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Elder Scrolls content resources

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Level 3
Jan 3, 2017

I'm Medieval, I like Warcraft, but just until Frozen Throne (i'm not fan of WOW), I also like Elder Scrolls (TES), I have a project, I have noticed even on Warcraft modding sites there is no such thing as Elder Scrolls related content. I just think how cool would be to play Elder Scrolls using Warcraft 3 engine, because both games have roleplay aspects. I'm very fan of TES, I like it's lore and I'm doing a fan story about it, I'm using Warcrfat 3 engine to create a campaign, factions, units, maps, etc.

I have some experience with Warcraft III World Editor, I'm still learning and creating content for my project, I'm modder of TES games aswell, so I know some about modding, but for now I'm not too skillful at 3d modeling.

Being specific, because this thread is about request, would be nice to someone interested on creating models, could create the following (for now):

- Oblivion gate

Here its an example :


Image I have uploaded to my TamrielVault profile, just for my project purposes:
TamrielVault - Advanced Albums - Photo View Page - Oblivion gate

And being more specifc:

The oblivion gate is intended to work in two ways:

1.- The same way as "Demon Gate" model works ( Path: Unit Palette / Undead - Campaign / Demon Gate). The main idea is the gate works as a "summoner" of units, just the same way "Demon Gate" model does (on game campaign).

2.- As "Shimmering Portal" model (Path: Doodad Palette / Black Citadel / Trees / Destructables / Shimmering Portal ). The main idea is to work as a teleporter, or also the same way other teleporter model does.

I understand it is needed to add phases or animations to the model, taking as example the Demon Gate model, it's animations are: stand, stand work, portrait -1, and death (decay also but is same as death), would be good to have the same animations phases, most important animations: stand, stand work and death and I would add a birth animation too.

I'm going to find a way to create schemes of those phases or animations, so I will upload them here as images or maybe a video, or an animated .gif could work too.

But for now I would conform just having the static model.

I will aprreciate, even some comments. Feel free to send me a message to talk about it.

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Level 6
Jan 8, 2010
So the models you are mentioning do not 'do' anything on their own. If someone created a model for you, that model would not be able to function, this is something that you as a map maker must do. Of course, someone else may help you, but it's not important to the model maker himself.

Secondly, could you not just edit the model of the shimmering portal to be more redish? Honestly that model looks very close in everything besides color.
Level 3
Jan 3, 2017
So the models you are mentioning do not 'do' anything on their own. If someone created a model for you, that model would not be able to function, this is something that you as a map maker must do. Of course, someone else may help you, but it's not important to the model maker himself.

Secondly, could you not just edit the model of the shimmering portal to be more redish? Honestly that model looks very close in everything besides color.

Thanks for your comment Thing_I , yes I get it, I'm going to update the post describing what animations the model must have. And yes using the Demon Gate model and modifying its skin and also its base shape could be an option too, but I would prefer have a new model.
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