Element Wars v2.03

A unique style strategy game that utilizes a new gameplay style for warcraft 3 gamers.

Wage war against other plays in 1on1 2on2 or free for all battles utilizing the uniquely designed elements engineered towards different playstyles.

Every element is 100% unique in every aspect, don't believe me? Then download it and prove me wrong.


Updated to 2.03

-Fixed tutorial's beginning to stop overlapping transmission
-Forces tutorial to show with subtitles disabled

Updated to 2.02

-Added tutorial, Activate by typing -help after selecting an element

-Fixed Error with Petrification

-Extended the interval of Solar Flare from 3 seconds to 6 seconds

Version 2.00 was fixed from an extremely old version, 2.01 is an updated version of the original 1.24f

I apologize if anyone experienced massive lag while attempting to play 2.00, there were alot of leaks that were in the map that Darkwulfv helped remove, but when I fixed the map for the blizzard patch, I used the pre-darkwulfv version which had all the leaks and old trigger data. This version is the correct version with the proper credit's to the helpers as well.

Version has no change on gameplay, the update simply allows the map to be played on version 1.24b. Have fun with the map, maybe later I'll come back and add new things again.

I'll repeat, nothing has changed everything is the same from v1.24f

Changelog v1.24f

-Fixed the tech requirements for eagle form and ascend.
-Wind Rider's Arch and Strato Fortress now build their units in a Warp Circle that appears below them when built,
the progress meter show's on the Warp Circle.
-Wind Rider's Arch now has a movespeed of 60
-Strato Fortress and Wind Blade Turret now have a movement speed of 30
-Jetstream has been reworked, it now is required to be researched, but grants travel across the entire map,
speed is upgradable.

Changelog v1.24e

-New Game Mode "-rush"
allows the host to determine the speed that favor is obtained, if you type "-rush 10" you will obtain 10 favor every interval from each control area,
the default value for simply typing -rush without a number is 5.
-All units have the luck factor taken out of their attacks, Attack dice's have been removed and replaced with static numbers.
eg. Units that may have done 20-40 damage, now simply do 35 damage
-Cavalry armor now takes 150% damage from Infantry attacks, down from 200%

-Fixed the message for launching a volcano guard from saying "u guard"
-Fixed the bug where volcanic hide was always active on volcano guards

-Reworked Light Veil, effect is now divided by the number of nearby veilers, instead of setting value to 0
-Reworked Costs and Harvesting system for light to allow easier balancing.
-Reduced Light Veilers damage to 20, down from 41
-Cast time for God of Light's Light Speed increased to 7 seconds, up from 3 seconds

-Arch units cannot immediately fly at the start of the game, the air player must research "Rites of Passage" to gain the ability to fly, this allows other players to grab control points early on without air immediately dominating the race.
-Air buildings have been given 1 move speed to allow group seperation to disperse flying buildings apart, to prevent structure stacking.
-Old gust and new gust are now both on the Wind Callers, New gust has been renamed to Wind Torrent.

Changelog v1.24d

-Added new structure: Furnace, quick building structure capable of starting fire's.

-Added new structure: Rain Totem, Utility structure capable of creating large rain clouds with a mana reserve that only charges through pipeline.

-Accidently Prematurly released new version of gust in v1.24d, New version revised for release
-Gust for Air has been reworked, instead of casting gust directly over wind Generators, it is cast, then the Wind callers fly over the Wind Generators. Gains power with more Wind Callers
-Added Wind Flux skill to God of Air, a wind spell that pushes enemies away.
-Cost of magnetic thunder increased to 200, up from 100

-Fixed error in Solar Flares damage reduction against buildings (It's doing 80 damage instead of 20 damage)
-Reduced Cost of Summon Sun to 20000, down from 50000

Changelog v1.24c

-Fixed coding error that caused "Destroy All Enemies" to only display the ending for Fire
-Added Light's destroy all enemies graphic.

