Dynasty Warriors Map Suggestions

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Level 5
Jul 25, 2008
Map Ideas

This thread will be broken down into multiple sections.

  • Game play
  • Units
  • Heroes
  • Spells
  • Items

Please feel free to give constructive feedback and suggestions.

Game Play

Main Gameplay Current - Players choose an officer of their faction and are given that officer's army. Player gets additional troops periodically at their gate captain(s). Players can get additional gate captains by taking over another gate by defeating that gate's current gate captain. You win when the enemy commander is slain.

Suggested Change to Current - That players only control heroes and the armies are on a kind of zone offense / defense.

Additional game play Current: Heroes can pick up randomly dropped power ups (like in the game) that will temporaily double a certain tribute for a several seconds i.e. Defense*2. All heroes are given a weapon (item) that you can upgrade with points you receive for gaining a level (separate from attribute points). You can upgrade your armor, attack, attack speed, stamina etc. Forts (or bases if you prefer) will give the controlling force vision of the area. Forts can be captured. In order to heal you must find dim sum (meat bun), which will be a random drop / in jars.

Gates - Gates will have 1 Gate Captain and 4 Gate Guards to defend the Captain. The guards will be spirit linked to the captain so that the captain will be the last one standing. Gate guards will respawn 1 by 1 after x amount of seconds from their death until there is 4 again.



Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base: ?
Defense Type: ?
Abilities: ?
Movement Speed: ?


Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base: ?
Defense Type: ?
Movement Speed: ?
Abilities: Defend


Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Attack Range: ?
Defense Base: ?
Defense Type: ?
Movement Speed: ?
Abilities: ?


Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Attack Range: ?
Defense Base: ?
Defense Type: ?
Movement Speed: ?
Abilities: ?


Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Attack Range: ?
Defense Base: ?
Defense Type: ?
Movement Speed: ?
Abilities: ?


***More heroes will be added as I upload them***



Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: Mad Bull, Bull Charge, Pummel, and Bone Crusher.


Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: ?


Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: ?



Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: ?


Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: ?


Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: ?


Model File:Click to View
Starting Strength: ?
Starting Agility: ?
Starting Intelligence: ?
Health Base: ?
Mana Base: ?
Attack Damage: ?
Attack Type: ?
Attack Speed: ?
Defense Base:
Movement Speed: ?
Spells: ?


***More will be posted soon, feel free to suggest***

(4 Skills)
Character: Dian Wei


Ability 1: [Passive] Mad Bull - % chance to slam your enemy into the ground (effect like when crippled is casted) 1 sec cripple duration for heroes 3 second duration for units. Each level % increases.

Level 1: Chance 8%, duration 1 second heroes , 3 second units.
Level 2: Chance 15%, duration 1 second heroes, 3 second units.
Level 3: Chance 23%, duration 1 second heroes, 3 second units.
Level 4: Chance 30%, duration 1 second heroes, 3 second units.


Ability 2: [Target Ground] Bull Charge - Dian Wei rushes into battle with a fiery fierceness (Click for Fire Model ) that damages enemies that gets in his way (cone aoe), units hit take fire damage over time (like drunken haze+fire) each level initial damage increases. (See Video "EX Attack")

Level 1: Casting range 700, Inflicts 50 initial damage , AOE 250 around Dian Wei , 2 fire dps for 6 seconds.
Level 2: Casting range 700, Inflicts 75 initial damage , AOE 250 around Dian Wei , 2 fire dps for 6 seconds.
Level 3: Casting range 700, Inflicts 125 initial damage, AOE 250 around Dian Wei , 2 fire dps for 6 seconds.
Level 4: Casting range 700, Inflicts 145 initial damage, AOE 250 around Dian Wei , 2 fire dps for 6 seconds.


Ability 3: [Target] Pummel - Dian Wei buries his enemy into the ground with his axe, causing damage, and making the unit temporary immobile.

Level 1: Initial damage 50, immobile for 1 second (heroes) , 3 seconds (units), casting range 250.
Level 2: Initial damage 85, immobile for 1 second (heroes) , 3 seconds (units), casting range 250.
Level 3: Initial damage 115, immobile for 1 second (heroes), 3 seconds (units), casting range 250.
Level 4: Initial damage 150, immobile for 1 second (heroes), 3 seconds (units), casting range 250.


Ability 4: [Ultimate] Bone Crusher - Dian Wei throws an axe in an arc (kind of parabola shaped) deadly striking his enemies making it difficult for them to move (like when near tornado ability) massive damage. This model graphic maybe attached to an axe. (Click for Wind model) (See Video "Tornado")

Level 1: 250 Damage to all enemies hit. Heroes slowed for 3 seconds, Units slowed for 7 seconds.


None at the moment.
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