It's history can be traced back to DF-17 "Gyrocopter." The DF-17 was perhaps the first dwarven flying machine to be mounted with weapons. It used the famous N-7 engine. This aircraft was earlier used for scouting and attacking enemy flyers especially during the fall of Lordaeron and the battle of Mt. Hyjal. Many flaws were exposed by then, major flaws being slow speed so as to maintain height, loud engine noise, wastage of fuel, bad manoeuvrability, etc. The dwarves started experimenting with it although they would be private experiments. The experimental flying machines DF-18, DF-19, DF-20, DF-21, DF-22, and DF-23 failed. At that point, the humans and dwarves settled at Theramoore Island where the dwarves experimented and formed a double engine, double winged flyer, the DF-24. Some of the dwarves who went back to Lordaeron took some of the DF-24s with them.
Back on Theramoore Isle, the DF-25 was made with rotatable wings. The famous DF-26 was then made with rotatable wings, improved aerodynamics and a much more fuel conserving engine. The fuel conservation allowed longer flight time per flight and reduced smoke trails. The dwarves were content till the goblins announced a fighter plane that would be available in market after 2 months. This made the dwarves start experimenting even more so as to maintain their grip on the market. All their experiments up to DF-35 failed. However the DF-35 "Hawk" was a great success. It had 2 rotatable wings, 1 engine per wing, a more streamlined body, 2 rocket-and-missile launchers per wing, longer wingspan, and better manoeuvrability. The engines used were a very much improved kind of the N-7 engines, the N-7X. This engine has lesser fuel costs, more fuel efficiency, higher RPM, and a lower engine note.