-Fixed the mana cost for Summon Sun (I editted the wrong skill by mistake)
-Increased cost for Summon Sun to 50000, up from 1000
-Fixed tooltip's for several Light Element unit's and buildings.
-Fixed some hotkeys

Changelog v1.24b

-Coal no longer causes any collision

-Removed force of nature from basic denfather
-Increased Ancient Denfather favor cost from 0 to 40
-Increased the Area of Effect of Broodmother's Warmth

Changelov v1.24

-God of Light finished

-Increased the attack range of the Twilight Fortress.
-Increased the cost of the Twilight Fortress.

-Water meld is now counterable, the water melder now generates a blue lightning connecting to the unit. If the water melder is killed, or walks to far away from the target, the water meld buff is removed and the water melder dies. The water melder dies the moment water meld expires.

-Fixed the potential crash that would occur if the mountain heart healed multiple units and the buff was removed too rapidly (dont destroy lightning that is already destroyed >.<)

-Treant Denfather's now have Force of Nature ability, capable of creating free treant minor brawlers in a small area of trees at the cost of mana.
-Treant Denfather can upgrade into an Ancient Treant Denfather, which moves much slower than a regular denfather, except has greater damage, health, and increased AOE of Force of Nature.
-Guardian Spirit is now counterable, the Protector Sprite now generates a shackle connecting to the unit. If the Protector Sprite is killed, or walks to far away from the target, the Guardian Spirit buff is removed and the Protector Sprite dies. The Protector Sprite dies the moment Guardian Spirit expires.

Changelog v1.23

-Cavalry armor protection against Ranged attacks lowered to 50%, down from 80%
-Cavalry armor now takes 200% damage from infantry attacks, up from 150%
-Updated the tooltip for Heavy armor to display the proper reductions.

-Starts with more shapers in the beginning

-Increased the range of Load Volcano Guard, to make it easier to load them.
-Immolation from fire level's up with Fire Resource Upgrade, to make them more effective against units

-Treant brawlers now have additional passive abilities depending on their level. At minor and lesser level they have a movement speed slowing attack,
at Greater and Ancient level, they have 100% cleaving attack. Demolish is now no longer luck based.
-Harvest system reworked, harvest rate is now less laggy, amount of resource's obtained decreased (as well as the costs)
-Tree's created by nature have no collision, but they still hinder vision.

-Recoded Magnetic Thunder, it is now created through a timer and has absolutely no cast lag.

-Completely reworked trapped system, triggers can now directly link with traps, allowing the players to specifically choose which triggers detonate which traps.

Changelog v1.22

-Code has been cleaned up, and leaks have been eliminated, lag issue caused from memory leaks has been taken care of thanks to darkwulfv

-Completely reworked trap system, triggers can now directly link with traps, allowing the player to specifically choose which triggers detonate which traps.

Changelog v1.21

-New Element Added

-Axed and burned some memory leaks found in merge shaper code
-Increased the area that scans for shapers in the merge shaper code
-Merge shaper now properly coded to prevent shaper from losing mana in case the merge fails
-Updated the tooltip for Create Rocks to be more up to date.

-Brand new element added to Element wars.

-Reworked the Forest Sprites, they no longer attach to tree's like normal wisps, and no longer need to for the bonding ritual
-Model for Forest Sprites changed to stag

-A text tag appears now to show the 1 Elemental Power obtained for simply casting gust, gust always gave Elemental Power but never had a text tag.

-Reworked Fire's code to function under a timer, Burning looks much better now.

-Reworked the code for Dark Shrouds Invisibility to hopefully reduce lag.

Changelog v1.20

-Reworked Dark harvesting method again
-Twilight Shrouders renamed to Twilight Consumers, have 250 health again, and have a cost increase for every consumer you have
-Dark no longer starts with a Shadow Grounds, instead starts with 5 dark spawnlings and 1 twilight consumer
-Secret of the twilight health upgrade for shrouders increased back up from 250 to 750 again
-Twilight Consumers are no longer trained, but are upgraded from Dark Spawnlings
-Fixed the Remote Trap Trigger
-Traps now trigger without having to be at full health

