting only 1 arrow; fixed.
[Bug] Footman's defend script was triggered by "Win The Crowd" ability; fixed.
[Nerf] Ghost's mana regeneration reduced by 33%.
Marine class added.

The Marine
Offensive: Attack (Q)
Shoots the marine's assault rifle firing 5 rounds at the target location each dealing 25 pierce damage.
Special: N008 Tube (W)
Fire the Space Marine issued N008 Tube dealing 80 siege damage in a 200 unit area.
Defensive: Request P.S.D. (E)
Requests a Personal Safety Drone from Space Command that will follow the Marine around unless ordered not to. Will target and attack enemies within 500 units for 10 raw damage.
Drone detects invisible units.

Alternative: P.S.D. - FOLLOW / P.S.D. - DEFEND (D)
P.S.D. - FOLLOW: Orders your Personal Safety Drone to follow you. Fires once per second.
P.S.D. - DEFEND: Orders your Personal Safety Drone to hold its current position. Fires twice per second.

Custom Streak System added.
Custom Random Events System added.
Custom script added to support Marine's basic attack and War Veteran's Barrage.
[Nerf] Ghost's mana regen reduced by 25%. (5/second).
[Nerf] Stalker's pounce damage from 150 to 105.
[Nerf] H20's splits now generally take 150% damage.
[Nerf] Marine basic attack damage from 25 to 18.
[Buff] Marine P.S.D. damage increased from 10 to 25.
[Buff] Headhunter's basic attack damage from 40 to 60.
[Buff] Headhunter's special cooldown from 10s to 6s.
[Buff] Fallen Protector's root time from 2.5s to .6s
AI: Headhunter added. (More to come!)

Fixed a bug that caused missiles to not show up during their travel time.

1. 'Random' Class option added, for all you indecisive potatoes out there.
2. AI Priest; added more 'Intelligence';D
3. Battle Data Accumulation ---> Achievements added
4. In-between round timer added. Can be skipped if all players press escape during this timer.
5. Custom Fear System added.
6. Added game style flexibility: Timer can be 1m, 5m, 10m or 15m. Stock can be 1, 6, 10 or 15 lives.
7. Automated ally/enemy designation. Allies appear teal, enemies appear red. In FFA, all players use their respective colours.
8. Map Preview updated. Non-final.
9. Added skulls and mushrooms to randomly generate before each round. Really not much I can do with the terrain of this arena...
10. In game Help (F9) brought up to date. All classes can be previewed there now.
11. Changed the rock chunks from gray to the red ones. Fits better to this terrain.
12. Optimized a few scripts.
[Bug] Necromancer's souls were preserved throughout rounds. Fixed.
[Bug] Cyst could be 'backstabbed'. Thanks to BlackKnightTGS for pointing that one out. Fixed.
[Change] Demon's camouflage tended to bug and glitch. This is now fixed with slight improvements to the system.
[Change] Demon's Unholy Beckoning changed from target-unit to a shadow projectile. If it hits, the old effect applies.
[Change] Bandit's basic axe attack deals increased damage depending on the amount of Fame the bandit has.
[Change] Bandit's basic axe attack will allow the bandit to steal all of the enemy's fame if it kills the enemy.
[Change] Bandit's 'toss' ability was replaced with leg sweep. Leg sweep deals 25 normal damage and stuns for 2 seconds.
[Change] Bandit's defensive ability now allows him to switch to a ranged version, which is a little slower.
[Change] Bandit's basic spear attacks can be enhanced with his special; flame/poison coating.
[Change] Bandit's flame spears deal 45 magic damage over 5 seconds in addition to the 50 piercing damage of the attack itself.
[Change] Bandit's poison spears will slow an enemy by 35 movement speed per stack. Lasts 5 seconds.
[Change] Ghost's "Nightmare" has been changed to "Terror," which utilizes the custom fear system.
[Nerf] Marine's P.S.D. no longer grants the Marine fame for damaging units. If it kills a unit it will still grant 100 fame though.
[Buff] The fashion at which a unit's "back" is measured has been widened making it slightly easier for ghosts to backstab.
[Buff] Risen Archer's "Arise" has been changed from 'randomly arising' to arising towards the unit's facing angle.

