This video helped me understand how hashtables work. I figured I would share with everyone else.
are you high or something? how can you code without lists? I can not even imagine the pain.. "ok guys we need an array with unlimited size to store our enemies, even though we maybe wont use a lot of units until the game has been going on for 40 minutes" very efficient kappa.but they are not that great in reality, just like Linked Lists
I didn't found it rather hard to make this translate into wc3's hashtable. Firstly they only use 1 key while wc3 use 2. Also even if you somehow understands how a hashtable work perfectly you still need to head to another tutorial to learn how to practically use them. In most cases we use GetHandleId(someunit) as a key but that's something you wont know by looking at that video.
are you high or something? how can you code without lists? I can not even imagine the pain.. "ok guys we need an array with unlimited size to store our enemies, even though we maybe wont use a lot of units until the game has been going on for 40 minutes" very efficient kappa.
edit2: why don't they mention normal lists btw? in c# lists seems to be a mix of linked lists and arrays.
"ok guys we need an array with unlimited size to store our enemies, even though we maybe wont use a lot of units until the game has been going on for 40 minutes"
are you high or something? how can you code without lists?