Changelog v1.18

-Completely reworked dark harvesting system into a more skill based gathering method
-Twilight shrouders no longer have a limit to their build quantity, have only 50 health, and can no longer be built at shadow wall's
-Dark starts with a shadow grounds instead of a shadow wall, techtree requirements for dark forge now require a guild of the twilight
-Cost for Dark Spawnlings decreased from 100 to 20
-Secret of the twilight health upgrade for twilight shrouders lowered from 750 health to 250 health

-The commands -pause and -unpause have been added to the countdown timer for element selection to allow the host (red) to pause the timer and
allow players more time to choose their element
-Map trigger's prepared for multi-map transfer. Map is now fully importable into another map, expect new terrain in the future created by me or fans of the game.

Changelog v1.17

-Wind generators can no longer spin before being completed
-Recall can no longer work on sky blades, this is to prevent the permanent freezing glitch that occurs
-The god of air is no longer targettable by recall

-Fixed an error that caused earth to not get a full refund when a building does not have enough rocks
-Added a new building for the surveyor to create
-Surveyer build time reduced
-Recoded the burrower den's reform

Changelog v1.16

Elemental Control Tower
--Negative speed aura around Elemental Control Tower, this returns the movement speed of units close to the tower to normal
where as units that are far across the map, keep the speed bonus needed to reach the tower in time before it completes

-The Earth God's Wrath ability has a much larger AOE for its random explosions, and stun duration has been tripled

Changelog v1.15

-Shadow Embrace is now permanent, and costs resources. Embracing the twilight is now basically a taunt, your stating that you can destroy your opponents before you allow the night to end.

-Rock chunks now have no collision and can be walked over. This change is to remove the exploit of hiding really small rock chunks inside of ramps, and allowing for easier earth building.
-Earth Gods Embrace ability now spawns melee units to make up for the rocks being unable to trap units anymore.
-Greatly increased the favor cost of Structure Tear, to prevent the exploit of earth players getting an extremely early advantage in favor gain.

Element Wars v2.03 (Map)

DesKaladA: Hmm a nice map I like the thec tree and i think with some more work and a better explanation of hows its played it would be a fun map My sugestions: []Add some player controled heros []Explane how to get favor []Work on better ai...




DesKaladA: Hmm a nice map

I like the thec tree and i think with some more work and a better explanation of hows its played it would be a fun map

My sugestions:
[]Add some player controled heros
[]Explane how to get favor
[]Work on better ai

Level 8
Dec 10, 2006
This map, is awesome, I haven't seen very many others that unique, but theres still a few imbalance's that need to be attended To. With the
Dark Element you can you The Dark Shroud to heal your minions, then have them collect money, I Had 1.2k with the first 3 with one night. Playing as Earth it took, well, Along time, making 250 if I'm lucky, 300 if god loves me. I Like how you have to merge the workers tho.
Its an Awesome map, Keep Working on it.
Level 4
May 25, 2007
The economy for each element is different, for that reason their cost's are also designed to match their economy, and Elemental Power cannot be traded.

Favor will be tradable in later version's but since each element harvest Elemental Power at different speeds, their costs are made to match their speeds.

Dark harvests fast in the first night only because they harvest good at night to begin with. Also 1.2k with the first 3 is nothing, since your only aloud to have 6 of those at any given time anyway.

As for earth, their economy I'm taking into deep thought, not because its slow, but that building structures is a severe timeconsuming burden.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Truely badass. Only thing I can even suggest is 3 things:
1) Add Light race. (You got Darkness only &gt;.&gt;)
2) Add a rush like mode to speed the game up, because this game suffers from a slow start and a lot of people end up leaving.
3) Go to your triggers and create another quest listing the commands. (Like allying and so on)
Otherwise 9.5/10, I'll round it off cause I still love this map. XD
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Since the website that hosted my project got hit by its upset domain host, I decided I might as well polish off this old submission.

Here is version 1.21c, It's been cleaned of COUNTLESS leaks that I originally released it with.

These leaks have thankfully been solved thanks to my advancement in Jass coding, and darkwulfv's fantastic tweaking/tutoriing.