This map has been worked on for the past 3 months for anywhere between 6-12 hours a day, everyday. (Including beta testing). If you think I haven't accomplished much, maybe you're right, but I'm the kind of guy who does not like it when something he makes doesn't feel right... So, often, I tend to delete a section I've been working on, and do it all over again, to see if I can do it better.
As you can see from the changelog, the map's been going a while. It has mainly been sitting in the Map Development section, but I thought it was time to release it since I can get more opinion now.
There have been a lot of obstacles along the way, and I've attempted AND succeeded on fixing them or finding a work-around. If however I have overlooked anything, please let me know.
All in all, I have had a lot of fun making this map! I am very devoted to making it better, so please, if you have any questions, critique or ways you think this map could be improved; DO LET ME KNOW.
Expect a lot of changes, updates, improvements in the future!

GROUP ID: 120532

Caution, map is protected.
(Even though file name does not specify.)

Arena, Enter, Pit, Classes, MOBA, Team, Lord, Daredeamon, Squeaky duck toy

Enter the Pit v1.22c (Map)

Vengeancekael Date: 2012/Sep/29 16:57:57 [Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact] Comment: [Approved] You should make the Fallen Protector's small treans be controlled by the AI and thus they follow the hero around, because you can't...




Date: 2012/Sep/29 16:57:57
[Please do not send me a message, use Staff Contact]

Comment: [Approved]
You should make the Fallen Protector's small treans be controlled by the AI and thus they follow the hero around, because you can't use your hero's abilities while you have everyone selected.
Also change the Mage's Q's icon, it's not a chain lightning, it's an orb.
And why not make the ranged heros' offensive orb show up as a projectile going towards the target point instead of just appearing at the target point after a while.
Oh yeah and add more modes, which you have promised.
The AI still needs a lot of improvement, as a Priest, they just stand there and heal themselves constantly. (Oh and they walk to the same location after a while and just stand there)
The arena looks a bit dead, try adding some lower areas in the center for example, with a few statues around, etc. A thick fog would also be atmospheric.

The game really is simple as you've said so yourself, it doesn't live up to Warlock's fast-paced combat, you have less abilities and the game isn't really "flashy" looking.
I'd suggest you add a movement skill to every class, the Mage having a blink for example, the fallen protector digging himself underground and moving to a location, knocking people back, or the footman jumping.
Would also be nice if you'd add some neat, original modes.

Staff Contact - Rules
Level 8
Dec 22, 2008
This post is subject to update before every version release to announce upcoming changes.

Map has last been updated 15:31, 7th Oct 2012 UTC +10.
Check out the changelog for the updates in 1.22c

Fulk Skill Preview [NON-FINAL]

Attack: A ranged attack that deals magic damage, and leaves a poison cloud behind that lasts for 5 seconds. Any enemy that walks through the poison cloud will be given a non-stacking debuff that deals magic damage per second and lasts for 3 seconds.

Special: The Fulk will spew his innards out in a cone formation dealing minor damage. If a unit dies while under the effect of this ability, a zergling will spawn from its corpse.

Defensive: Shoots a large parasite that rests within the first enemy it encounters. If the Fulk dies while the enemy still has the parasite within him, the Fulk explodes out of the enemy's carcass, instantly killing him. (No points are changed when the defensive ability triggers.)
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Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
First (awww not first). Game is awesome (Since I beta tested it :D), and lots of selection involved, and every champion has different styles, while some can be similar they are all unique. The terrain is standard, can't do much really with it though, since it is an arena. ALSO HAS AI OMG

Try add in a command, where the leader can change the terrain to snow or something, that would be cool.

