skin is to uvwmap
vellu is to spammer
remember me...
mr.staby from wc3campaigns...i gave you the long comment on your skins...
dont mind that stupid red rep person...rep doesnt realy matter...
...i like this skin...ingame...on unwrap its too messy for me...dont use a sharpen filter and hope its all over...learn to do manual sharpening,(you use gimp right?i dont think it has sharpen filter,wich makes it less tempting
beard has a little too much highlighting and needs more definition,body also is blurry but ingame looks ok...kind of too clean...ive told you beofre and i'll tell you again...
Texture Overlays!
they give your skin mroe realistic effects such as rust,scratches,blood,leather or whatever...
If you ever need to learn to do some skinning things just give me a Private message,ok?
and hey...could you leave a comment on some of my old skins in my gallery
As for the rating i'll give it
3/5 good skin