At any rate, alot of the old element's are different than they once were, Just as well, you may find a couple new options available in your old choices.

&quot;The element of Light is still Unfinished, I am releasing them under this note, I have yet to finish up their god and have yet to fully balance out their aspect. If you have any suggestion's to assist me with this matter, please feel free share.&quot;
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Good map. Only problems I see, is of course that Light needs a god, and that if you have too many veils going at the same time, cast one or two lighthouse veils, then absorb the light, it instantly ether splits the server leaving you alone or D/Cs everyone (Idk, I'm host so that may be why I'm still there alone). Over all, good still!! Oh ya, I didn't check, did you change the rock income system or up the income amount for them?
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Light is unfinished, so bug's like that are bound to happen, I've never actually had the time to use them in the game so I have no idea what effect's using their trigger's would have.

I'll look into those splits though, I don't see why it would happen but I'll check and see if I overlooked something.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
I found a bitch of a strat to use for light, and seems imbalanced cause of how much it works. They get 3 light temples and get them all too 5000 mana, then get their god of light to cast the attack everything is sight spell, they cast the first temple, waits for it to fade, then the 2nd, and then the 3rd. Killed even my my ancient tree godfather!!! I suggest maybe preventing massing of that full reveal map, like 1 temple limit, or turn it down from 150 seconds to like only 30.
Level 4
May 25, 2007
I'll do something about it, Light is brand new so I was expecting this.

Oh and by the way, the duration of summon sun IS 30 seconds... I'm kind of surprised you let him get all those temple's fully charged, that's alot of mana.

But I found out a good method, I'll add &quot;Extended line of sight&quot; to the temple of light's to make them visible through the fog. That should help players spot them easier and take them out before they can get fully charged.
Level 6
May 13, 2007
Hmm.. Why don't you add a hero or 2 for each element? It would make things more interesting, so if you are fire vs fire, theres a chance that the hero(s) could be a main factor in battle depending on how you use use them. Also, I still REALLY think you need to add a rush mode or something. I lose atleast half my players in the beginning cause of how long it takes you to be able to do anything. You need to remember that there ARE impatient noobs who want fast action.
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Long time no see everybody, I am quite surprised I came back here myself.

An old fan of my map came to my AIM screenname and personally asked me to update the map for 1.24.

I am touched that the map entertained someone enough willing to hunt me down, since I haven't been on warcraft 3 in months. I was beginning to feel the game didn't "spark" that well, but a single voice reached out to me.

I shall hope to drop by again soon, maybe my idea's will start coming back to me and I can get to work on a more up to date (and stable) version for everyone to enjoy.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Hey, I've played through the races of this map a few time just on single player to see what strats there are, and it's a really great map, really awesome =D

Well, I personally found the Dark and Air to be imbalanced on the other side of the stick. While most races have at least some way to quickly produce Elemental power, the Air are a little tedious due to the constant need to use Gust at regular intervals (wouldn't be so much of a problem if either they produced more power or the buildings cost less), and the Dark is just weak in power because of the Dark Shroud ability thing removing 50% of the user's health. They end up with next to nothing gold in the end, and the cost for more of those Dark Shroud users just goes up higher for each one you have, making them quite weak -.-'

Well, I confess I haven't tried the latest version out yet, but I love the Earth race, very powerful and they can get lots of power quite easily. Also love the other races for that, but Earth especially =D. Anyway, good luck =D
Level 4
May 25, 2007

I could have sworn I setup a new trap system for the dark element. I may have a different version of the map hidden somewhere on my laptop, since I remember developing code where the trap triggers could be assigned to individual traps specifically. And I remember testing it successfully, I wonder where it went :ugly: I'll see If I can find it and update this version properly.
Level 4
May 25, 2007

WHOA, holy hell, I just realized I made a huge mistake. I found the ancient old leaky version of the map. No wonder my new code was missing.

Wazzz, Can I ask that you try every element again on the 2.01 that I am about to post? It made several major tweaks that I was intending to release as version G, which was supposed to be the newest version before I took a break from war3.

Since I was too lazy to create a viable changelog, I'll just generally list the changes.