The game can get a bit repetitive, but I geuss all games do, and the selection of different modes, and events keeps it interesting.
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Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Here's a short review/thoughts on the map:

- A decent amount of options given to the host on game start, makes the game more varied.
- Fairly decent amount of classes to choose from, and growing with each version.
- Has AI.
- Good description here on THW, and informative and simple enough ingame.
- Credits properly given both here and ingame.
- Pretty fun and challenging gameplay for those who like skillshot arenas that require aiming, timing, and predicting.

- Some classes use extremely similar, if not identical, spells (i.e. Ember Cannon's Warmth and Ghost's Nightmare. Both are basically Sleep.)
- Terrain could use some more tile variety, and maybe some doodads (with no colission), such as mushrooms, some skulls, or something like that.

- For some reason in this version, no projectile has a model while flying. Dunno if it's just me, but I can't see projectiles flying around, only see them when they impact.
- The Cyst died to 3 hits from my Ghost from the "back". Maybe make it unable to be "back"stabbed?
- Change the Loading Screen text to something else other than the changelog, like a short description on the map and how to play it, to make it more newbie-friendlier.
- The Pit Lord gets a little annoying after a while.
- It's rather hard to distinguish teammates from enemies in Team-based modes...
- The Preview Screen is rather off-place. It's Diablo. :p If it said "Enter the Pit" or it showed a Pit Lord (or both) then it would be more fitting.

- Give players some time to read their tooltips when everyone has picked their class before the game starts, maybe? Or give that as an option for the host, for the game to start instantly or with a 5s/10s delay.
- Give players in team games one color, like, Red, Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow, etc. So, it would be Red VS Blue, Green VS Purple, Yellow VS Orange, or whatever.
- Pretty minor but, why not give the Marine a Marine icon instead of a Rifleman icon? :p
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Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Hey there!

The game is great fun with friends, the skillshots are fun, though some classes have cooldowns on some spells that make gameplay rather annoying: I think that the Ember Wraith is a bit underpowered, once he has used his meteor AoE he is useless for a long time; make his Q more powerful or give it a lower cooldown to compensate for this?

The terrain could do with a small amount of detail, though it almost has the right balance for a map like this :)

Keep up the good work, simple yet awesome map!
Level 8
Dec 22, 2008
First of all thanks for commenting, and glad you liked it :).

- Some classes use extremely similar, if not identical, spells (i.e. Ember Cannon's Warmth and Ghost's Nightmare. Both are basically Sleep.)
As I said in the first comment for this thread, expect changes to three classes, ghost, bandit and demon. Demon is having his abilities reworked, since they bugged sometimes, and were too powerful. Ghost is getting a whole new ability instead of sleep, and bandit is getting an almost complete make-over.

- Terrain could use some more tile variety, and maybe some doodads (with no colission), such as mushrooms, some skulls, or something like that.
I don't like the idea of tile variety, because I believe this takes away the arena feeling... As you may know, the gladiators in the roman times fought on just sand. (Reason they did this is so it would soak up most of the blood so the clean-up crew didn't have to clean up so much blood. :p Just as a fun fact.) However, I will most likely be adding non collision doodads.

- Units spawned from special events have normal melee or ranged attacks, making it hard and not fun trying to avoid them (and impossible for ranged ones). Would it be easy to give them attacks similar to classes? Or at least for the Cyst?
Yes, unfortunately it WOULD be hard :/ .. One pro-tip though.. Try walking by other units, as they will often choose to switch targets.

Most of your Notes and Suggestions have been taken care of in the next update.
Though the part about VengeanceKael... I presume he played 2 maybe 3 rounds... So... He didn't go deep enough and realize most of the stuff he wrote is actually minor. Also, this should not be compared to Warlock in any way, since Warlock gives you the ability to choose your abilities, whereas I don't. I do this on purpose to create player limitations so you are forced to receive help from your teammates, who have other limitations that you can help THEM with in return. It's a team-game after all and some classes will be very mode-specific.