-Everything is less leaky, and less buggy
-Everything was redesigned with timer's to look more smooth in operation.

-Trap triggers can be directly linked to individual traps to allow precision trap building. (ex. Tremor trap can be linked to the land mines, that way flying units wont trigger the land mines from the original trigger device.)

-Units are produced by a warp circle situated below the training structures, these are treated as regular structures so their build que can be viewed. This also allows the training structures the ability to MOVE while training units.

-uhh, I dunno I forgot how I fixed them from the old version, they were brand new anyway
Level 1
Nov 11, 2009
uhh.. something weird happen when i hosted this map..
newayz im hosting it at garena
and by the time someone finished the dl..
they got auto kicked....idk why..

Edit: oh i think it has sumting to do wif my wc3 version..kk nvm
Edit2: woops.. ppl are still auto kicked..help?
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Hey rose, I'm looking into it right now, for some reason, I'm getting the same problem as the people above.

Strange thing is, I ran the map before uploading, and I ran it again to make sure, the map is working, yet when I upload the map, and download it. It seems to be having trouble getting found. I'm trying to fix it right now.
Level 1
Nov 11, 2009
interesting, Never used garena before, I just recently downloaded it, can you give me your profile information? I want to see how people here respond to my map.

acc name: [Devilz]Shusuii

uhm well. we wud hv fun if thrs more player joined us.
but no one wnts to :con:
first off.. the terrain. it needs improvements..:D
2nd, tips pl0x! we all get confused early game
Last edited:
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Ironically, tips are in 2.01 but the trigger is disabled since I hadn't finished the code for them.

They start, but they never stop and keep looping, it was the last thing I did before taking a hiatus. I plan to finish the code for the tips first thing when I have time again.

As for the terrain, I didn't design it, I left that task to Kayvann, I hadn't much cared for the extensive detail of the terrain for the game at the time.

Primarily because I had plans of making the code flexible enough to move between new terrains, so far I have only ported the code to 1 other terrain, which I will repost once I can get the general gameplay worked out.

In other words, Terrain fixing comes last, the tooltips/tutorials are what alot of people suggest are the most important, so I'm working on that primarily.

Thank you for your feedback everyone, I'll be sure to make 2.02 more new player friendly.
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Ok, there's the tutorial. That should help clear up most of the confusion with the game. The terrain is something I have to do another time, since I designed the map to be transferable between terrains.

Does anyone have any other suggestions they want to bring up?
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Do you remember at what game time or moment the game crashed? Did anything specific happen? Or was anything specific happening?

I can probably find out if it was something in particular in my map, any info you can provide would be much appreciated.
Level 4
May 25, 2007
has this map died?

I discontinued updates due to lack of community interest, also with starcraft 2 coming out this month I plan to move my development to the new modding tools.

I had plans to make a sequel to this map for warcraft 3, though I might just move those plans to starcraft 2 instead.

If the map is having issue's and isn't running like it should let me know and I'll take some looks to get it up and running again.
Level 1
Aug 16, 2011
Hello! Created an account just to give my regards on how awesome this map is.

This map is very unique. It's very simple gameplay, but each elemental force has it's own special twists in resource gathering, unit set-up, and gameplay style.

Fire: This is my favorite, second only to Nature. It's quick, aggressive, and gets the job done. You gather resources on the go, even while you attack the enemy. Fits the element well.

Light/Darkness: These don't seem to fit in with the melee/capture and hold style of the map, in my opinion. I guess I feel that this element's forces should have a tie in with how much of the map is revealed. Maybe they get stronger in the day, the same as Darkness does at night. Darkness' units work well enough for a hit & run/stealth sort. The Dark Shrouds need to be unselectable though, please.

Water: This element is good to tie in with Fire or Wind, as it does have the most flexibility. Pretty much the most well-rounded of them all, and it has the best resource structure in my opinion. Very good for massing tactics.

Wind: It took a bit for me to get good at gaining resources with Wind, but after a bit, I had it down. Their forces are very aggressive as Fire's, and three times as maneuverable. A very great harassment element, especially if coupled with Light or Darkness.