(Also, BlackKnightTGS, +rep :D)

I think that the Ember Wraith is a bit underpowered, once he has used his meteor AoE he is useless for a long time; make his Q more powerful or give it a lower cooldown to compensate for this?
His main damage output is when he can complete a combo (i.e. Kindling Warmth --> Artillery --> Attack), time the artillery and attack so that they'll meet the target at the same time.
Pro-tip: Kindling Warmth has a cooldown as long as the sleep is, so it is possible to nearly perma-disable a player. He is certainly NOT underpowered. :)
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Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
As I said in the first comment for this thread, expect changes to three classes, ghost, bandit and demon. Demon is having his abilities reworked, since they bugged sometimes, and were too powerful. Ghost is getting a whole new ability instead of sleep, and bandit is getting an almost complete make-over.

Ah, didn't see the first post. Looking forward to the changes and the Fulk. :)

Yes, unfortunately it WOULD be hard :/ .. One pro-tip though.. Try walking by other units, as they will often choose to switch targets.

Oh, too bad. Thanks for the tip, at least. :p

As for the tile variation, was thinking of something like rough dirt here and there, but then, you're right. In actual arenas, there's only sand, dirt or whatever, so...nevermind what I said. xD
Level 3
May 29, 2012
No title

WOW this map is so cool

5/5 No comment

Wait i have something to tell The attacking mobs where choosing only one player try to make them half on one side and half on the other side so that it will be fair. ok no comment at all
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Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
Few modes I suggest:

One Shot, Marked Twice - Kills any enemy unit with one shot, but if you are killed by the one you killed, he/she will get two points taken from you. Mark is removed if you are killed. Default Points 50. Most Points wins.

Base Wars ( inspired from our Filipino Game : Agawan Base ) - Assign one guardian ( optional ) for the base post. The Runners will try to *touch* the base of the other team. The *touch* is a melee attack ( no considerations! ). If one of the runners is caught ( killed. ) They will be trapped on the other teams post. They will be only released when the post is touched and is on spectator mode ( he/she can only see what his/her teammates' sees ). Most Points wins.

Pitlord's Funhouse - Pit Lord joins the fun. He casts randomly Infernals that can kill instantly on impact ( when on meteor form ) and lasts for 15 seconds. You will try to kill Pit Lord ( middle ). Since it erases the team vs team, or 1 vs all genre of the game, you will need 3 souls trapped on you ( like necromancer ) to enter the Pit Lord Funhouse. Pit Lord's Funhouse changes occasionally, shifting you in and out of battle for extra challenge. First to kill Pit Lord wins!

-Da Fist-
Level 8
Dec 22, 2008
Few modes I suggest:

One Shot, Marked Twice - Kills any enemy unit with one shot, but if you are killed by the one you killed, he/she will get two points taken from you. Mark is removed if you are killed. Default Points 50. Most Points wins.

Base Wars ( inspired from our Filipino Game : Agawan Base ) - Assign one guardian ( optional ) for the base post. The Runners will try to *touch* the base of the other team. The *touch* is a melee attack ( no considerations! ). If one of the runners is caught ( killed. ) They will be trapped on the other teams post. They will be only released when the post is touched and is on spectator mode ( he/she can only see what his/her teammates' sees ). Most Points wins.

Pitlord's Funhouse - Pit Lord joins the fun. He casts randomly Infernals that can kill instantly on impact ( when on meteor form ) and lasts for 15 seconds. You will try to kill Pit Lord ( middle ). Since it erases the team vs team, or 1 vs all genre of the game, you will need 3 souls trapped on you ( like necromancer ) to enter the Pit Lord Funhouse. Pit Lord's Funhouse changes occasionally, shifting you in and out of battle for extra challenge. First to kill Pit Lord wins!

-Da Fist-

I like your ideas, but for the most part I already have my modes planned out. The "Base Wars" idea might be something worth adding later. But that will come later :D
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