Nature: This one is my favorite. It seems to be what Earth should be: A turtleing, powerful tide of strong units. It's one of those elements that you know what's coming, and you know you're screwed. This pretty much goes well with anything.

Earth: I haven't had a lot of experience with Earth, but they do seem quite powerful. Their spellcaster unit is awesome, and the grunts are good, but it seems like Earth should be more of a base-building, elements that becomes really strong later in game.
Plus their resource gathering kind of bugs me.

All in all, I really love this map. It's the only one of it's kind that actually does the whole "Elemental Warfare" thing well, and I hope you continue working on it, at least enough to get the elemental fusion system up and running.
I can't play it on Battle.Net, but it's a favorite among LAN parties.

(Hope to see your map-making skills in SC2)
Level 4
May 25, 2007

I stopped development due to lack of community interest, upcoming release of starcraft 2, and the fact that the map was a nightmare to balance.

But seeing a hive workshop email after all these months is very refreshing, so thanks for that friend.

You host this map at lan parties? Do tell.
Level 1
Aug 16, 2011
Yes, I do. Since the state of WC3's Battle.Net is utterly horrible, with the bots and all, it's nigh impossible to make a match with this map, or any really; which is more than likely the cause for the lack of community interest.

But I was determined, and I got some friends together to play this along with a few others like Dark Deeds, Genesis of Empires II. It's taken a spot in my "need-to-download" maps.

I encountered this map after playing RIFT: Planes of Telara for a bit, and wanting to make my own elemental themed map or something. But I can't map or script to save my life, so I just searched for something to get my fix, and this map fits perfectly.

If you should get Starcraft 2 (if you haven't already), I would love to see something this awesome emerge on the servers there. :D
Level 4
May 25, 2007

That is my youtube channel, I have videos showing the progress of my current Starcraft 2 map.

If your group would be interested in becoming testers let me know, my friend code is 253 on US Battle.net.

I would love to go back and fine tune this map, though after how much has happened I might not have the time to make adjustments (The map is literally a cluster of inexperienced coding)

I'm just really glad someone took the effort to let me know someone still has interest in this map, it really helps in terms of inspiration. :grin:
Level 1
Aug 16, 2011
I was looking at one of those videos. It looked like a sort of altered melee, but with certain upgrades you enable and disable at the start? It looks interesting.

Sadly, my friends don't have SC2. Their computers haven't been updated in about 5 years, so all they run is Warcraft 3 with me occasionally.

Anyways, glad I could help with my crappy pep talk. For a cluster of sketchy coding, it really works together well, and again, if you could do something like this in SC2, that'd be amazing!
Level 4
May 25, 2007
I was looking at one of those videos. It looked like a sort of altered melee, but with certain upgrades you enable and disable at the start? It looks interesting.

Sadly, my friends don't have SC2. Their computers haven't been updated in about 5 years, so all they run is Warcraft 3 with me occasionally.

Anyways, glad I could help with my crappy pep talk. For a cluster of sketchy coding, it really works together well, and again, if you could do something like this in SC2, that'd be amazing!

I appreciate it nontheless, my AIM is ZacktheReaver, send me an IM for a game of element wars sometime, I'd love to actually enjoy the game with some fans.

Who knows, I might actually go start working on it again.

As for my starcraft 2 project, I essentially wanted to do something on warcraft 3 also, but the tools available to me end up making it a cluttered mess, also unlike in starcraft 2, warcraft 3 doesn't make it easy to transfer data to other maps so it would be difficult to have different flavored terrain. (I didn't want element wars to only be on that ice map, it was simply far to difficult to import to another)

PS. I get alot of spam on my AIM, so if you message me, mention that your a fan of my map first so I don't filter you.
Level 4
May 25, 2007
Digging around to try and find the unprotected and potentially uncorrupted version to upload for its final release. I dont know if the version uploaded here is fixable, its been too long since i worked on maps.

But reforged made me want to play my old creation one last time.

Ill get back to you all once i find out if my old external harddrive still works and has the original